Proprietor and land | Valuation |
10 Parish of Fraserburgh | |
[p] Lord Salton Including fingask Two thousand two hundreth pund | £2200.0.0 |
[p] wester Tyrie four hundreth pund | £400.0.0 |
[S] Techmurie four hundreth pund | £400.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] is thrie Thousand pund | £3000.0.0 |
11 Parish of Crimond | |
Broadland Thrie hundreth threttie thrie pund Six shill: [shillings] eight d [pence] | £333.6.8 |
Aires of Alexander watson Threttie pund | £30.0.0 |
Seafeild fourscor pund | £80.0.0 |
Blackwatter Thriescor eightein pund | £78.0.0 |
Mr william Kires Twentie fyve pund | £25.0.0 |
Mr william Robertson fourscor pund | £80.0.0 |
John Scott eight pund | £8.0.0 |
Alexander Hay of Bilbo ane hundreth Sixtie pund | £160.0.0 |
[p] Laird of Loggie four hundreth pund | £400.0.0 |
Mr Alexander Cuming Two hundreth fourscor pund | £280.0.0 |
Mr Alexander Hay ane hundreth nyne pund | £109.0.0 |
Mr william Hay ane hundreth fourscor ane pund | £181.0.0 |
Alexander Dalgardno ane hundreth fiftie pund | £150.0.0 |
watson of Haddo Two hundreth fiftie eight pund Six shilling eight penies | £258.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] is Two thousand ane hundreth Thriescor Twelf pund threttein shilling four penies | £2172.13.4 |
Transcribe other information
Presbitrie of DeirIt is provyded that if the Master of Salton sall not legallie Dispoyne the Lands of Fingask from the parish of pitsligo within the space of Sevin years, The half of the Saids Lands of Fingask being thrie hundreth pund sall be accompted as valued within the parish of pitsligo and bear burden Conforme dureing the present valuation as it was formerlie in the Said parish of pitsligoe
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