Hearth tax transcription
Edinburgh the 13th day of Febry [February] 1694In presence of The Earle of Linlithgow one of the Lords
Commissioners of Thery [Thesaury] Compeared Mr George Gray SubCollector
of the hearth money within the shire of Southerland Who
being sworn & examined declared That the forsd [forsaid] List of
Hearths Extending to the Number of Two thousand three hundred
Eighty three In all. Whereof Two thousand one
hundred seaventy fyve are payed, Two hundred & three
are resting, and Fyve are poor
Is the true Number of Hearths within the sd [said] shire
& parochins throf [thereof], Contained in this Booke Conform to
the Lists given in to him be the heretors & others
ordained Be the Counsell proclamations, to give Lists for
Ingathering of the hearth money, and that he hes not
concealed any of these Hearths given up in List to him
Bot given up the Samen truely as said is. And this is
the truth as he shall answer to God.
George Gray
[Page] 34
Transcriber's notes
The word "pound", which I have put in brackets, may have been a mistake, and scored out? Same with "Is the true Number" two lines farther down.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Jennifer Thomson
Location information for this page.