E69/10/1/1 |
[Page] 1
Presbytrie of Dunfermling & Is
deponed upon |
E69/10/1/3 |
[Page] 1B
An list of the hearths within the prisbitrie of
Dunferling collected and extracted from the
particular lists of the said prisbitrie Given
in by the heritors liferenters possessors and
uthers of the paroches respective within
the same to the collectors of the hearth
money appoynted thereunto
Brughe of Dunferling
-- Patrick Andersone Taylore one hearth -- 1
Margaret Colvens tennements
-- John Chalmers five hearths -- 5
-- It [Item] the sd [said] John an kill belonging to himself -- 1
-- Marjorie Woode an hearth -- 1
-- James Haddine ane hearth -- 1
Strachans Lands
-- Robert Strachan an hearth -- 1
E [Earl] of tuiddells Lands
-- Dame Anna Murray tuelve hearths -- 12
Couie's Lands
-- Jerome Cowe Elder thre hearths -- 3
-- David Eddie four hearths and an kill -- 5
-- William Johnstone an hearth -- 1
-- Patrick Peacock ane -- 1
Evillicks Lands
-- Laird of Evillick nyne hearths possest by himself -- 9
-- Thomas Mitchell four hearths -- 4
-- James Gib ane -- 1
-- John Cheap ane -- 1
-- William Nish an -- 1
-- George Chapman an -- 1
-- Patrick Anderson an -- 1
Bontons Lands
-- John Bontone tuo hearths and an oven -- 3
-- James Pringle his tennent one -- 1
flowckards Lands
-- Liferented by Isobell Main thre -- 3
-- Mr John Gray his Lands possest by Andrew Bryce on -- 1
-- It [Item] the sd [said] Andrew Brice of his ouen four hearths -- 4
Summa the hearths of this page is sixtie tuo -- 62
[Page] 3 |
E69/10/1/4 |
[Page] 2
Wilkie's Lands
-- John Wilkie ane hearthe -- 1
-- John Malcome an hearthe -- 1
-- John Thorthntone [Thorntone] tuo hearths -- 2
Brands Lands
-- possest by Mr John Christie thrie hearthes -- 3
Merrors Lands
-- Liferented & possest by Elisabeth Kellock thre -- 3
Huttons Lands Lifrented by Janet Walker
-- Mistres Galbraith tuo hearths -- 2
-- David Sands tuo hearths -- 2
-- It [Item] the sd [said] David tuo mor after search -- 2
Mrs Stillins Lands
-- possest by hir self tuo hearths -- 2
-- It [Item] an uther after search -- 1
-- Thomas Wilson tuo hearths and an killn -- 3
-- Charles Young his tennent tuo -- 2
Andersons Lands Lifrented by Grissell Flemming
-- William Wilsone an hearth -- 1
-- Janet Andersone four hearths -- 4
-- Andrew Smyttone an kiln -- 1
Ker's Lands
-- possest by Robert Broun tuo hearths and an oven -- 3
Whytts Lands
-- Lifrented by Grissell Weild an hearth -- 1
-- Item by Hendrie Kirk hir tennentt an -- 1
-- John Andersone in Westergellets tuo hearths -- 2
-- Mr Thomas Martiall thre hearths -- 3
-- Andrew Burns tuo hearths -- 2
-- William Smyth Litster three -- 3
-- Robert Wilsone tuo hearths -- 2
-- Grissell Towwart ane -- 1
Anna Meikljohn's Land
-- William Person tennant an -- 1
-- James Anderson Wright tuo hearths -- 2
Andersons Lands in the closse
-- John Anderson tuo -- 2
-- Robert Craufoord ane -- 1
-- David Cunighame an -- 1
-- Thomas Hanna's Lands possest by tuo and a kiln -- 3
-- John Anderson Late Bayllie tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Hanna tuo hearths -- 2
Suma [Summa] of the hearths of this second page is -- 62
[Page] 4 |
E69/10/1/4 |
litster 'dyer' |
E69/10/1/5 |
[Page] 3
-- Robert Craufoord an hearth -- 1
Belfradge's Lands Lifrented by Margaret Sander's
-- Item by the sd [said] margarett and her husband tuo and a kiln -- 3
-- It [Item] by Thomas Richardsone ane -- 1
-- David Turnebull Smyth tuo -- 2
-- James Broune an hearth -- 1
-- William Belfradge ane -- 1
-- William Inglishe an -- 1
-- John Mershell ane -- 1
-- John Whytt an hearthe an -- 1
-- Thomas Cunninghame an -- 1
-- Robert Younge ane -- 1
-- John Burley ane -- 1
-- Elisabeth Donaldsone ane -- 1
-- John Stark an hearth -- 1
-- Janet Muddie ane -- 1
-- Elisabeth Elder four hearths and a kilne -- 5
-- James Mores ane hearth -- 1
-- John Steuart ane -- 1
-- Jean Elder thre hearths -- 3
-- Alexander Bone three -- 3
-- John Burly ane -- 1
-- Andrew Hall four hearths -- 4
Boyds Lands
-- James WardLaw tuo hearths -- 2
-- Andrew Walker three hearths -- 3
-- William Wilsone ane hearth -- 1
-- Jannett Eliot thre hearths -- 3
-- Robert Johnstone ane -- 1
-- John Keillore tuo hearths -- 2
-- Mrs Fairfoull one -- 1
-- James Turnbull five hearths -- 5
-- Janet Andersone ane hearth and ane oven -- 2
Suma [Summa] of the hearths of this 3d page inde is -- 56
[Page] 5 |
E69/10/1/5 |
Belfradge is a Fife and Kinross-shire form of Beveridge (Black, *Surnames of Scotland*). |
E69/10/1/6 |
[Page] 4
-- Elisabeth Duff on hearth -- 1
-- John Broun merct [merchant] four hearths -- 4
-- Janet Andersone on hearth -- 1
William Wilson's Lands
-- Robert Mudie fyve hearths -- 5
-- Robert Kirk four hearths -- 4
-- John Gibson maltman three hearths -- 3
-- William Gibson ther one -- 1
-- George Chalmers on hearth -- 1
-- David Meldrum tuo hearths -- 2
-- Andrew George one hearth -- 1
-- Laurence Hendersone one -- 1
-- Thomas Steivenson at the cross four hearths -- 4
-- James Brrymer five hearths -- 5
-- Catherin aiken on -- 1
-- Robert Shorthouse four hearths -- 4
-- John Dalgleish on -- 1
-- Harie Elder six hearths -- 6
Mr Robert Walkers Land's
-- possest by William Bavaradge one hearth -- 1
-- Peter Kairnes on -- 1
Leggats Land
-- Agnes Persone one -- 1
-- Bessie Legat -- 1
Provost Walkers Lands
-- possest by himself four hearths and a kilne -- 5
-- Mrs Orrock his tennent tuo -- 2
-- James Richardson Messr [Messenger] one -- 1
-- Margaret Nicoll three hearths -- 3
-- Janet Mitchel five hearths -- 5
-- William Robertsone hir tennant one -- 1
-- James Walker Elder an hearth -- 1
-- David Steiven one -- 1
-- Alexander Bennet on -- 1
-- William Wilson one -- 1
-- Robert Person -- 1
-- Hendrie Miln on -- 1
-- John Hutton -- 1
Summa of the hearths of this 4th page is -- 73
[Page] 6 |
E69/10/1/7 |
[Page] 5
-- Thomas Huttone on hearth -- 1
-- William Hutsone on -- 1
-- Janet Birrell tuo hearths -- 2
-- Thomas Bonar three -- 3
-- Robert Steivenson tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Hodge one -- 1
-- Andrew Smyttone tuo -- 2
-- Adam Steivensone an kilne and four hearths -- 5
-- James Wilsone one -- 1
-- Thomas Andersone one -- 1
-- William Kirk one -- 1
Blacks Lands
-- William Younge -- 1
-- James Huttone -- 1
-- Robert Bonar on hearth -- 1
-- Robert Whytt on hearth -- 1
-- James Lamb tuo hearths -- 2
-- Andrew Steidman on hearth -- 1
-- John Baxter on -- 1
-- Robert Gardner on hearth -- 1
-- Margaret Aiken one -- 1
-- Patrick Inglise one -- 1
-- James Walles tuo -- 2
-- James Shorts one -- 1
-- Malcome Robertsone -- 1
James Walls Land
-- Catherin Mcgreigare ane -- 1
-- Janet Cuninghame ane -- 1
-- Robert Schorts one -- 1
-- William Waluode of Touch tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Wilsone ueaver one -- 1
-- James Lamb one -- 1
-- Catherin McGreigare one -- 1
Loggie's Lands
-- Five Hearths -- 5
Summa of the hearths of this 5th page -- 47
[Page] 7 |
E69/10/1/7 |
Smyttone = Smeaton
