Hearth tax transcription
Edinburgh : 31th : Janry [January] : 1695 :In presence of the Earle of Breadalbane
Compeared Mr William Foulartoun subCollr [subCollector] of the
Hearth-Money within the shire of Wigtoun , who being
sworn & Examined, Declared, That the forsaid List of
Hearths, Extending to Three thousand, three hundred &
Four score, which are payed; and one hundred & Eighteen
belonging to poor, which are exeemed by Law (there bei [being]
no deficients) Is an Just & trust List of all the Hearth [Hearths]
within the forsaid shire & parochins thereof, to the best of
his knowledge. And that he hes used his outmost endeavou [endeavour]
Conform to the proclamations of Councell anent Ingatherin [Ingathering]
of the Hearth Money to attaine to the knowledge of all the
Hearths within the forsaid Bounds. And that he hes not witt
-ly [wittingly] nor willingly concealed any, but given up the samen tru [truly]
as said is. And this is the truth as he shall answere to God
William Fullartoune
[page] 84
Transcriber's notes
Some words are slightly cut off at the right-hand edge.The page is numbered 84 at the bottom left in a modern hand.
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Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
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