
Hearth tax transcription

hea [hearths] -- lib [pounds] -- ss [shillings]

Laird off Keirs interest
Donald mckinlay and John mcvorist -- 2 -- £1.8.0
katherine mceun ut [with] a [kilne] -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John mckinlay and thomas mckinlay -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Jennet Donaldsone ut [with] a kilne -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John and gregor mcgregor -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Patrik mckinlay and william Clerk ut [with] a kilne -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Gilbert and malcome mceuns -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Donald mceun -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Katherine mckinlay -- 1 -- £0.14.0

Laird of Lenie
In the mannor place of Lenie -- 10 -- £7.0.0
Donald mcarebrie and Donald mcarthur -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Andrew mcleish and John mcarebrie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Robert Buchanan and Jean graham -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Patrick mcnair and Duncan Buchanan -- 2 -- £1.8.0
walter Buchanan and Jennet mclaren -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Duncan mcfarland and gregor mcgregor -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Donald and John mcnuers -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Alexander Buchanan and jenet ncarbrie ut [with] a Forg -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John mcvorest and John Fergusone -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Lenie and John mcvorist ut [with] a mylne -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Robert Buchanan and patrick Buchanan -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John Buchanan yor [younger] and elder -- 2 -- £1.8.0
katherine steuart and Donald mcnorser -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Duncan mcnorser -- 1 -- £0.14.0

Earle of Morrayes interest
Alexander steuart and John mcfarland -- 5 -- £3.10.0
James mcalester and Alexander steuart -- 2 -- £1.8.0
neil and robert steuarts -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Duncan and John steuarts -- 2 -- £1.8.0
John steuart yor [younger] and elder -- 3 -- £2.2.0
William miller and John mcLaren -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John mclaren and John steuart -- 2 -- £1.8.0
margaret Clerk and Hugh mcfarland -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Alexander and Duncan steuarts -- 2 -- £1.8.0
patrick mcneil & Wulter steuart -- 2 -- £1.8.0
George and Isobell steuarts -- 3 -- £2.2.0
murdoch mcarie and william miller -- 2 -- £1.8.0
donald and John mcmitchells -- 2 -- £1.8.0
duncan steuart and John Buchanan -- 3 -- £2.2.0
patrick and Donald mcBeas -- 2 -- £1.8.0
robert steuart and John Gilespie ut [with] a kilne -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander mccrenen and Andrew miller -- 2 -- £1.8.0
steuart -- 1 -- £0.14.0
[Total] -- 100 -- £70.0.0

[Page] 84

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DANIALSAN, Dauvit- Moderator