Waluode = Wellwood |
E69/10/1/8 |
[Page] 6
-- -- hearths
-- William Goterstone tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Wilsone on hearth -- 1
Dunkeissons Land
-- John Kere one hearth -- 1
-- John Durhame on -- 1
-- James Mores tuo -- 2
Mr Robert Andersons Relict
-- Three hearths by Alexander Petrie possest -- 3
-- John Wilsone one -- 1
-- Andrew Scotland one -- 1
-- James Andersone one possest by Catherine Mcqueine -- 1
David Horns Lands
-- David Horne on -- 1
-- Janet Coburne one -- 1
-- James Walker one -- 1
-- William Kinge ane -- 1
-- John Horne -- 1
-- John Bellfradge one -- 1
-- John Pottar ane -- 1
-- Elspit Muillanes ane -- 1
-- Robert Waitsone -- 1
-- William Inglish on hearth -- 1
John Watsons Land
-- John Watsone himselfe one -- 1
-- Andrew Persone one -- 1
-- James Meldrum three -- 3
-- William Alexr [Alexander] one -- 1
-- Robert Fiffe one -- 1
-- Pater Mcgrew one -- 1
-- Andrew Belfradge five hearths & a kilne -- 6
-- Margaret Dowane -- 1
-- Barbara Smeittone an -- 1
-- George Steivensone tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Legat four hearths -- 4
-- John Hendersone an hearth -- 1
-- James Steuart an hearth -- 1
Thomas Elders Land
-- possest by John Coupar thre hearths -- 3
Summa of the hearth of this 6th page -- 50
[page] 8 |
E69/10/1/9 |
[Page] 7
-- Robert Hendersone on hearth -- 1
-- John Gibsone one -- 1
-- John Adie Eight hearths and an kilne -- 9
-- William Wright on hearth -- 1
Andrew Symsone's Lands Lifrented by Isobell Wardlaw
-- Isobell Wardlaw thre hearths -- 1
-- Mrs Fairefoull one -- 1
-- Alexander Gordone ane -- 1
Walkers Land
-- Lifrented & possest by Elisabeth -- 3
-- William Hodge tuo hearths -- 2
-- William Waluode one -- 1
Umqll [Umquhile] William Walker Land
-- Jerome Couie five -- 5
-- The Laird of Pittrevie tuo -- 2
-- James Maistertoune one -- 1
-- John Couie tuo -- 2
-- John Broune tuo hearths -- 2
-- Adam Russell four hearths -- 4
-- Andrew Hunter tuo hearths -- 2
-- Sr [Sir] Charles Hackett tuo hearths -- 2
-- Patrick Turnbull one -- 1
-- Robert Dalgleish on -- 1
-- James Makey on -- 1
-- Patrick Currier on -- 1
-- Adame Rotsone [Robertsone] on -- 1
-- John Rae ane -- 1
-- George Williamsone one -- 1
-- Thomas Law on -- 1
-- Hellen Hendersone on -- 1
-- James Mitchell on -- 1
-- David Hunter on -- 1
-- George Williamsone one -- 1
-- James Mores on -- 1
-- John Ferguisone tuo -- 2
-- John Berriehill tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Burt one -- 1
-- John Wilson tuo -- 2
-- David Finlay foure -- 4
Summa of the hearths of the 7th page is -- 67
[Page] 9 |
E69/10/1/9 |
Fairefoull = Fairfowl
Waluode = Wellwood
Mores = Morris |
E69/10/1/10 |
[Page] 8
-- -- hearths
-- Thomas Steinson tuo hearths -- 2
-- Thomas Mitchell ane kilne -- 1
Hendrie Davidsons Lands
-- possest by himselfe on -- 1
-- Robert Steuart tennant on -- 1
-- John Main tuo -- 2
-- John Christie on possest by Robert -- 1
-- John Manie on -- 1
-- James Aitken on -- 1
-- David Maine on -- 1
-- John Lyon on -- 1
-- John Broun ane -- 1
-- Ite [Item] the sd [said] John Broun after search one -- 1
-- James Dewar on -- 1
-- John Huttone on -- 1
-- Andrew Baine on -- 1
-- John Currie on -- 1
-- Patrick Hunter on -- 1
-- John Heburn on -- 1
Skins Land
-- Adame Bradie on -- 1
-- Robert Garlick on -- 1
-- William Londies Elder & younger tuo -- 2
-- William Burn on -- 1
-- William Walker five hearths & a kilne -- 6
-- Alexander Gillespie ane -- 1
-- William Loggane ane -- 1
-- Robert Drysdel's Lands tuo hearths -- 2
-- David Burne tuo -- 2
-- James French tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Summervell thre hearths -- 3
-- Patrick Hall on -- 1
Brumhals Land
-- George Purvies on -- 1
-- James Deuar on -- 1
-- Brumhals uast house in Neithertoune three -- 3
-- Katherin Hirdman thre -- 3
-- James Purvies one -- 1
-- John Steuart on -- 1
Summa of the hearths of this 8th page -- 51
[Page] 10 |
E69/10/1/10 |
Skin = Skein
Londie = Lundie?
Brumhal = Broomhall |
E69/10/1/11 |
[Page] 9
-- -- hearths
-- Be William King on hearth -- 1
-- Marjorie Broun & hir husband on -- 1
-- John Henderson on -- 1
-- Mr Patrick Dyks four -- 4
-- Mr R. Walwode thre -- 3
-- Mr Grem five -- 5
-- Agnes Gibsone one -- 1
Elisabeth Andersons Lands
-- Andrew Duncan on -- 1
-- Andrew Greive on -- 1
-- Robert Henderson on hearth -- 1
-- Margaret Maine on hearth -- 1
William Reids Lands
-- Wheirof in his ouen possession tuo hearths -- 2
-- Agnes Philp on -- 1
-- James Dick on -- 1
-- Margaret & Janet Kellocks on -- 1
Kinnadies Land
-- possest by James Buist on -- 1
[Total] -- 26
[Page] 11 |
E69/10/1/11 |
Grem = Graham |
E69/10/1/12 |
[Page] 10
Landward Parte of Dunfermline Paroch -- hearths
Sr [Sir] Charles Haket & his tennants hearths
-- Imprim [Imprimis] in the house of Pitfirrin and office houses sixten -- 16
-- It [Item] in the vault of Limkills four hearths -- 4
-- James Halket four -- 4
-- Robert Wilson five -- 5
-- James Bryce one -- 1
-- William Lauson one -- 1
-- Robert Baxter tuo -- 2
-- James Young on -- 1
-- John Mckie thre -- 3
-- Margaret Black tuo -- 2
-- Samuel Wood one -- 1
-- Hendrie Rotson [Robertson] one -- 1
-- Andrew Anderson six -- 6
-- Agnes Hoom one -- 1
-- Janet Pillans one -- 1
-- Janet Anderson one
-- David Bonar on -- 1
-- William Adisone one -- 1
-- Thomas Smyth one -- 1
-- John Clerk one -- 1
-- Elspit Bryce one -- 1
-- Ellen Bryce one -- 1
-- William Bryce one -- 1
-- James Adamsone one -- 1
-- James Johnston one -- 1
-- Alexander Cummin one -- 1
-- Thomas Pillans one -- 1
-- Robert Dow one -- 1
-- James Watsone one -- 1
Pitfirrins tennents in Hilton
-- William Huttone one -- 1
-- James Drysdell one -- 1
-- David Burlie one -- 1
-- James Bryce one -- 1
-- John Burlie one -- 1
-- John Tennant tuo -- 2
-- Daniell Bryce one -- 1
-- John Bouie one -- 1
-- James Anderson tuo -- 2
-- Patrick Anderson Keston one -- 1
-- Henry Lauson one -- 1
-- Francis Taitt one -- 1
-- Robert Coupar one -- 1
-- Andrew Hamiltone one -- 1
-- John Lausone on -- 1
-- John Bains one -- 1
Summa of this 10th page -- 81
[Page] 12 |
E69/10/1/12 |
1 missing from final column at Janet Anderson |
E69/10/1/13 |
[Page] 11
Pitfirrins Lands of Kestock
-- Andrew Andersone on hearth -- 1
-- Robert Andersone on -- 1
-- Robert Anderson in the boige one -- 1
-- Laurence [Iriving] one -- 1
-- William Elison, David Anderson, Andrew Cuninghame Patrick Symsone
-- Thomas Sands and John Short in Pitfirrin in given five -- 5
-- James Mairshell three -- 3
-- Robert Allane one -- 1
-- John Burt one -- 1
-- David Inglis one -- 1
-- William Andersone tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Andersone tuo -- 2
-- David Kilpatrick one -- 1
-- William Huttone one -- 1
-- James Huttone tuo -- 2
-- Robert & William Lausones four -- 4
Lands off Orchit
-- Adame Wilsone tuo hearths -- 2
-- Patrick Chalmers one -- 1
-- William Garlick one -- 1
Broomhals Lands
