
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Maybole Parish
Barrony of Denure £1026.8.4
Barrony of Greenan £962.18.4
Kilhenzies Lands holding of the Crown after deducing Craigfinn £455.3.2
Kilhenzies - Lands holding of the subject £317.19.2 £773.2.4
Culdoun out of Blairquhan's purchase £14.0.0
Auchengairn out of Blairquhan's purchase £30.0.0 £44.0.0
Abbeymains belonging to Lord Kilkerran £417.15.4
Auchendrain £501.13.4
Grange £414.0.0
Drummilland £384.12.10
Dinduff £400.3.4
Cassillis part of John Kennedys Multures £359.0.0
Munkwood Garriehorn & Sandyfoord £405.9.8
Blairstoun £274.6.8
Knockdone £273.6.8
Auchenwine £266.13.4
Boigside, Denine &ca belonging to John Houstoun £262.12.6
New-wark £228.0.0
Blairquhans purchase from Cassillis deducing Culdoun & Auchengairn £167.12.0
Pennyglen Cargilstoun belonging to New-wark £189.6.8
Craigfinn out of Kilhenzies land holding the Crown £36.0.0
Ettequin £186.13.4
Mauchriemore £170.16.8
Bridgend £160.13.4
Carry up £7905.4.8
Valuation of Maybole brought from preceeding page is £7905.4.8
Dalduff £150.0.0
Glendys £130.0.0
Grimmett £126.0.0
Brockloch £113.13.4
Dinduff's purchase from Cassillis £91.19.0
Kirkbryde £90.0.0
Craigskean & Multures £85.0.0
Kilhenzies part of Maybole Roods £22.4.10
Thomas Nimmo's part of Maybole Roods £26.9.0
Rest thereof by other Heritors £92.3.6
Beoch £70.0.0
Sauchrie £60.0.0
Burntoun £53.6.8
Gardenrose £50.14.2
Perriestoun £44.6.8
Lyonstoun £30.0.0
Pennyglen McCaull £29.0.0
Cultizeaun £26.0.0
John Lockhart £16.17.0
Bogend £15.12.0
Smithstoun Kennedy £13.6.8
McConchie & Gemmill £5.1.4
Newlands £15.0.0
Of Kirklands -- Acres -- Roods
Ballony -- 2 £13.13.5
Thomas McMurtry -- 2 £13.13.5
Carry Over £9289.5.8
John Boswell Clk [Clerk]

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Maybole Parish

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Maybole Continued

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