
Hearth tax transcription

[page] 50
John Daes tenent in Banely and his Coter -- 1
James Stenes thr [there] -- 1
James Rintoul thr [there] -- 1
John Robertson thr [there] -- 1
John White thr [there] -- 1
John Normand thr [there] -- 1
John Melvil thr [there] -- 1
Robert Skinner thr [there] -- 1
John Wilky thr [there] -- 1
John Mair thr [there] -- 1
Thomas Cutbert thr [there] -- 1
Margaret Mores -- 1
William Lawrey in over Lapy thr [there] -- 1
Master Robert Millar in Bannet Mill -- 1
Peter Barren -- 1
Francis Mershel thr [there] -- 1
David Melvil thr [there] -- 1
John Dea and a kill -- 2
James blyth tennant in Neither Lapy -- 1
William Watson thr [there] -- 1
William Wishart thr [there] -- 1
Andrew Millar thr [there] -- 1
David Wilky thr [there] -- 1
David Wishart thr [there] -- 1
John Skinner in Lassestour -- 1
John Loury thr [there] -- 1
Janet Cromy thr [there] -- 1
Andrew Archibald in Neither Orchat -- 1
James Guild thr [there]
Helen Adam thr [there]
HenryWishart thr [there]
Stivin Goodwilly thr [there]
Corstens house -- 5
his Mil and Kil -- 2
Cirstin Wmson [Williamson] -- 1
jean Lesly -- 1
Elspet Christy -- 1
David Couper -- 1
Robert Couper -- 3
james Cleapin -- 1
James Miller -- 1
Alexander Millar -- 1
James Balingal -- 6
Thomas Gellitry -- 1
James Guild -- 1
David Goodwilly for Cairny flappit -- 4
thes four not dravn [drawn] out hath not payd

Archibald Livingston -- 3
George Carmichel -- 2
John bonthron -- 3
David Couper -- 4
Charles Couper -- 3
James Balcanqul -- 1
John burt -- 1
Archibald Aikman -- 1
James Page -- 1
David Millar -- 1
Archibald Imbrie -- 1
Mathew burt -- 1
Janet Cramy -- 1
francis Thomson -- 1
George Alexr [Alexander] -- 1
David Garnet younger -- 1
janet Murry -- 1
David Smart -- 1
Cirsten Arnot -- 1
James Elder -- 3
Andrew Ready -- 3
George Wastwater -- 1
George Skinner -- 1
John Smart -- 1
James Smith -- 2
George Mathew -- 1
George Romsy -- 1
William Simson -- 1
John Lumsden -- 1
David Lumsden -- 1
Andrew Balingal -- 1
William Livingston -- 1
George Spence Smith -- 3
Jane Normand -- 1
James Wastwater -- 1
Robert Mathy -- 1
John Livingston -- 1
George Henderson -- 1
Andrew and John Morises -- 2
William Skinner -- 1
George Normand -- 1
Robert Goodale -- 1
John Killoch -- 2
David garner -- 2
David pet -- 1
Helen johnston -- 3

John Rid -- 2
James Short -- 1
James Goodale -- 1
Jane Annand -- 1
Andrew Horn -- 1
Pitlaurs house -- 7
his two Cotars -- 2
John Sibbald -- 4
David Lesly -- 1
James fairny -- 1
William Alison -- 1
James Rog -- 1
William Robertson -- 1
Thomas Lyng -- 1
John Miln -- 1
francis Thomson -- 1
Andrew forsyth -- 1
James Adam -- 2
John Page -- 1
James Robertson -- 1
William Millar -- 1
John McArthur -- 1
William Carmichal -- 1
John Normond -- 1
John Dunkon -- 1
James Kid -- 3
John Gilmer and his Coters -- 3
Thomas McArchin -- 1
Alexander Thomson -- 2
Alexander Pride -- 1
Archibald Richardson -- 1
Margaret Mores -- 1
John Wilky -- 1
Thomas Cutbert -- 1
Mr David Goodwilly -- 2
John Elder -- 1
Stramiglo Manse void
The first side is nintie five -- 95
the second is fiftie eight -- 58
the third sixtie eight -- 68
the fourth fiftie four -- 54
the heall is two hundreth and siventie five -- 275

[page] 51
James Morton -- 3
William Dale balie -- 2
William Dal in Corbyhil -- 1
Bunion house -- 8
Alexander Orem -- 1
James Hallo -- 1
James Ramsy -- 1
Elspet Abernethy -- 1
John Dinguel -- 1
Thomas Morton -- 2
James Melvil -- 1
David Litster -- 1
John finly -- 1
William forbes -- 1
James jafray -- 2
James Anderson -- 1
John Henderson -- 2
William Stewart -- 1
David Dow -- 1
Thomas Dow -- 1
Henry Honyman -- 1
Walter Dinguel -- 2
Walter Balingal -- 1
John fairny -- 1
John Ness -- 2
Thomas Colier -- 6
John Walace -- 4
David Sinn -- 1
John Eelson -- 1
James Tallace -- 1
David Stage -- 1
Andrew pride -- 1
James Galloway -- 1
John birrel -- 1
John Walker -- 1
Margaret Raymer -- 1
John Couper -- 1
George Dury -- 1
Thomas Scot -- 1
Patrick Grisndiston -- 1
Robert blyth -- 1
The Ministers Manse -- 6
Jane Tullace -- 1
Janet Wilky -- 1
John fairny -- 1
William Dow -- 1

the wther [other] side is siventie four -- 74

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, MimaSan