-- Imp [Imprimis] in the manor place six hearths -- 6
-- Item the house possest by David Duncansone -- 4
-- Andrew Yeatts tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Thomsone one -- 1
-- Robert Bade three -- 3
-- John Lausone one -- 1
-- John Wilson one -- 1
-- Michael Christie one -- 1
-- Adam Sands one -- 1
-- Alisone Andersone one -- 1
-- Robert Cunninghame one -- 1
-- Thomas Mitchell tuo -- 2
-- John Fairlie ane -- 1
-- Adam Heane ane -- 1
-- Andrew Jack ane -- 1
-- John Anderson Elder -- 1
-- John Andersone younger tuo -- 2
-- Robert Andersone ane -- 1
-- Alexander Miller ane -- 1
-- Andrew Dewar ane -- 1
-- William Turkin ane -- 1
-- Thomas Wilsone ane -- 1
Summa of the hearths of this 11th page -- 66
[Page] 13 |
E69/10/1/14 |
[Page] 12
-- -- hearths
Broomhalls Land
-- John Andersone ane hearth -- 1
-- James Gibsone one -- 1
-- James Coventrie tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Haxtone one -- 1
-- Andrew Wilsone one -- 1
-- John Thomson one -- 1
-- Robert Donald one -- 1
Eister Gellets Hearthes
-- Andrew Mitchell three -- 3
-- Robert Belfradge one -- 1
-- John Donaldsone one -- 1
-- Robert Inglis one -- 1
-- David Donald an hearth & tuo kilns -- 3
-- George Donald one -- 1
-- John Wricht one -- 1
Turiehill hearths
-- Andrew Cuming one -- 1
-- Robert Rotsone [Robertsone] and Andrew Andersone each on is -- 2
-- Mark Thomson one -- 1
-- Robert ScotLand five -- 5
-- Alexander Strachane one -- 1
-- David Dewar one -- 1
-- Andrew young one -- 1
-- James Stainhouse tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Mudie & Margaret Drysdell each of thm [them] on -- 2
-- William Patone one -- 1
-- Thomas Andersone one -- 1
-- Issobell Kellock one -- 1
-- Agnes Henderson tuo -- 2
-- Mr Moodie one -- 1
-- John Maitland one -- 1
-- John Reide one -- 1
-- Andrew Smyth tuo -- 2
-- John Walls one -- 1
Buldrick's Lands
-- In the house of Baldrick six hearths -- 6
-- Francis Guild on hearth -- 1
-- John Maistertoune on -- 1
-- William Lethane -- 1
-- John Smeittone ane -- 1
-- John Malcome ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Andrew Wilsone ane -- 1
-- John Ferguisone one -- 1
Summa of this 12th page -- 60
[Page] 14 |
E69/10/1/15 |
[Page] 13
-- -- hearths
Mrtoune [Mastertoune]
-- The manor place three -- 3
-- Harie Cuninghame ane -- 1
-- William Bell ane -- 1
-- George [Cumand] one -- 1
Lady Touchs Lands
-- Agnes Bonar tuo -- 2
-- Adam Crame ane -- 1
-- John Lilie ane -- 1
-- Bethia Dempster ane -- 1
-- Gilbert Hay ane -- 1
Walwode of Touchs Lands
-- William Walwoade of Touch tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Ferguison on -- 1
-- Robert Spears one -- 1
-- Patrick Wilsone -- 1
-- Bessie Steinson one -- 1
-- James Mitchell one -- 1
-- It [Item] the sd [said] William Waluode thr [there] tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Wilsone Elder one -- 1
-- James Lamb one -- 1
-- Catherin Mcgregeir one -- 1
Mrtoune [Mastertoune]
-- Hellen turnbull tuo -- 2
-- William Harrouer one -- 1
-- Gilbert Robertsone one -- 1
-- James Rankine one -- 1
Lady Garvocks Lands
-- It [Item] Elisabeth Halliburton & Lady garvock five hearths -- 5
-- James Sanders three hearths -- 3
-- William Sanders ane -- 1
-- George Murgone one -- 1
-- Malcome Camerone ane -- 1
-- John Callender ane -- 1
-- John Moubray ane -- 1
-- John Callender ane -- 1
-- Fedrick Boughe ane -- 1
Lady Naughtons Land of Primrose
-- Eduard and James Craus & Charles Cuninghame four -- 4
-- James Finlaw one -- 1
-- Patrick and Helen Drummonds each on -- 2
-- David Spear one -- 1
-- Agnes Bryce one -- 1
-- It [Item] Janet [Carune] one -- 1
-- John Andersone younger one -- 1
-- Michaell Donaldsone -- 1
Summa this 13 page -- 56
[Page] 15 |
E69/10/1/15 |
[Cumand] = Cumming
[Carune] - cf. Curone on the next page |
E69/10/1/16 |
[Page] 14
-- -- hearth
Lands of Primrose
-- George Currie tuo hearths -- 2
-- James Hew ane -- 1
-- Thomas Westuoode one -- 1
-- William Fergusone one -- 1
-- Thomas Thomsone one -- 1
-- William Strachane one -- 1
-- Catherin Cunone one -- 1
-- Patrick Anderson ane -- 1
-- John Turnbull on hearth -- 1
-- David and Andrew Hunters tuo -- 2
-- David Broun one -- 1
-- John Palmour one -- 1
-- William Spence one -- 1
-- Hendrie Belfradge one -- 1
-- Janet Coventrie -- 1
-- James Balfouar of Baith four -- 4
-- Thomas Balfouar -- 1
-- James Brice on -- 1
-- Andrew Greige one -- 1
-- Robert Couan -- 1
-- John Barclay -- 1
-- William Hewart -- 1
-- James Philp -- 1
-- John Huttone -- 1
-- Janet Hendersone -- 1
-- Bessie Peirie tuo -- 2
-- Harie Philp ane -- 1
-- James Steinsone -- 1
-- Donald Robertsone one -- 1
-- Andrew Donaldsone tuo -- 2
-- Robert McRichie one -- 1
-- Marjorie Williamsone one -- 1
-- Mathew Cheape one -- 1
-- Agnes Broune three -- 3
-- John Smyth tuo -- 2
-- Michael Meldrum one -- 1
-- William Wilsone one -- 1
-- Robert Philpe one -- 1
-- James Sands one -- 1
-- Muring Inch tuo -- 2
-- George Birde ane -- 1
Suma [Summa] 14 page -- 52
[Page] 16 |
E69/10/1/16 |
Muring = Merran, Marion |
E69/10/1/17 |
[Page] 15
-- -- hearths
-- Thomas Williamsone one -- 1
-- Patrick Hatton -- 1
-- John Meldrum one -- 1
-- John Broun one -- 1
-- John Stirk one -- 1
-- Andrew Christie -- 1
-- James Bald tuo -- 2
-- James Niving ane -- 1
-- John Bald tuo -- 2
-- Manour place tuelve -- 12
Templ Land of Pittencreiffe
-- George Meldrum ane -- 1
-- John Robertsone three -- 3
-- James Broune ane -- 1
-- George Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Alexander Wilsone ane -- 1
-- David Cuming ane -- 1
-- In the houses of Killairnie eight -- 8
Robert Waluode of Touchs Lands
-- in his ouen house five hearths -- 5
-- Robert Spear ther one -- 1
-- Thomas Bonar tuo -- 2
-- John Meldrum one -- 1
-- Alexander Calume on hearth & tuo kilnes -- 3
-- Eduard Smeittone one -- 1
-- John Curie one -- 1
-- John Wilsone one -- 1
-- Thomas Wilsone one -- 1
-- John Scott ane -- 1
-- Patrick Allane ane -- 1
-- James Allane one -- 1
-- Alexander Leitch ane -- 1
-- Robert Morgane ane -- 1
Capt [Captain] Durie's Lands
-- Hellen Scotland an hearth -- 1
-- Alexander Kirk ane -- 1
-- William Kirk ane -- 1
Robert Dempsters Lands
-- Imp [Imprimis] in Robert Dempsters oun house six -- 6
-- Alexander Hart tuo -- 2
-- John Bell tuo -- 2
-- It [item] in St Leonards hospitall be Gilbert Inch one -- 1
-- It [item] be Robert Stirk one -- 1
-- Hendrie Mairshall one -- 1
-- James Christie tuo & hendrie anderson tuo -- 4
-- George Deuart ane -- 1
Suma [Summa] 15t page -- 81
[Page] 17 |
E69/10/1/18 |
[Page] 16
-- -- hearths
Laird of Logie
-- William Wilsone tuo hearths -- 2
-- It [Item] by his father one -- 1
-- John Kay one -- 1
-- John [McKulkeir] one -- 1
Lands of Craigdukie
-- John Pitscottie thre hearths -- 3
-- Henrie Mercer ane -- 1
-- John Barcly one -- 1
-- James Palmer ane -- 1
-- David Colme one -- 1
-- Robert Angus ane -- 1
David Turnbulls Lands of Grange
-- Imp [Imprimis] by himselfe three -- 3
