Hearth tax transcription
[Page] 48Edinburgh the 7th day of March 1694 [7 Mar 1694]
In presence of the Earle of Cassillis one of the Lords Comrs [Commissioners] of Thery [Thesaury] Compeared Peter Kennoway subCollr [subCollector] of the hearth-money within Mid-Lothian, who being sworn & examined, Declared, That the forsaid Lists of hearths Extending to Nyn thousand fyve hundred fifty three which are payed. And Eight hundred & therty six which are unpayed, Is ane true & just List of all the hearths of the parochins forsaid, to the best of his knowledge. Excepting the hearths of Fyve hundred, therty one poor. And that he hes used his outmost endeavours, Conform to the proclamations of Councell anent the Ingathering of the hearth-money, to attaine to the knowledge of all the hearths of the said parochines. And that he hes not wittingly nor willingly, concealed any, bot given up the samen truely as said is. And this is the truth as he shall answere to God.
P Kennoway
Transcriber's notes
Page numbered 48 in a modern hand.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.
Borthwick Parish, Carrington Parish, Corstorphine Parish, Cramond Parish, Cranston Parish, Crichton Parish, Currie Parish, Dalkeith Parish, Inveresk Parish, Kirkliston Parish, Kirknewton Parish, Lasswade Parish, Mid Calder Parish, Midlothian County, Newbattle Parish, Newton Parish, Ormiston Parish, Penicuik Parish, Stow Parish, Temple Parish, West Calder Parish