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Hearth tax transcription

Parochen of Ochterardar -- hearths -- lib [pounds] -- sh [shillings]
Marquess off Montross his interests
John Morray and James Duncan -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Arthoun and John Dinns -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Robert Graham and Robert Hepburne -- 4 -- £2.16.0
John Smyth and John Imrie -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Miller and Andrew Bennet -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James and John Pennies -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James Barnet -- 3 -- £2.2.0
James Barnet and James Moresone -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Osuald and John Mulhen -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Wilsone & John Malcome -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Laurence Crauford & John Herdman -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Alexander Stalker & Robert Pitkeathie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Smyth & James Sinclar -- 3 - £2.2.0
Alexander Callem and James osuald -- 2 -- £1.8.0
William Pitkeathlie and John Moresone -- 2 -- £1.8.0
William Herdman & John Hallie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Andrew Gib & William Cunningham -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Magnus Gib and William Brugh -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Cunninghame and William Sheddan -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Patrick read and Andrew Laurence -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Cunninghame & Andrew Read -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Brenoch and Robert Syme -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Alexander Flockart and John Maher -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John donaldsone & Andrew airth -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Margaret Kilor and John Mailer -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Alice and John Brugh -- 5 -- £3.10.0
John Moresone and John George -- 5 -- £3.10.0
James and John Malcomes -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Magnus Mccallom and John hendersone -- 3 -- £2.2.0
magnus Moresone and Andrew Chrystie -- 4 -- £2.16.0
John Danskine and Andrew hendersone -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James Johnstoun & John Stout -- 4 -- £2.16.0
John Strethie and John grahame -- 3 -- £2.2.0
James and John Strethies -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Thomsone and William Chrystie -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Patrick Smeatoun -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Foot and Robert Miller -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Charles Read and Andrew Chrystie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Isobel Mcallom and John muirie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
William Pennie and John Smyth -- 2 -- £1.8.0
summae -- 104 -- £72.16.0

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Dauvit- Moderator, MimaSan