-- Thomas Erskine ane -- 1
-- Andrew Currie ane -- 1
-- William McKenlaw ane -- 1
-- Janet Broune ane -- 1
-- John Peirsone ane -- 1
-- Janet Mitchell tuo -- 2
-- John Brand ane -- 1
-- Jean Andersone ane -- 1
Anna Skins Land
-- William Cuming three -- 3
-- James Turnbull ane -- 1
-- John Gilmoir ane -- 1
-- Agnes Broune ane -- 1
-- George Keir tuo -- 2
-- John Henderson one -- 1
-- William Walker one -- 1
Laird of Randifoords Lands
-- In his ouen duelling house sixten hearths -- 16
Cumins Land in Mrtoune [Mastertoune]
-- John Eduard one -- 1
-- Patrick Andersone ane -- 1
-- James Litteljohn ane -- 1
-- James Meldrum on hearth -- 1
Pittendinnies Land
-- James Cleiland himselfe five -- 5
-- John Kewz ane -- 1
-- Thomas Cowie ane -- 1
-- William Andersone ane -- 1
-- John Westuater ane -- 1
-- James Drysdell tuo -- 2
-- James Russell ane -- 1
Suma [Summa] this sixten page -- 67
[Page] 18 |
E69/10/1/19 |
[Page] 17
-- -- hearths
-- Patrick Kouan ane -- 1
-- John Broune ane -- 1
-- Robert Gibbane ane -- 1
-- Patrick Lindsay his cottare ane -- 1
-- John Oanachie ane -- 1
-- Patrick Mairshall ane -- 1
-- James Coupar ane -- 1
-- Magnus Gib ane -- 1
-- George sales ane -- 1
-- Alexander Henderson one -- 1
-- John Gilmer one -- 1
-- John Mrstoune [Masterstoune] in the back of the woods an -- 1
-- David Duglas tuo hearths -- 2
Ester gellett
-- Robert Drysdell ane -- 1
-- William Erskine ane -- 1
-- Janet Watsone ane -- 1
-- Grissell Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Harie Andersone ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Douglass tuo -- 2
-- George Walker one -- 1
-- George donaldsone one -- 1
-- James Andersone one -- 1
-- Robert Burne tuo -- 2
-- Bessie Currie one -- 1
-- Janet Woade one -- 1
-- Christine Broune one -- 1
-- James Willocks one -- 1
-- David Hutsone one -- 1
-- Issobell Couper one -- 1
-- Thomas Douglass one -- 1
-- John Blelock one -- 1
-- Hendrie Blelock one -- 1
-- Issobell Moodie five hearths -- 5
-- Eduard Rutherfurd tuo -- 2
-- George Turnbull in orchitt tuo -- 2
-- William Broun ther ane -- 1
-- James Alexr [Alexander] ane -- 1
-- Christin Durie Lifrentrix thre hearths -- 3
-- Andrew Peacock ane -- 1
-- James Bouman ane -- 1
-- William Bowman ane -- 1
-- David Mrtoun [Mastertoun] ane -- 1
-- John Dick ane -- 1
Suma [Summa] the 17th page -- 54
[Page] 19 |
E69/10/1/20 |
[Page] 18
-- Mrs steuart an hearth -- 1
-- William Mccreath ane -- 1
-- Robert Greive ane -- 1
-- William Mccreath Elder ane -- 1
-- Adam Bris ane -- 1
-- Robert Lindsay ane -- 1
-- John Deis three -- 3
-- James Campbell ane -- 1
-- Peter Cuninghame ane -- 1
-- John Davidsone ane -- 1
-- John Maine tuo -- 2
-- Robert Alisone an hearth & tuo kilnes is -- 3
-- William Lethame tuo -- 2
-- Robert kirk ane -- 1
-- John Donaldsone ane -- 1
-- Margaret George ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Davidsone tuo -- 2
-- William Bavaradge ane -- 1
-- James Peirsone ane -- 1
Lands of Gaske
-- Andrew Rolland of Gask is thre hearths & a killn -- 4
-- William Rolland ane -- 1
-- John Walls ane -- 1
-- George Johnstone ane -- 1
-- Robert Ross an hearth & a kilne is -- 2
-- James Angus one -- 1
-- Mr William Hogge advocate three -- 3
-- Thomas Robertsone ane -- 1
-- Robert Buist ane -- 1
Pitlivers Lands
-- Pitlivers ouen hous sixten hearths -- 16
-- James Primross & his cottars three -- 3
-- John Dausone five -- 5
-- Alexander Scott ane -- 1
-- Robert Donald & his cottars five -- 5
-- James Douglass John Hutton & thr [their] cottars thre -- 3
-- John Primrose ane -- 1
-- William Lethane ane -- 1
Pitreavies Land
-- house of Pittravie fourtein hearths -- 14
-- Robert Stainhouse and his cottars -- 6
-- Harie Andersone three -- 3
Suma [Summa] 18t page -- 99
[Page] 20 |
E69/10/1/21 |
[Page] 19
-- -- hearths
-- Robert Coustane thre hearths -- 3
-- Andrew Main five -- 5
-- Alexander Burne tuo -- 2
-- David Christie tuo -- 2
-- James Hall one -- 1
-- Elspet Stenhouse ane -- 1
-- Whytlaw ane -- 1
-- David Steinsone ane -- 1
-- Henrie Laurikie for wod milne four -- 4
-- James Henrie ane -- 1
-- Henrie Flockart tuo -- 2
-- Adam Fisher ane -- 1
-- Robert Fiffe ane -- 1
-- William Cunnan four -- 4
-- John Mcnaughtane ane -- 1
-- at the coltoune of Balmule workmen four -- 4
-- David Angus and Robert Broun tuo -- 2
-- Bourshall four -- 4
-- George scotland thre -- 3
-- Chalmerstoun for Balmule six -- 6
-- Robert Moodie three -- 3
-- Harie Russell for Balmulle & [tungies] five -- 5
-- James Mudie four -- 4
-- John Green wt [with] Pettocks Walls four -- 4
-- James allaster one -- 1
-- Robert Meldrum in Neatherbeath ane -- 1
Colheuers wtin [within] the privilidges of Dunferline
-- Henrie Watsone one -- 1
-- Robert Mcegin one -- 1
-- Robert Broune -- 1
-- Alexander McKenlay ane -- 1
-- John McNeishe -- 1
-- William Love ane -- 1
-- Andreu love ane -- 1
-- George McKenlay ane -- 1
-- David Broune one -- 1
-- John Mastertoune in the Back of the roads ane -- 1
[Total] -- 77
The whole hearthes in paroch of Dumfermlin Extends
to two Thousand ane hundredth and Eightie seven hearth -- 1187
[Page] 21 |
E69/10/1/21 |
Laurikie - cf. Laverock |
E69/10/1/22 |
[Page] 20
Burgh of Innerkeithin & liberties throf [thereof]
-- James Gibson on hearth -- 1
-- Hugh Black -- 1
-- Janet Currie three -- 3
-- James Millne tuo -- 2
-- Thomas roilson -- 1
-- James Cairnes ane -- 1
-- Baylie Peter Douglass five -- 5
-- Andrew Davidsone ane -- 1
-- Thomas Henderson Baylie three -- 3
-- John Broun Buss tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Adieson -- 1
-- James Wilsone -- 1
-- Hellen Mather six -- 6
-- Baylie Thomsone six -- 6
-- Patrick Dow ane -- 1
-- George Smyttone -- 1
-- Alexander Andersone ane -- 1
-- Thomas Meiklejohn ane -- 1
-- Mr Duncan Whytt tuo -- 2
-- Janet Sharer ane -- 1
-- William Cruiks ane -- 1
-- Hugh Whyt ane -- 1
-- James Low ane -- 1
-- Margarett Fitt six -- 6
-- Robert Stewart ten -- 10
-- James Broune Coupar five -- 5
-- William Anderson tuo -- 2
-- John Anderson wright tuo -- 2
-- James dudgeon fiveten -- 15
-- Janet Mitchell six -- 6
-- Charles Anderson three -- 3
-- Janet smyth ane -- 1
-- Hary Taylior ane -- 1
-- George Ositte ane -- 1
-- Andrew Hendersone -- 1
-- James Broun quacker ane -- 1
-- Rachell Blacburne foure -- 4
-- William Gram tuo -- 2
-- Patrick Forsyth ane -- 1
-- James Mccraich three -- 3
-- Dean of Gild Baird five -- 5
-- John Fiffe three -- 3
-- Thomas Thomsone ane -- 1
-- Mr Robert Hodge minr [minister] six -- 6
Suma [Summa] of this 20 page -- 120
[Page] 22 |
E69/10/1/22 |
Fitt = Fute, Foot
Ositte - Ossett? |
E69/10/1/23 |
[Page] 21
Burgh of InnerKeithin
-- John Robertson on hearth -- 1
-- Harie Scott ane -- 1
-- Margaret Walker three -- 3
-- William Chatto for jean Menzies five -- 5
-- John Key ane-- 1
-- John [Chiuer] tuo -- 2
-- George Hall one -- 1
-- Charles Ediesone tuo -- 2
-- William Cant ane -- 1
-- William Chatt ane -- 1
-- William Henderson sailler tuo -- 2
-- John Henderson Late Dean of gild five -- 5
-- John Reid ane -- 1
-- Elisabeth Taylior ane -- 1
-- John Miller tuo -- 2
-- Allaster Mcgreiger ane -- 1
-- Andrew Harruar -- 1
-- Alexander Monteith ane -- 1
-- Dean of Gild Ferguison eight -- 8
-- Robert Wilson ane -- 1
-- Robert Burne tuo -- 2
-- Charles Hodge Four -- 4
-- John [speaid] an -- 1
-- Thomas Christie tuo -- 2
-- David Hutsone ane -- 1
-- Mr Irving six -- 6
-- Mrs Bennet Four -- 4
-- Issobell Fiffe ane -- 1
-- James Durie ane -- 1
-- John Cant -- 1
-- William Marshall -- 1
-- John Mccleish tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Rew ane -- 1
-- Margaret Duncane ane -- 1
-- James Stainhouse tuo -- 2
-- Peter Wood ane -- 1
-- Margaret Woode ane -- 1
-- John Bell ane -- 1
-- John andersone sailler three -- 3
-- Bessie Dicksone -- 1
-- John Hendersone sailler three -- 3
-- John Hodge an -- 1
-- Francis Henderson three -- 3
-- James Gilmoir five -- 5
-- George Wilsone ane -- 1
-- John Andersone Webster ane -- 1
-- James Steidman ane -- 1
-- Alexander Ferguson Five -- 5
Suma [Summa] this 21 page -- 98
[Page] 23 |
E69/10/1/24 |
[Page] 22
-- -- hearth
Brugh of InnerKeithine
-- Robert Gairdiner on hearth -- 1
-- John [Craih] on -- 1
-- Robert Belphrage -- 1
-- John Cant Clerk six -- 6
-- John Wilson five -- 5
-- William Wyttet tuo -- 2
-- Robert Henderson customer on -- 1
-- John Strachan ane -- 1
-- William Osit ane -- 1
-- Duncan McRichie ane -- 1
-- Andreu Deuar -- 1
-- Thomas Thomson three -- 3
-- Robert Watsone three -- 3
-- Alexander Hendersone ane -- 1
-- John Henderson Leatham thre -- 3
-- Agnes Peirsone ane -- 1
-- John Leikie three --3
-- William Broun Baxter four -- 4
-- Robert Thomsone ane -- 1
-- James Smeittone ane -- 1
-- John Craich tuo -- 2
-- The Laird of Fordell seven -- 7
-- Robert Henderson three -- 3
-- James Gibsone -- 1
-- Thomas Rotsone [Robertsone] yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- Margaret Weightmane ane -- 1
-- William Douglas ane -- 1
-- Margaret Shaddoe ane -- 1
-- Issobell Danskine ane -- 1
-- John Henrie ane -- 1
-- Thomas Craighe ane -- 1
-- Christin Rodger ane -- 1
-- James Wright ane -- 1
-- William Broun tuo -- 2
-- Harie Craich tuo -- 2
-- Margaret Deans ane -- 1
-- Robert Kellock Elder ane -- 1
-- Robert Kellock yor [younger] ane -- 1
-- Hary Toad tuo -- 2
-- Marie Adisone ane -- 1
-- Issobell anderson ane -- 1
-- Janet Fairly ane -- 1
-- Thomas Broun ane -- 1
-- Andrew Wilson three -- 3
-- William Hodge tuo -- 2
-- Robert Moubray ane -- 1
-- John Wilson Taylior ane -- 1
-- William Broun Beddell tuo -- 2
Suma [Summa] 22d page -- 86
[Page] 24 |
E69/10/1/25 |
[Page] 23
-- -- hearths
Brugh off InuerKeithing
-- James Tode on hearth -- 1
-- Francis Henderson three -- 3
-- Thomas Adison five -- 5
-- James Nieving three -- 3
-- Andrew Adieson an -- 1
-- Hugh Douglas ane -- 1
-- John Whyt ane -- 1
-- Robert Henderson ane -- 1
-- John Broun ane -- 1
-- Girsell Rotsone [Robertsone] ane -- 1
-- James Tending ane -- 1
-- Isobell [Hending] ane -- 1
-- Thomas Lugtoun tuo -- 2
-- James broune ane -- 1
-- James Robertsone ane -- 1
-- Normand Taylor ane -- 1
-- John George ane -- 1
-- Robert Smeitton three -- 3
-- William Fergusone ane -- 1
-- The Laird of Menstrie six -- 6
-- David Mccleishe Four -- 4
-- Alexander Wilsone three -- 3
-- Thomas Wilson tuo -- 2
-- Androu Broun Four -- 4
-- Janet Gillespie tuo -- 2
-- John Peacock ane -- 1
-- Robert Man ane -- 1
-- James Marshell three -- 3
Hearths wtin [within] the Libertie tht [that] ly outwt [outwith] the toune
-- John Rankin ane -- 1
-- James Andersone ane -- 1
-- Robert Philp in Ferribarnes ane -- 1
-- William Black in Douloch ane -- 1
-- James Black ther ane -- 1
-- Henrie Milne thr [there] ane -- 1
-- William smart thr [there] ane -- 1
-- William Black yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Stainhous yor [younger] ane -- 1
-- James Hutson thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Hary Drummond ther ane -- 1
-- John Brodie thr [there] ane -- 1
-- John Hutcsone thr [there] ane -- 1
-- James Patersone thr [there] ane -- 1
-- William Anderson tuo -- 2
-- James Gibsone ther ane -- 1
-- Alexander Sanders thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Patrick Sanders thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Adam Broune thr [there] ane -- 1
Summa this 23d page -- 77
[Page] 25 |
E69/10/1/25 |
Nieving = Niven
Teuding - cf. Tewdon |
E69/10/1/26 |
[Page] 24
Kilnes belongng to the Brughe off InnerKeithin
-- Robert Henderson miller three Kilnes -- 3
-- Balye Peter Douglas ane -- 1
-- James Dudgeon tuo -- 2
-- Janet Dicksone ane -- 1
-- Dean off Gild Baird ane -- 1
-- Dean off Gild Hendersone ane -- 1
-- Dean off Gild Fergusone ane -- 1
-- James Gilmoir ane -- 1
-- Janet Stanehouse ane -- 1
-- Mr Duncan Whyt ane -- 1
-- Lady Fintrie nyne -- 9
[TOTAL] -- 22
[Page] 26 |
E69/10/1/27 |
[Page] 25
Landuard pairt off Innerkeithing Paroch
Lands off Balbougie
-- Robert Henderson in mains off Balbougie ane -- 1
-- Andrew Bochannan on hearth -- 1
-- Thomas Couan ane -- 1
-- Hugh Whytt ane -- 1
-- It [Item] thre waist hearths -- 3
-- William Orrock Four -- 4
Lands off Pittadoe
-- The manor Place off Pittadoe five -- 5
-- John Henderson three -- 3
-- Alexander Ross one -- 1
-- Three Colhewers each of them on is -- 3
-- It [Item] a waste house in Pittadoe one -- 1
-- William Weild John Lamb James Stainhous & John Henderson -- 5
-- James Spear ane -- 1
-- Alexander Selkirk ane -- 1
-- David Broun ane -- 1
-- James Hutsone one -- 1
-- John Daes on -- 1
-- William Moodie & John Ross each one -- 2
-- Patrick Broun ane -- 1
-- William Ogilvie ane -- 1
-- James Dudgeon off Selvige three -- 3
Rossyths Lands
-- Manor Place off Rossyth sixten -- 16
-- Eduard Donaldson tuo hearths -- 2
-- Elspitt Cant ane -- 1
-- Nicoll Donaldson ther ane -- 1
-- James Cant ane -- 1
-- Margaret Hendon ane -- 1
-- Thomas Key ane -- 1
-- John Roxbroughe ane -- 1
-- Andrew Roxbroughe Tuo -- 2
-- Eduard Bell ane -- 1
-- Andrew Cant ane -- 1
-- John Cant ane -- 1
-- Margaret Cant ane -- 1
-- John Roxbrough in Hiltone ane -- 1
-- Andrew Roxbrough ther ane -- 1
-- Ninian Mather ane -- 1
-- Andrew Belfradge ane -- 1
-- David Main & David Key each of them is -- 2
-- Thomas Cant & thomas Cant in hiltone each one is -- 2
Summa of this 25 page -- 79
[Page] 27 |
E69/10/1/27 |
Belfradge is a Fife and Kinross-shire form of Beveridge (Black, *Surnames of Scotland*). |
E69/10/1/28 |
[Page] 26
-- -- hearths
Rossyths Land
-- John Christie ane -- 1
-- James Wood ane -- 1
-- John Cuninghame ane -- 1
-- William Hendersone ane -- 1
-- John Bell ane -- 1
-- Andrew Main ane -- 1
-- William Andersone ane -- 1
-- Robert Wood ane -- 1
-- The Manour Place of Sp [Spencerfield] & tents [tenants] tuentie tuo -- 22
-- Alexander Henderson one -- 1
-- George Haxtone one -- 1
-- Jean Archibald tuo hearths -- 2
-- Richard Younge one -- 1
-- William Lyndsay ane -- 1
