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Hearth tax transcription

62 Page

Pa [Parish] Kirkmichaell -- herths -- lib [pounds] -- ss [shillings] -- ds [pence]

List Laird of Ashintullie
In his owne Hous -- 9 -- £6.6.0
John Broun, John Rotsone [Robertsone], Finla Mcnabe -- 3 -- £2.2.0
James Rotsone [Robertsone], William Spalding, David Raitray -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Donald Camron Alexander Raitray ane Kill -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Andrew Rotsone [Robertsone], Alexander Mcuill, Patrick Reid -- 5 -- £3.10.0
John Lamond, John Campbell, Duncan Mcintosh -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Wightoune, Leanord Mcknab, ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Robert Conochar, Angus Mcnab, ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Mcnab, Patrick Mcnab, Donald stalker -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John stewart, David Reid, David spalding -- 3 -- £2.2.0
David Mcgilliandrice, Isobell Raitray, ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Mcnab, Angus McFersone, John Duncane -- 7 -- £4.18.0
John Ogilvie, Duncane Mcintosh, William Young -- 3 -- £2.2.0
William spalding, John Mcnab, Robert spalding -- 4 -- £2.16.0
David Reid, David spalding -- 3 -- £2.2.0
The Laird For His Hous of Downie -- 8 -- £5.12.0
George spalding, David Peatrie, Elspeth Mckenzie -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Andrew Young, Alexander spalding ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Elspeth, Kae, Margarit, McDermitt, Alexander Gordon -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John stewart, Alexander Easone, ane Kill -- 4 -- £2.16.0
David Mcnab, John Jamesone, Alexander Ferguson -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Neill Rotsone [Robertsone], Alexander McFersone, ane west, chope -- 6 -- £4.4.0
John Farqharsone, Colline Spalding, George Leslie -- 5 -- £3.10.0
John Leslie, Donald Bruice, Alexander Mcintosh -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Alexander Mcintosh, Elspeth, Fleiming, Robert Grant -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Robert Jamesone, William Mcintosh ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Andrew Spalding, William Mckenzie, ane Kill -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Tuo west Herths, William Farqharson, Donald Mckenzie -- 5 -- £3.10.0
George Eason, John Fergusone, Janet Mckenzie -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Robert Grant, Allane Mcintosh, Fergus Ferguson -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander Ferguson, Robert Grant, Patrick Mcintosh a Kill -- 4 -- £2.16.0

List John Rotsone [Robertsone] of Easter straloch, In the par [parish] Kirkmichel & Mullione
Alexander Raitray, James Rotsone [Robertsone], Alexander & James Rotsons [Robertsons] -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Alexander Drumond, John Fleimings, elder & yor [younger] -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Rotsone [Robertsone], John Kae, Donald Patersone -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander Reid, Elisabeth, Rotsone [Robertsone], John Kae -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Walter & Thomas stewarts, Donald Mcintosh -- 3 -- £2.2.0
In his owen Dwelling -- 5 -- £3.10.0

Pa [Parish] Mull [Mulline]
Duncane Dulich, Paul & John Rotsones [Robertsones], a Kill -- 4 -- £2.16.0
John Rotsone [Robertsone], John Campbell, Donald Fleiming -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander Rotsone [Robertsone], Donald Fleming Thomas Calmonach -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Robert Fleiming, Alexander Keinoch, Robert Mcintosh -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Rotsone [Robertsone], & Thrie John Mcintoshes -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Robert & John Rotsones [Robertsones], John Mckenzie -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Suma [Summa] Page -- 169 -- £118.6.0

[page] 66

Transcriber's notes

Page numbered 66 in a modern hand.

west = waste, uninhabited
chope = shop
Robertsons, Fleimings, etc. = plural surnames

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee