
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Actual # 1 horse (10s) 2 horses 3-5 horses 6 or more horses Duty 10% per 31 George III
Brought Forward 142 93 18 19 12 £88.12.6 £8.17.3
Mr. Allan McPherson of Shenvall 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Allan McDonell of Gelloway 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Mr. William Mitchell at Aberarder 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Alexander McDonell of Garvabegg 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Capt. [Captain] John McPherson of Blaragy 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Gordon Mcleod of Islandreoch 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Donald McDonald of Broadford 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
John McLeod of Razay 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Lieut. [Lieutenant] McDonald of Kingborrow 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Lieut. [Lieutenant] Alexander McDonald of Airds 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Lieut. [Lieutenant] John Martain Flodigary 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Lieut. [Lieutenant] William McLeod of Unish 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
John McDonald of Greshernish 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Major Roderick McLeod of Bellrmianach 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Neil McLeod of Gesto 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
William McLeod of Oze 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Coll. [Colonel] McLeod of TallasKer 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Mr. Angus McAulay Factor McLeod 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Mr. John McPherson Mercht [Merchant] Iness [Inverness] 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Doctr [Doctor] Robertson Inverness 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Dr. [Doctor] Kennedy 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Colin McDonald of Boisdale Killbride 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Capt. [Captain] Alexander McDonald younger of Boisdale Killbride 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Roderick McNeil of Barra 2 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Lt. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Graham 42nd Regiment F Geo [Fort George] 2 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Major Dalryrumple Fort George 2 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Capt. [Captain] Anstruther Fort George 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Capt. [Captain] Potts Fort George 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Capt. [Captain] Dickson Fort George 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Lieut [Lieutenant] McKenzie Fort George 3 1 2 £2.5.0 £0.4.6
Doctor Maitland Fort George 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Total 178 124 21 21 12 £108.2.6 £10.16.3

Transcribe other information

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Proof of the Abstract
124 Horses @ £1,10,0 each Column 1 is £62.0.0
21 Horses @ £0.15.0 each Column 2 is £15.5.0
21 Horses @ £0.17.6 each Column 3 is £18.7.6
12 Horses @ £1.0.0 each column 6 is £12.0.0
Total £108.2.6
Interest @ 10% per 31 George III £10.16.3
Grand Total £118.18.9

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