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Proprietor and land Valuation
1 Parish of piterhead
[p] Earle Marischall ane Thousand Sevin hundreth thriescor two pund fyve shilling £1762.5.0
Laird of Ludqrne [Ludquharne] ane Thousand Two hundreth pund £1200.0.0
Meikl Coclae [Cocklaw] eight hundreth pund £800.0.0
[p] Kinmundie ane hundreth fiftie pund £150.0.0
Clerkhill Two hundreth pund £200.0.0
[S] downihills ane hundreth threttie thrie pund Six shilling eight penies £133.6.8
George Gavine fourscore pund £80.0.0
Mr George Banerman for Litlcockla Two hundreth pund £200.0.0
Suma [Summa] is four Thousand fyve hundreth twentiefyve pund ellevin shilling eight penies £4525.11.8
2 Parish of Longsyd
[p] Earle Marischall ane thousand fyve hundreth Thriescor and Twelf pund ellevin shilling £1572.11.0
Mr Roger patton Thriescor pund £60.0.0
william Smith Thriescor pund £60.0.0
Thomas Carngill four hundreth thriescor Six pund threttein shilling four penies £466.13.4
[S] Lord pitsligo Six hundreth pund £600.0.0
Fraser of Kinmundy for himself Invervedie and John fraser fyve hundreth pund £500.0.0
Thundertown ane hundreth threttiethrie pund Six shilling eight d [pence] £133.6.8
Aslown for his Ladyes conjunct Fee Lands of faichfeild thrie hundreth pund £300.0.0
Mr william Thomson for the remanent of the Saids Lands Thrie hundreth pund £300.0.0
[S] Carngall four hundreth pund £400.0.0
Mr James Gordon of buthlay Two hundreth pund £200.0.0
Suma [Summa] is four Thousand fyve hundreth fourscor & Twelf pund ellevin shilling £4592.11.0
3 Parish of Strichen
[p] Earle Marischall ane hundreth Twentie fyve pund £125.0.0
[S] Laird of Strichen ane Thousand Sevin hundreth pund £1700.0.0
william Knox fiftie pund £50.0.0
Suma [Summa] is ane thousand eight hundreth thriescor fyftein pund £1875.0.0

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