-- George Sym ane -- 1
-- William Glen ane -- 1
-- John key ane -- 1
-- Thomas Forsyth ane -- 1
-- Robert Dewar ane -- 1
-- Andrew Main ane -- 1
-- William Murray ane -- 1
-- John Andersone ane -- 1
-- John Allane ane -- 1
-- William Main ane -- 1
-- Marion Thomsone ane -- 1
-- James Syggie ane -- 1
-- Janet Greige ane -- 1
-- Alison Greige ane -- 1
-- James Broune ane -- 1
-- Patrick Huttone ane -- 1
-- John Forsyth ane -- 1
-- Jeules Broune ane -- 1
-- Marjorie Cairnes ane -- 1
-- William peacock ane -- 1
-- John Main ane -- 1
-- Thomas peacock tuo -- 2
-- John Broun ane -- 1
-- Catherin peacock ane -- 1
-- Thomas [Pystie] five -- 5
-- Charles Greige ane -- 1
-- Robert Glen ane -- 1
-- William Towres ane -- 1
-- Hary suintone ane -- 1
-- Bessie Glen ane -- 1
-- Marjorie Greige ane -- 1
Summa this 26 page -- 72
[Page] 28 |
E69/10/1/29 |
[Page] 27
-- -- hearth
North Ferrie
-- William Kinnedie on hearth -- 1
-- Laurance Louggane -- 1
-- Thomas Broune tuo -- 2
-- Eduard Broune three -- 3
-- Edward Broun three -- 3
-- Jean Adamsone one -- 1
-- Mary Greive ane -- 1
-- Christin Henderson ane -- 1
-- John Drysdell ane -- 1
-- William Maine ane -- 1
-- Christin Thomsone ane -- 1
-- Patrick Toad tuo - 2
-- James Walwoode tuo -- 2
-- Alexander Mcrichie six -- 6
-- James Douglas three -- 3
-- George Hill one -- 1
-- Robert Philp one -- 1
-- Androw semple ane -- 1
-- John Gallowae six -- 6
-- Charles Quintone four -- 4
-- Robert Philp one -- 1
[TOTAL] -- 42
The paroch of Innerkeithen
ammounts to the number of Five
Hundreth and nyntie six hearths -- 596
[Page] 29 |
E69/10/1/30 |
[Page] 28
Dalgattie Paroch -- hearths
Lands of fordel
-- The maner place & offices houses of fordell ten -- 10
-- David Bairde tuo hearths -- 2
-- Robert Stainhous by himself & his cottars four -- 4
-- James Gairdner ane -- 1
-- Robert Broune ane -- 1
-- John Thallone one -- 1
-- Androw Adamsone -- 1
-- Elspit Selkirk one -- 1
-- Thomas Adamsone -- 1
-- William Bavaradge & john Hutsone tuo -- 2
-- Agnes Selkirk in Boghead one -- 1
-- The cole greives house three -- 3
-- Francis Gibsone Ane -- 1
-- Harie Gibsone ane -- 1
-- William Hendersone Ane -- 1
-- Androw Maild & Robert Mudie tuo -- 2
-- John Henderson three -- 3
-- It [Item] by his Cottars in Clinkhill three -- 3
-- Harie Henderson & his cottars four -- 4
-- James Stainhouse Patrick Harlow & john Collin thre -- 3
-- Robert Williamson & John Grem tuo -- 2
-- John Henderson John Roxbrough Alexander Hendersone
-- George Spence John Fleuker all in fordel green -- 5
-- John Adamsone three -- 3
-- John Harper ane -- 1
-- David Williamson ane -- 1
-- Robert Morress tuo -- 2
-- Charles Rotson [Robertson] & David Spence tuo -- 2
-- Robert Conninghame & William Henderson tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] by ther cottars tuo -- 2
-- Robert Conninghame & James Patterson & thr [their] cottars six -- 6
-- John Walker & William Henderson tuo -- 2
Lands off Leuquhate
-- Manor Place of Leuquhat & office houses ten -- 10
-- the [Rimiltoune] of leuquhat tuelve -- 12
-- John Jamieson & James Anderson tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Danskine tuo -- 2
-- Boigend one -- 1
-- Andrew Mitchell one -- 1
-- Elspit Mitchell one -- 1
[TOTAL] -- 103
[Page] 30 |
E69/10/1/30 |
Fleuker = Flucker
Leuquhat - cf. Leuchatsbeath |
E69/10/1/31 |
[Page] 29
Menstrie lands -- hearths
-- The manour house and office house of Otterston -- 12
-- James Baines an hearth -- 1
-- In the Bankhead four -- 4
-- James Lorne and his cottars four -- 4
-- Robert Thomsone three -- 3
-- John Moubray & his cottars four -- 4
John Moubray's pairt of Cockairne & his cottars nyn -- 9
-- The minr [minister] four -- 4
-- The precenter & Bedrall tuo -- 2
E [Earl] of Murray's Lands
-- The manour house & office houses off Dunnibirsell tuentie four -- 24
-- Alexander Paterson an hearth -- 1
-- John Baxter & his cottars five -- 5
-- William Orrock & his cottar tuo -- 2
E [Earl] of dunferlins Lands of Dalgattie
-- The manor Place and offices of dalgattie eight -- 8
-- John Kemptie by himself & his cottars three -- 3
-- Alexander and Andrew Hendersons & thr [their] cottars -- 4
-- John Stocks & Hellen Low tuo -- 2
-- Robert Ronald tuo -- 2
-- Umql [Umquhile] William Liddell's house one -- 1
[TOTAL] -- -- 95
The paroch of Dalgatie Extends to the
number of Ane Hundredth and nyntie eight
hearthes -- 198
[Page] 31 |
E69/10/1/32 |
[Page] 30
Aberdour Paroch -- hearths
E [Earl] of Murray's Lands here
-- John Rough on hearth -- 1
-- Thomas Michell on -- 1
-- John Makie tuo -- 2
-- David Craige ane -- 1
-- John Readie ane -- 1
-- Alexander Gordoune -- 1
-- Henrie Steivensone -- 1
-- John Wardon tuo and an kiln is -- 3
-- John Mairshall an -- 1
-- Androw Kinninmonth tuo -- 2
-- James Taylior an killn -- 1
-- Robert Heastie ane -- 1
-- Robert Lamb ane -- 1
-- Margaret Berrie ane -- 1
-- James Spence ane -- 1
-- James Johnstone ane -- 1
-- George Moodiss ane -- 1
-- William Aitken ane -- 1
-- James Weymes ane -- 1
-- Robert Lathangie ane -- 1
-- John Henderson tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Makie seven -- 7
-- John Phine one -- 1
-- George Liddell tuo -- 2
-- John Sanders an -- 1
-- William Hutsone ane -- 1
-- James Andersone tuo -- 2
-- James Richie ane -- 1
-- James Makie ane -- 1
-- Alexander Bell four -- 4
-- John Wilson tuo -- 2
-- Robert Bell ane -- 1
-- John Maine ane -- 1
-- William Wilsone tuo -- 2
-- Robert Gairdner one -- 1
-- John Wilsone one -- 1
-- Alexander Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Andrew allane ane -- 1
-- Robert Blaickuoade tuo -- 2
-- James Aiken ane -- 1
-- Adam Cuming ane -- 1
-- Robert Walwode on and an oven -- 2
-- Alison Warden ane -- 1
-- Thomas Boide ane -- 1
-- James Taylior tuo -- 2
Summa 30 page -- 66
[Page] 32 |
E69/10/1/33 |
[Page] 31
-- -- hearths
-- John Kirk on hearth -- 1
-- Andrew Cusing ane -- 1
-- Florence Crafurd tuo -- 2
-- James Goodall ane -- 1
-- Androw Shadow ane -- 1
-- James Baitsone in Bucklivie ane -- 1
-- Jams Deuar ther ane -- 1
-- James Colzer ther ane -- 1
-- It [Item] Three Cottars ther three -- 3
-- William Hutsone ane -- 1
-- Robert Loughtie ane -- 1
-- Thomas Richie ane -- 1
-- It [Item] his Cottare ane -- 1
-- David Andersone ane -- 1
-- James Stewart ane -- 1
-- It [Item] the sd [said] John Warden ane after search. -- 1
Menstries lands in aberdouar pa [paroch]
-- The manor hous of Coustoun six hearths -- 6
-- William Baxter ane -- 1
-- Robert Hunter ane -- 1
-- Frank Harp ane -- 1
-- James Lyell ane -- 1
-- Gilbert Lyell ane -- 1
-- Robert Andersone ane -- 1
-- Margaret Andersone ane -- 1
Cuthell hills
-- William Wyems of Cuthil hills three -- 3
-- Patrick Broune tuo -- 2
-- Bessie Coock ane -- 1
-- Henrie Lathangie ane -- 1
-- William Maitland ane -- 1
-- John Moyes ane -- 1
-- William Leystter ane -- 1
-- David Martine ane -- 1
-- John Berrage ane -- 1
Mr Francis Steuart's Lands heir.
