
Proprietor and land Valuation
1 Parish of Tarland
Laird of Drum nyne hundreth Sixtie Six pund Threttein shilling four penies £966.13.4
Farqrsone of westown Two hundreth & fiftie punds £250.0.0
Gordon of Kincraigie Two hundreth Threttie Thrie punds £233.0.0
william Forbes of Skellater Two hundreth fourtie Six pund ten shilling two penies £246.10.2
George Forbes of Skellater fourscore Twelf pund £92.0.0
Anderson of Candicraig eightein pund £18.0.0
Suma [Summa] is ane Thousand eight hundreth six pund Thrie shilling six penies £1806.3.6
2 Parish of Logimar
Laird of Drum fyve hundreth pund £500.0.0
Tillichondie four hundreth & Twentie pund £420.0.0
Blelack Two hundreth fourscore ten pund £290.0.0
Suma [Summa] is Ane Thousand two hundreth & Ten pund £1210.0.0
3 Parish of Migvie
[p] Lord Elphinston Thrie hundreth punds £300.0.0
Francis Farqrson of wester migvie Thrie hundreth punds £300.0.0
Blelack Two hundreth & fyftein punds £215.0.0
Alexander Forbes of Easter migvie Two hundreth & Twenty punds £220.0.0
John Anderson Threttie Thrie pund Six shilling eight penies £33.6.8
Robert Reid Threttie four pund £34.0.0
Earle of Marr for few dutie & Lands ane hundreth punds £100.0.0
[P] william Forbes Twentie Sevin pund £27.0.0
Suma [Summa] is ane Thousand Two hundreth Twentie nyne punds Six shilling eight penies £1229.6.8

Transcribe other information

The valuation of the haill Lands Teynds and other reall rent within the Shyre of Aberdein, As the samen wes setled condescendit and aggried upon By the Commissioners appoynted For that effect In the Moneth of october Jajvic& [1600&] Thrie score fourtein years

1 Presbitrie of Kincardin

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Transcriber's notes

L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.

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Dauvit- Moderator, D. K. Peddie

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