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At Aberdeine the Twentie Sixth of Jary [January] Jajvjc& [1600] and eightie years the qlk [quhilk] day [26 Jan 1680] In obedience To His Maties [Majesties] Councell their order direct to the Shirreff prinill [principall] of Aberdeine or his Deputts for Calling for the Collector of the Said Shyre of Aberdeine and Requyreing from him the prinill [principall] Valuation Book or ane attested Coppie therof upon oath To be sent to the Clerk of the Councell Compeared Harie Elphinstoune Collector of the Said Shyre Befor Me John Forbes Shirreff Deput of the Said Shirreffdome and haveing been previouslie requyred for that effect Did present This Book which he declaired To be ane Just Coppie of the prinill [principall] valuations book of the Shirrefdome of Aberdeine And did Depone upon oath That the Same Is a Just coppie of the Said prinill [principall] Book by which the Cesse of the Said Shyre Is uplifted And that ther Is no heritors name keeped owt therof which are Insert In the prinill [principall] book of valuations And also that anie Divisions that have been betuixt one heritor and ane other since the last valuatione In the respective parishes and presbytries within the Said Shyre Conforme wherwnto the Said Cesse and Supplie hath been uplifted Since May Last are Contained In two Leaffes of ane Sheit of paper Subscryved with his hand, heirwith given In and produced In witnes wherof their pntts [presentts are subscryved by the said Harie Elphinstoune as also by the Said Mr John Forbes day and dait forsaid as follows.[signed] Harie Elphinsston, J Forbes
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