
Hearth tax transcription

[page] 3
The aires of John Cowpars Land -- hearths
of wasts -- 2
Widow Lowrie thr [there] -- 2
Richard Wallace thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Francis Wright thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Thomas Nicol thr [there] -- 1
James Burnet thr [there] -- 1

Captan Lochs Land
George distone thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
of wasts

Captan Sympsons Land
Andrew Watsone thr [there] -- 2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
Widow Chalmers thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Widow Ratry thr [there] two -- 2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
of wasts -- 3

Mr Robert Jousies Land
Allan deans Constable -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
James dicksone thr [there] -- 1
of wasts -- 2

Bailly Sutherlands Land
of wasts -- 4
Colector paterSone -- 5 -- payed -- £3.10.0

Nunlands Land
of wasts -- 7 - payed -- £4.18.0
Thomas JameSone thr [there] -- 3 -- payed -- £2.2.0

The aires of Hew massmans Land
of wasts -- 4
William Cairns thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
William Burns thr [there] -- 3 -- payed -- £2.2.0
david Bready thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0

Captan Cockburns Land
possest be himSelf -- 4 -- payed -- £2.16.0
p [paid] -- 33
d [deficient] -- 20
n -- 1

lib [pounds] -- sh [shillings]
payed -- 33 -- £23.2.0
defici [deficient] -- 20

[marginalia] £23.2.0 [corrected]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, MimaSan