Mark lands | Proprietor and lands | Valuation | Rent Money |
Parish of Ardchattan & Muckairn Brought forward | £342.16.10 | ||
John Campbell of Barcaldine's Valued Rent brought forward | £52.6.10 | ||
6 | Achinrear Sixteen pounds Seventeen Shillings | £16.17.0 | |
Croft therof Thirteen Shillings & Nine pence | £0.13.9 | ||
2 | Lettirualtan Five pounds eight Shillings & nine pence | £5.8.9 | |
4 | Dalchelish Nine pounds Eight Shills. [Shillings] & four pence | £9.8.4 | |
1/2 | Derinlochan One pound seven shills [shillings] & Nine pence | £1.7.9 | |
6 | Inverergan Condallich & Glentaill Twenty six pounds two Shillings & Six pence | £26.2.6 | |
Corn Mill & Croft therof Two pounds Eighteen Shills [Shillings] & four pence | £2.18.4 | ||
Croft of Ardchoirk Ferry Seventeen Shills. & Eleven pence | £0.17.11 | ||
Teinds of Achacha One pound fourteen shills. [shillings] & ten pence | £1.14.10 | ||
Total of Barcaldines Valued Rent is One hundred Seventeen Pounds Sixteen Shillings | £117.16.0 | ||
Charles Campbell of Ardchattan for his property Vizt | |||
4 | Ardachy Eight pounds fifteen shills [shillings] & three pence | £8.15.3 | |
2 | Craig Seven pounds five shills [shillings] & Sixpence | £7.5.6 | |
2 | Cadderlymore Four pounds eight shills. [shillings] & four pence | £4.8.4 | |
1 | Cadderlybeg Four pounds One shilling and eight pence | £4.1.8 | |
2 | Dalcadderly Two pounds fourteen Shills [Shillings] & five pence | £2.14.5 | |
8 | Ardchattan and Inzon Seventeen pounds twelve Shills [Shillings] & Nine pence | £17.12.9 | |
Total of Ardchattans valued Rent is Fourty four pounds seventeen Shills [Shillings] & Eleven pence | £44.17.11 | ||
6 | Achnabaw Property of Patrick Campbell Ten pounds thirteen shills. [shillings] & four pence | £10.13.4 | |
James Campbell of Inveresragan for his property Vizt. | |||
4 | Inveresragan Ten pounds Eleven shills. [shillings] & four pence | £10.11.4 | |
2 | Blarcreen Five pounds Six Shills [Shillings] & a penny | £5.6.1 | |
1 | Craigend Four pounds Eleven Shills. [Shillings] & Eight pence | £4.11.8 | |
Total of Inveresragans valued Rent is Twenty pounds Nine shillings & a penny | £20.9.1 | ||
4 | Crunachy Wadsetted to Donald McIntyre Five pounds eight shillings | £5.8.0 | |
2 | Lettirmore Wadsetted to John McIntyre Six pounds two shills. [shillings] & two pence | £6.2.2 | |
1 | Lettirbeg Wadsetted to said John One pound eleven shillings & a penny | £1.11.1 | £7.13.3 |
1 | Corries Wadsetted to John Campbell Three pounds One Shilling & a penny | £3.1.1 | |
2 | Glenoe Wadsetted to Donald McIntyre Five pounds ten shills. [shillings] | £5.10.0 | |
2 | Duo Wadsetted to said Donald Five pounds ten Shillings | £5.10.0 | £11.0.0 |
[carried forward] | £563.15.6 | ||
Parish of Ardchattan & Muckairn Brought forward | £563.15.6 | ||
5 | Glenmacry Wadsetted to Dugald Campbell Nine pounds Sixteen Shillings and eight pence | £9.16.8 | |
4 | Barnamuck Property of Colin Campbell of Glenure Six pounds Eleven Shillings & ten pence | £6.11.10 | |
2 | Glenure property of said Colin Seven Pounds three Shills [Shillings] & four pence | £7.3.4 | £13.15.2 |
Total valued Rent of the Parish of Ardchattan and Muckairn is Five hundred & Eighty seven pounds Seven Shills [Shillings] & four pence | £587.7.4 | ||
Parish of Kilmore and Kilbride | |||
Archibald Duke of Argyll for his Teinds in this Parish Twenty five pounds One shillings and Six pence | £25.1.6 | ||
4 | Ardintraave property of John Earl of Broadalbane Eight pounds thirteen Shills: [Shillings] & four pence | £8.13.4 | |
The said Earl's Teinds in this Parish thirteen shills. [shillings] & four pence | £0.13.4 | £9.6.8 | |
3 | Ardintallin Property of Archibald Campbell of Ballimore Six pounds Eighteen Shillings and ten pence | £6.18.10 | |
4 | Nether Ardeorans Liferented by ____ Five pounds twelve Shillings | £5.12.0 | |
Neill Campbell of Dunstafnage for his property in this Parish, Vizt | |||
3 | Glencruittenbeg Six pounds ten shillings and Eleven pence | £6.10.11 | |
4 | Glencruittenmore & Park Thirteen pounds ten shillings | £13.10.0 | |
2 | Barranchaltine Four pounds twelve shills [shillings] & two pence | £4.12.2 | |
3 | Pennyphuir Five pounds Eleven shills. [shillings] & Nine pence | £5.11.9 | |
4 | Achavaich Eight pounds three Shills [Shillings] and ten pence | £8.3.10 | |
4 | Ardchonnelmore Nine pounds One Shilling & three pence | £9.1.3 | |
3 | Ardchonnelualtrich & Corn Mill Seven pounds six Shills. [Shillings] & a penny | £7.6.1 | |
Dunstafnage Twelve pounds Seven shills. [shillings] & two pence | £12.7.2 | ||
2 | Barranreich Three pounds three shills. [shillings] and Seven pence | £3.3.7 | |
1 | Sonnachan Two pounds fifteen Shills [Shillings] & Six pence | £2.15.6 | |
Total of Dunstafnages Valued Rent in this Parish is Seventy three pounds two Shills [Shillings] and three pence | £73.2.3 | ||
Sr. [Sir] Duncan Campbell of Lochnell for his property in this Parish Vizt. | |||
7 | Kilmore Seven pounds ten shillings | £7.10.0 | |
Dalnacabaig a pendicle therof Four pounds three Shills. [Shillings] & four pence | £4.3.4 | ||
4 | Musdale & Grienaig Five pounds Eleven shills. [shillings] & a penny | £5.11.1 | |
4 | Torrentuirk Five pounds Eleven shillings & a penny | £5.11.1 | |
8 | Ballighown Six pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence | £6.13.4 | |
[carried forward] | £29.8.10 | £120.1.3 |
Transcribe other information
Merklands -- Page Sixtieth -- Lord -- Valued Rent Sterling Money[Page] 62
[Page signed]
John Campbell Clk. [Clerk] -- Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- John Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Merklands -- Lorn -- Page Sixty first -- Valued Rent Sterling Money
[Page] 63
[Page signed]
John Campbell Clk. [Clerk] -- Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- John Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Alison James- Moderator
Location information for this page.