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[Page] 20Edinburgh the Eleventh day of September 1683 [11 Sep 1683]
The Lords of his majesties privie Council doe appoynt the Valuation of the Shire of Forfar as the same is now rectified by the Commissioners upon a Commission from the Councill and sett doun in this Book To be the rule for uplifting the publick burdens of the Shire in time coming Sic Subscribitur Aberdein Cancell I.P.D [Cancellarius In Praesentia Dominorum]
Forfar the 29th November 1708 [29 Nov 1708]
That this is the true double of the principall valuation book of the Shire of Forfar contained in the eighteen preceeding pages thereof (besyds this and the immediatly preceeding page) Collationed by John Lindsay of Cairn and Mr William Gray of Inverrighty two of the Commissioners of Supply of the said Shyre Before whome Mr John Lyon Sherif clerk of Forfar and present Clerk to the Commissioners of Supply of the said Shyre has given his oath upon the truth & verrity of the said double Is attested By
John Lindesay
John Lyone S Cls [Sheriffs clerk]
William Gray
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