
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Actual # 1 horse (10s) 2 horses 3-5 horses 6 or more horses Duty 10% per 31 George III
Dec 1791 Provost James Campbell 2 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Provost Lachlan Campbell 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Niel McGibbon Esqr. 2 1 2 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
William MacKenzie Writer 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Archibald Bell Writer 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Donald MacMath Mercht. [Merchant] 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Donald Campbell of Sonnachan 2 1 2 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Commissary Duncan Campbell 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Colin Campbell Writer 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Bailie Duncan Campbell Writer 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
13 10 3 £7.5.0 £0.14.6

Transcribe other information

Survey Carriage and Saddle Horse Tax. Burgh of
Inverary for the year ending 5th. April 1792 By Duncan MacNuier Surveyor

7 Rates at 10/ [£0.10.0] each .......................£3.10.0
6 Rates @ 10 [£0.10.0] and 15/ [£0.15.0] ....£3.15.0
[Total] £7.5.0
10 P [Per] Cent on £7.5.0 ... £0.14.6

I Duncan Mac Nuier Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify That upon carefull exa-
-mination of the foregoing several rates and duties I find they ammount in whole
to Seven pounds nineteen shillings and five pence, And that upon the 21st
February 1792 I delivered to Peter Mac Arthur Depute to Collector of the Cess
for Argyll Shire an exact Duplicate of the above Account duly examined
and Compared with the foregoing which contained my Oath that Requisitions
were given to the whole forenamed persons or left at their dwelling Houses
of the date foresaid; And that the above Account was made up from the
Returns made to me in consequence thereof, and from the best information I could otherwise
Obtain Duncan Mac Nuier

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G Robertson

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