-- Henrie Loue an hearth -- 1
-- his Cottars tuo -- 2
-- John Alexr [Alexander] ther ane -- 1
-- his Cottar ane -- 1
-- William Rowane tuo -- 2
-- David Wishart ane -- 1
-- Robert Moyes an hearth and tuo kilnes -- 3
Summa of this 31 page is -- 55
[Page] 33 |
E69/10/1/34 |
[Page] 32
-- -- hearths
Pitffirrens Lands heir
-- William Andersone on hearth -- 1
-- John Webster one -- 1
-- James Orchat in Balranie and his cottars four -- 4
E [Earl] of Mortons Lands
-- In the manour place seven hearths -- 7
-- James Bennet and his cottar tuo -- 2
-- John Sanders one -- 1
-- James Kinell one -- 1
-- Alexander Beanes tuo -- 2
-- James Kirkland one -- 1
-- Bessie Johnstoune one -- 1
-- John Steivensone tuo -- 2
-- James Steuart tuo -- 2
-- James Wilsone ane -- 1
-- James Hume ane -- 1
-- James Gib ane -- 1
-- James Drysdell ane -- 1
-- Thomas Livingstone -- 1
-- William Angus ane -- 1
-- Mathew Callender one -- 1
-- William Shawe ane -- 1
-- Janet Drysdell ane -- 1
-- John Smyth ane -- 1
-- William Cairnes ane -- 1
-- James Flemming tuo -- 2
-- Nan Kierre ane -- 1
-- William Lamb tuo -- 2
-- Robert Steivinsone one -- 1
-- James Alexr [Alexander] one -- 1
-- William Currer one -- 1
-- James Cock one -- 1
-- James Thomsone ane -- 1
-- James Wardlaw ane -- 1
-- James Johnstoune -- 1
-- Issobell sanders tuo and on after search is -- 3
-- David Cusin one -- 1
-- William Hendersone one -- 1
-- James Douie ane -- 1
-- James Rae ane -- 1
-- James Turnbull ane -- 1
-- Mrs Patone ane -- 1
-- It [Item] Mrs Patone ane uthr [uther] -- 1
Summa this 32 page -- 58
[Page] 34 |
E69/10/1/35 |
[Page] 33
-- -- hearths
-- William Andersone one hearth -- 1
-- Mrs Abercrombie ane -- 1
-- James Cusine ane -- 1
-- James Angus ane -- 1
-- James Steivinsone tuo -- 2
-- James Rae Elder ane -- 1
-- Andrew Allane ane -- 1
-- James Keir one -- 1
-- Richard Goodaille -- 1
-- John Anderson ane -- 1
-- Mrs Abercrumbie and James Rae Elder each on -- 2
-- James Phin in Whythill on hearth -- 1
-- James murray an hearth -- 1
-- Robert Venterr ane -- 1
Tempellhalls Lands
-- Robert Steivinsone of tempelhall three -- 3
-- Alexander Miller ane -- 1
-- David Jack ane -- 1
Balmoolls Land heir
-- John Johnstoune tuo hearths -- 2
-- David Whyt ane -- 1
-- Androw Finlasone tuo -- 2
-- John Steinson and Alexander Miller his cottar -- 2
-- John Mccalaw three -- 3
-- James Betsone ane -- 1
-- Wiliam Hutsone in neutone tuo -- 2
-- Robert Moyes in west milne ane -- 1
-- Robert Richie off Groggray four -- 4
-- Patrick Taylior tuo -- 2
-- John Steivensone in over balmool ane -- 1
-- Henrie Lou in Cullullo ane -- 1
-- William Anderson in Beupray -- 1
-- John morers ane -- 1
-- Thomas miller ane -- 1
-- Jean Martine ane -- 1
-- Andrew Patersone -- 1
-- Robert Martine ane -- 1
-- Andrew Thomsone ane -- 1
-- Alexander Ride ane -- 1
-- George Leathane ane -- 1
-- James [McMair] -- 1
[TOTAL] page 33 -- 52
[Page] 35 |
E69/10/1/35 |
Beupray = Bouprie |
E69/10/1/36 |
[Page] 34
-- -- hearths
-- David Mcillfreish ane -- 1
-- David Mairshell ane -- 1
-- John Fleucar ane -- 1
-- Robert sinclare ane -- 1
-- James Goodaill -- 1
Aberdoure paroch Extends to
the number of Tuo Hundreth and
thretie six hearthes -- 236
Baith Paroch
E [Earl] Murrays Lands off hiltoune
-- Robert Hutton thre hearths -- 3
-- Andrew horne one -- 1
-- Margaret Horne one -- 1
-- William Dick ane -- 1
-- John Gray ane -- 1
-- Thomas Kellock ane -- 1
-- Jainet Hodge ane -- 1
-- David Gray ane -- 1
-- James Meikle ane -- 1
-- Janet Hodge ane -- 1
-- Alexander Broune ane -- 1
-- John Robertsone ane -- 1
-- John Dowie ane -- 1
-- John Touch ane -- 1
E [Earl] Murray's Lands off neithertoun
-- David Readie ane -- 1
-- John and Thomas Smiths eac of thm [them] an -- 2
-- Henry Stark ane -- 1
-- Alexander Broun ane -- 1
-- George Buchannan ane -- 1
-- William Wallace ane -- 1
Summa this 34th page -- 28
[Page] 36 |
E69/10/1/36 |
Fleucar = Flucker |
E69/10/1/37 |
[Page] 35
-- -- hearths
-- Janet McFarlane tuo -- 2
-- James Barclay Four -- 4
-- William McFarlane one -- 1
-- Marjory Laing one -- 1
-- Arcbald hodge one -- 1
-- James Adamsone -- 1
-- John Belfradge one -- 1
E [Earl] murray's land of Kircktoun of Beth
-- James Beatson on -- 1
-- Agnes Reide four -- 4
-- John Redie ane -- 1
-- Henrie Stark ane -- 1
-- William Angus ane -- 1
-- William Dick ane -- 1
Craig Beath
-- John Lauson ane -- 1
-- John Miller ane -- 1
-- James Gilbert ane -- 1
-- Thomas Riddoch ane -- 1
Moortoun off Baith
-- Nicoll [Lecock] ane -- 1
-- William Hodge ane -- 1
-- Thomas Catrone ane -- 1
Holl miln
-- Alexandre Wyld on hearth tuo kilns -- 3
-- Richard Wyld ane -- 1
-- Isobell Hunter ane -- 1
-- John Beatson tuo -- 2
-- George Burnet ane -- 1
-- It [Item] an waist house ane -- 1
-- David Broun ane -- 1
-- John Coalzier ane -- 1
-- James Smythe ane -- 1
-- William Erskine ane -- 1
Leuchat Baith
-- David Tode ane -- 1
-- It [Item] three cottars three -- 3
-- James Turnbull ane -- 1
Rascobies Lands
-- Adam Peacock three -- 3
-- John Stewart ane -- 1
-- George Morgen tuo -- 2
Summa this 35 page -- 51
[Page] 37 |
E69/10/1/38 |
[Page] 36
-- -- hearths
Rascobies Land
-- Robert morgon on hearth -- 1
-- James Crauford tuo -- 2
-- Androu Inglise three -- 3
-- James Inglis ane -- 1
-- Peter Buist ane -- 1
--William Campbell ane -- 1
-- David Hoage ane -- 1
-- William Livingstone ane -- 1
-- in wood end Rascobies house seven -- 7
-- George Aiken four -- 4
-- John bow tuo -- 2
-- Duncan Grant ane -- 1
-- David Sympsone ane -- 1
-- John Herone ane -- 1
-- Robert Rabrone ane -- 1
-- John Rabrone ane -- 1
-- William Spittell ane -- 1
-- Walter Mcferlin four hearths -- 4
-- Georg Smithe one -- 1
-- William Futt and John Makie eight -- 8
-- James Hendersone four -- 4
-- David Weir ane -- 1
-- Patrick Malloch one -- 1
Lassodies Lands
-- In the maner hous seven hearths -- 7
-- David Bavaradge on -- 1
-- David Balfouar one -- 1
-- William Herringe one -- 1
-- John Frissell one -- 1
-- Robert Wells one -- 1
-- Alexander Martine ane -- 1
-- Thomas Golline ane -- 1
-- James Livistoune tuo -- 2
-- Patrick Lamb ane -- 1
-- John Craufoord ane -- 1
-- James Livistone ane -- 1
-- David Black tuo -- 2
-- John Steill ane -- 1
-- William Angus ane -- 1
Moss syd
-- John Walls thre hearths & a kiln is four -- 4
-- Robert Buchan ane -- 1
-- James Coyliar ane -- 1
-- William Colzear ane -- 1
-- Janet Blackwoode ane -- 1
Sum [Summa] 36 pag -- 80
[Page] 38 |
E69/10/1/38 |
Coyliar, Colzear = Collier |
E69/10/1/39 |
[Page] 37
-- -- hearth
-- James Kellock three hearths -- 3
-- John Mullions ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Dick ane -- 1
Suintons Baith
-- John Deuar ane -- 1
-- It [Item] his cottare ane -- 1
Black of Cocklaw
-- John Black ane -- 1
-- John Black his sone three -- 3
-- It [Item] an killne ane -- 1
-- William Richie & Robert Broune each of the [them] ane -- 2
-- Alexander Wardlaw & George Bennet -- 2
Wyndie Edge
-- James Kellock & his cottare tuo -- 2
Goldens Bathe
-- John Mores yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- George Mores ane -- 1
-- James Inglis ane -- 1
-- John Mores Elder one -- 1
-- Alexander Wales one -- 1
-- John Smith tuo -- 2
-- John & Hendrie Patersones three -- 3
-- David Glass one -- 1
Pittcotties Baith
-- David Pitscotties three hearths and a kill four -- 4
-- William Falconer William Orrock & John Inglis three -- 3
-- James Donaldsone ane -- 1
-- Thomas Moodie and his mother in Law -- 4
