
Hearth tax transcription

hea [hearths] -- lib [pounds] -- sh [shillings]
John mercer and Andrew kirk -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Patrick May and robert Alice -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James Alone and James rotsone [robertsone] -- 2 -- £1.8.0

John Alice and William Patoun -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John Mitchell -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Robert Blackburne -- 5 -- £3.10.0

Midletoun of Pitgogar
Sophia Drummond and David Scotland -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James Carmichall and Gavine Alexr [Alexander] -- 4 -- £2.2.0

Linbank and Blairhill
Thomas Gun -- 1 -- £0.14.0
William Martine Schoolmr [Schoolmaster] -- 1 -- £0.14.0

Easter Ballilisk
John Hutton and William Harrouer -- 5 -- £3.10.0
John Ingles and John Mershall -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Thomas Gibsone and Walter Symme -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Robert wilson and John Donaldsone -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Margaret Ingles -- 1 -- £0.14.0

Minr [Minister] of Mukart
Mr Robert Sharp -- 5 -- £3.10.0

Law pitgogar
William and Andrew Patouns -- 4 -- £2.16.0
[total] -- 49 -- £34.6.0

Poor in the paroch of Mukart
Jennet Symm Jennet Jack
John wilsone James mercer
Jennet young John Smeaton
Jennet mercer Alexander morison
Jennet Batton Robert Futt
Margaret westwood James ferguson
Jennet gibson Jennet henderson
Isobel Smeaton John Linn
Katherine Galloway Robert Symm
James Ingles Robert Drysdale
in all 20

[page] 77

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