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Hearth tax transcription

[page] 12
John Andersone thr [there] -- 2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
John whyt poor -- 1
James ThomSone 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Robert Taitt thr [there] -- 2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
Margaret Thomsone thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0

Warranders Land
of wasts -- 17
Widow Noble thr [there] -- 2
James Waddell thr [there] -- 3
Robert dumbarr thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Robert Browne thr [there] -- 3 -- payed -- £2.2.0
John Carmichell away -- 1
John Johnstoune ConStable -- 4

Jean watsons Land
of wasts --2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
James Linn thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Walter Cuningham thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
John mckenzie -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
Robert Kinnier -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
George Bak away -- 1
Widow mosly thr [there] --1 -- payed -- £0.14.0

The aires of Andrew Archibilds Land of wasts -- 7
Margaret Roger -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
John Aiken -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
James Law -- 4 -- payed £2.16.0
of wasts to Andrew Harlaw -- 6
Janet Loch thr [there] -- 1

Alexander Watsons Land
of wasts -- 2
James Lowrie thr [there] -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
William Lindores -- 1 -- payed -- £0.14.0
John Burd -- 2 -- payed -- £1.8.0
Widow hall -- 3 -- payed -- £2.2.0

John Burtons Land
possest be himself -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Alexander hay -- 5 -- payed -- £3.10.0
John hutchisone -- 3 -- payed -- 2.2.0
William haddingtone away -- 2
John Lessly thr [there] -- 3 -- payed -- £2.2.0

James Scougalls Land -- 11 -- payed -- £7.14.0
p [paid] -- 56
d [deficient] -- 47

lb [pound]
56 payed -- £39.4.0
47 def [deficient]

[marginalia] £39.4.0

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, MimaSan