
Mark lands Proprietor and lands Valuation Rent Money
[Mail Lands] Isle of Tiree Brought forward £101.13.4
24 Hianish Three pounds Ninteen Shillings and two pence £3.19.2
12 Geatt & Vuill Three pounds Nine Shillings & Seven pence £3.9.7
24 Kirkapol Three pounds fourteen shills. [shillings] and two pence £3.14.2
12 Saalum Two pounds fourteen shills [shillings] and Seven pence £2.14.7
8 Crossapol & Croft Two pounds four Shillings & Eight pence £2.4.8
72 Hainish & Mannall Nine pounds twelve shillings & Six pence £9.12.6
32 Balliphuill Four pounds Eight Shills [Shillings] & ten pence £4.8.10
22 Ballimartine Five pounds five shills. [shillings] & five pence £5.5.5
48 Kennovay Sixteen pounds Eight Shillings & four pence £16.8.4
12 Kilchenichbeg Two pounds Seven shills. [shillings] & a penny £2.7.1
12 Kilchenichmore One pound seventeen shills. [shillings] & a penny £1.17.1
12 Keravintrianvoir One pound two Shills. [Shillings] & a penny £1.2.1
12 Keronakill One pound two Shills [Shillings] & a penny £1.2.1
12 Kerachrossa One pound two Shills. [Shillings] & a penny £1.2.1
12 Kerahusager Ninteen Shillings & Seven pence £0.19.7
12 Keramenoch One pound five shills [shillings] & five pence £1.5.5
30 Ballinoe & Quiyeish Ten pounds ten Shills [Shillings] and two pence £10.10.2
40 Heylipol Eleven pounds thirteen shills. [shillings] and Seven pence £11.13.7
18 Skarinish Seven pounds thirteen Shills. [Shillings] & a penny £7.13.1
Corn Mill therof Thirteen Shillings & four pence £0.13.4
Total Valued Rent of the Duke of Argylls Land & Isle of Tiree is One hundred and Ninty three pounds Sixteen Shillings and two pence Sterling £193.16.2
Mk Lds Isle of Coll
15 The Duke of Argyll for the Ends of Coll his property Fifteen pounds Nine Shillings & Eight pence £15.9.8
Hector McLean of Coll for his property in Coll including his Wadsetts Vizt
1 1/2 Torastan Three pounds Eight Shillings and a penny £3.8.1
1 1/2 Kill & half of Knock One pound ninteen Shillings and two pence £1.19.2
2 Trialan & half of Knock One pound twelve Shillings £1.12.0
3 Gallanach Seven pounds ten Shillings £7.10.0
1 1/2 Arnabost Five pounds two Shills [Shillings] and nine pence £5.2.9
2 1/4 Cliad Seven pounds Six pence £7.0.6
2 1/4 Gricipol Kilbryde & Figarvick Five pounds fourteen shills. [shillings] & five pence £5.14.5
1 1/2 Ballihoigh Five pounds Seventeen shills. [shillings] & Nine pence £5.17.9
1 1/2 Totomore Four pounds Eighteen shills. [shillings] and Seven pence £4.18.7
1 1/2 Totoranald Five pounds fourteen Shills [Shillings] and five pence £5.14.5
[carried forward] £48.17.8 £15.9.8
The Duke of Argyll's Valued Rent in Coll Brought forward £15.9.8
The Laird of Coll's valued Rent Brought forward £48.17.8
1 1/2 Fauill Six pounds seventeen Shillings and eleven pence £6.17.11
1 1/2 Uig Two pounds fifteen shills. [shillings] and Six pence £2.15.6
3 Breckacha Eight pounds five Shillings £8.5.0
1 1/2 Grimsay Arinagour & Achavorline Two pounds £2.0.0
1 1/2 Gorten & pendicles One pound ten Shillings £1.10.0
1 1/2 Crossapol One pound Eighteen Shills. [Shillings] & four pence £1.18.4
Total Valued Rent of the Island of Coll is Eighty Seven pounds fourteen Shillings and One penny £87.14.1
6 Isle of Rum property of Hector McLean of Coll Twenty six pounds five Shillings and three pence £26.5.3
6 Elanamuck comprehending Kile Ballimenoch & Gallanoch property of Hector McLean of Elanamuck Twenty five pounds fifteen Shillings & Six pence £25.15.6
Penny Lands Ronald McDonald of Clanronald for the Isle of Canna Vizt
16 Kilchannick Fourteen pounds seven Shills. [Shillings] & Eight pence £14.7.8
16 Corqhoun & Elangannich Eleven pounds two shills. [shillings] & two pence £11.2.2
18 Tarbert Ten pounds £10.0.0
Total valued Rent of Canna is Thirty five pounds Nine Shillings and ten pence £35.9.10
Total Valued Rent of the Isles of Coll, Rum, Elanamuck & Canna is One hundred & Seventy five pounds four Shillings and Eight pence £175.4.8
Ardnamurchan Property of Charles Murray
6 Mingary Twelve pounds three Shillings & three pence £12.3.3
5 Kilchoan and Croft Six pounds Eleven Shillings £6.11.0
5 Ormsaigmore & Garradil Five pounds three Shillings and nine pence £5.3.9
5 Ormsaigbeg Five pounds fourteen Shillings & Eleven pence £5.14.11
5 Girgadil Five pounds fourteen Shillings & Eleven pence £5.14.11
8 Achosnich Edin & Sann Seven pounds Eighteen Shillings & Six pence £7.18.6
5 Achnaha Five pounds three Shillings and nine pence £5.3.9
5 Glendryen Four pounds Fourteen shillings & Eleven pence £4.14.11
9 Achatenny & Faskadil Thirteen pounds Ninteen Shillings £13.19.0
5 Braynanault Six pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eight pence £6.17.8
6 Swordilmore & Ardriminish Six pounds five Shills. [Shillings] & Nine pence £6.5.9
8 Swordilcheil & Ockil Nine pounds sixteen Shillings £9.16.0
1 Garvalt Thirteen Shillings and three pence £0.13.3
[carried forward] £90.16.8

Transcribe other information

Mail lands -- Page Seventy Second -- Mull -- Valued Rent Sterling money

[Page] 74

[Page signed]
John Campbell Clk [Clerk] -- Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- John Campbell -- Archibald Campbell

Merklands -- Mull -- Page Seventy third -- Valued Rent Sterling Money

[Page] 75

[Page signed]
Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
John Campbell -- Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
John Campbell Clk [Clerk] -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- Archibald Campbell

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Chr1smac -Moderator, Alison James- Moderator

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