
Hearth tax transcription

[Page] 13
Invernes Paroch -- hearths
It [Item] on Dougle gariochs Land conforme to his testificat -- 1
It [Item] on Inshes Lands of easter lyes Conforme to his testificat -- 1
It [Item] on Castlehills Lands wtin [within] the sd [said] paroch William Cuthbert in Muckavie Donald Dow & William Dirach in Drakies -- 3
which is conforme to his testificat

Urqrt [Urquhart] Paroch
It [Item] on the Lands of Shewglie Alexander mcAlister Ewen mcGillespick John mcDuncan vic Breataich conforme to the heritors testificat Have -- 3

Kiltarlatie Paroch
It [Item] on Kindries Lands Neil Beatoune Margrat nic ean vore Kathrin nein Donald mcAlister Have conforme to the ministers testificat -- 3

Wardlaw Paroch
It [Item] on Belladrums Lands James mcCoil vore Margrat nic Clerich Margrat nein Donald Alexander mcGillichallum Marie veck nein Ewen conforme to the ministers testificat -- 5

It [Item] on the minsters Lands conforme to his own testificat Duncan mcean oig Janet nein Eun breik have -- 2
It [Item] William Bain mcKiver conforme to the ministers testificat -- 1
It [Item] on struys Lands conforme to the heritors testificat Ewen mcean, Donald Wright Beach nein Ean Margrat nein Alister Have -- 4

Allowie Paroch
It [Item] Angus mcIntosh blind in easter linveilg John mcPhaill vic kenich thr [there] Christain Bain vic Phaill blind, [Beack] mcean vic Lachlane William mcean duy margrat nein Erchir vic James, Donald Don mcAbbar & his wyfe, Donald Dow mcAndrew & his wyfe Farqr [Farquhar] Guir & his wyfe Marie nein Donchie John Oig mcEwen & his wyfe Isobell mcAbbar, Marie nein vic Thomas Isobell mcDod [mcDonald] Margrat More Christain mcDavid Marie Fraser thr [there] Andrew Baine & his wyfe Donald Fraser Agnes nein Erchir Isobell nein Alister Marie mcWirrick Alexander Beg Gordoune Kathrin Roy mcniscar & her Daughter Isobell mcConchie Donald Bettie mcIntosh Donald mcCay Donald mcIntosh Lauchlan vic ean mchomas, Isobel mcTame John Beg mcConchie Heline mcDonchie Christain nein Hary Being in all conforme to the Ministers testificat -- 33
[total] -- 56

totall of the wtin [within] page of the shyr is -- 61
[total] -- 117

The poor of the brugh -- 32
totall is -- 149

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee

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