-- Thomas Livingstoune ane -- 1
-- John Inglis in Suintones Baith three -- 3
-- Robert Hendersone & David [Greib] one each of thm [them] -- 2
Syme of Whythouse
-- David Sym tuo hearths and a kilne -- 3
-- Robert Huttone three -- 3
-- George Walls one -- 1
-- David Syme one -- 1
-- William Syme one -- 1
-- Andrew hill ane -- 1
-- James Peirsone ane -- 1
-- Marjorie Milne ane -- 1
Halkerstounes Baith
-- David Knox ane -- 1
-- Janet Mitchell his cottare ane -- 1
Summa this 37 page -- 62
[Page] 39 |
E69/10/1/40 |
[Page] 38
-- -- hearths
Aiken of Thorntoune
-- John Aitken thre hearths -- 3
-- William Johnstone one -- 1
-- William Robertsone ane -- 1
Bonaloues Beaith
-- Robert Mudies tuo hearths -- 2
-- William Inglis on and a kiln at ruin -- 2
-- Agnes Palmer ane -- 1
-- James Coupare Ane -- 1
-- Thomas Andersone ane -- 1
-- Margaret Turner ane -- 1
Steivinson Baith
-- John Steinsone an hearth and a kiln -- 2
-- Janet Mackie his mother ane -- 1
-- John Hendersone one -- 1
[SUB-TOTAL] -- -- 17
-- The ministers Mans Fyve -- 5
[TOTAL] -- -- 22
The paroch of Baith Extends to the
number of Tua hundreth and Thretie
Eight -- 238
[Page] 40 |
E69/10/1/40 |
Bonaloues = Bonally's |
E69/10/1/41 |
[Page] 39
Cleishe Paroch -- hearths
My Lord Colvill's Lands
-- The maner place and office houses of Cleish -- 15
-- Morlot bank thre hearths -- 3
-- John angus one -- 1
-- John Brand one -- 1
-- Adam Brand ane -- 1
-- George Sim tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Thomsone ane -- 1
-- James Low ane -- 1
-- George arnot ane -- 1
-- William Peirsone ane -- 1
-- David Barclaw one -- 1
-- William Young ane -- 1
-- John Meldrum ane -- 1
-- Robert Meldrum ane -- 1
-- John Hwttone one -- 1
-- John Lauson one -- 1
-- Thomas Brand one -- 1
-- Robert livingstone -- 1
-- David Farie ane -- 1
-- Paffales tuo -- 2
-- James Livingstone tuo -- 2
-- Marjorie Andersone one -- 1
-- William Mairshall one -- 1
-- Andrew Arnot one -- 1
-- George Hendersone one -- 1
-- Alexander Hutone ane -- 1
-- John Bennete ane -- 1
-- John Barclay tuo -- 2
-- William Hogane ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Meldrum one -- 1
-- William Lyndsay tuo -- 2
-- George Hoy & his cottar -- 2
-- George Barclay & his cottars three -- 3
-- David Milne three -- 3
Dowhills Land
-- The house of Dowhill fourten h hearths -- 14
-- The Frox Four -- 4
-- John Bennet Four -- 4
-- James Badie ane -- 1
-- David lillie three -- 3
-- John Kid ane -- 1
-- Thomas Thomson ane -- 1
-- John Wilsone ane -- 1
Summa this 39 page -- 89
[Page] 41 |
E69/10/1/41 |
Frox = Fruix |
E69/10/1/42 |
[Page] 40
-- -- hearth
Dowhills Land
-- Alexander Leslie an hearth -- 1
-- James Russell ane -- 1
-- Laurance Wales ane -- 1
-- Richard Black ane -- 1
-- Jean Whytt ane -- 1
-- James Inglis ane -- 1
-- John Arnott ane -- 1
-- William Livingstone ane -- 1
-- David Thalone ane -- 1
-- Robert Andersone -- 1
-- David andersone -- 1
-- Thomas Hoge ane -- 1
-- William Caldstreame tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Andersone three -- 3
-- John Bennett ane -- 1
-- John miller ane -- 1
-- Robert Wallace ane -- 1
-- Adam Livingstone one -- 1
-- David Hutone one -- 1
-- John Louthian ane -- 1
-- John Blackuoade in Paranuall -- 3
[TOTAL] -- 26
Cleish Paroch Extends to the
number of Ane hundreth and
Fiften hearths -- 115
[Page] 42 |
E69/10/1/42 |
Paranuall = Parenwell |
E69/10/1/43 |
[Page] 41
Saline Paroch -- hearths
Meadowhead and poues
-- James Broun on hearth -- 1
-- William Arnot ane -- 1
-- John Broun on and a Kilne -- 2
-- Margaret Blackburne tuo -- 2
-- John Bennet ane -- 1
-- William Broune one -- 1
-- Patrick Bennet tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Westuode ane -- 1
-- Janet Cusine ane -- 1
-- John Rolland por [portioner] of Borland 4 & 2 kils -- 6
-- James Gray tuo hearths & a kilne -- 3
-- Mrs Lyndsay in Craighouse tuo -- 2
-- William Rolland on and a kilne -- 2
-- John Mitchil on and a kiln -- 2
-- Andrew Young one -- 1
-- John Rolland tuo -- 2
-- Richard Dick Four -- 4
-- John Younge one -- 1
-- John Buchanan one -- 1
-- Janes Malcome one -- 1
-- James waluode one -- 1
-- John Eduard one -- 1
-- Thomas Bonar tuo -- 2
-- William Drysdell ane -- 1
-- It [Item] one kilne -- 1
-- John Edie ane -- 1
-- John Hendersone in steilend tuo -- 2
-- William Cusane his cottare ane -- 1
-- John Waluoode tuo hearths and a furnace -- 3
-- James Gibson of lethrae ane and a kilne -- 2
-- John moodie of wester cults tuo and a kiln is -- 3
-- William Colvill tuo hearths and a kilne -- 3
-- William Glass one -- 1
North lethane
-- John Hutton thre and a kilne four -- 4
-- John Hutton his servant one -- 1
-- Adam stobie three -- 3
-- Andrew Taylior three -- 3
Litell Saline
-- John scotland tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] an kilne -- 1
-- Alexander Mershall ane -- 1
Suma [Summa] this 41 page -- 75
[Page] 43 |
E69/10/1/43 |
waluode, Waluoode = Wellwood |
E69/10/1/44 |
[Page] 42
-- -- hearths
-- John Tullock ane -- 1
-- Andrew Bowie ane -- 1
-- Andrew Wastit ane -- 1
-- James Harrower tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] an kilne -- 1
-- John Meiklejohn ane -- 1
-- William Dausone ane -- 1
-- Robert Sym tuo hearths -- 2
-- Christin Inglis ane -- 1
-- John Sharp ane -- 1
-- Issobell Craufurd one -- 1
-- John Ralph an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- Andrew Reid in Burnside one -- 1
-- William Coliar tuo -- 2
-- William Reid ane -- 1
Buss of saline
-- John scotland on & Jahmes Glass one -- 2
-- Robert Bennet on hearth and an oven -- 2
-- Robert Neilson on and a kilne -- 2
-- Roberrt Coventrie in sheredrum ane and a kilne -- 2
-- James Kirk ane -- 1
-- Andrew Kirk ane -- 1
-- Andrew Thomson tuo -- 2
-- Agnes Mcgreiger ane -- 1
-- It [Item] an kilne be the sd [said] andrew -- 1
Rolland off Burnside
-- Henrie stainhouse ane -- 1
-- Nicoll Rolland an -- 1
-- William Rolland of burnside three -- 3
-- It [Item] an killn -- 1
-- Androw Donaldson one -- 1
-- John Fothergham [Fotheringham] ane -- 1
-- Adam Creich ane -- 1
-- Andrew Bennett ane -- 1
-- Robert Peirson in Steillend -- 1
-- James mihi ane --- 1
-- John Drummond one -- 1
-- Jahmes Henderson and his mother three -- 3
-- John aiken and Margaret Greishe tuo -- 2
-- William & John hunters tuo -- 2
-- John McKilkeir tuo hearths -- 2
-- Alexander Huttone one -- 1
-- David Harrower one -- 1
Summa this 42d page -- 58
[Page] 44 |
E69/10/1/44 |
Page numbered 44 at bottom left in a modern hand.
miliane = Mullion
hunters - plural surname |
E69/10/1/45 |
[Page] 43
-- -- hearth
OVer Kinneder
-- Janet Oliphant one -- 1
-- Collin Oliphant four -- 4
-- Harie Burden one -- 1
-- John Meick one -- 1
-- Margaret Morgane one -- 1
-- Alexander Cusen one -- 1
-- James Hendersone one -- 1
-- William McKilkeir ane -- 1
-- Andrew Thomsone ane -- 1
-- Margaret Anderson ane -- 1
-- John McKilkeir ane -- 1
-- James Murgen and his sone tuo & a kiln is -- 3
-- George Kere one -- 1
Kirkland Four
-- James mercer therof four -- 4
-- Laurance Walls Ane -- 1
-- Nicoll Grant tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Reid one -- 1
-- William Reid three -- 3
-- Androw Imbrie tuo and a kilne -- 3
-- John Bairner ane -- 1
-- John Gibsone ane -- 1
-- It [Item] John Gibson in wester [Ritchmire] one -- 1
-- William Colliar tuo hearths & a kilne -- 3
-- Patrick Westwoad ane -- 1
-- Laurance Moodie six hearths -- 6
-- Robert Douglas ane -- 1
-- John Broun ane -- 1
-- John Hutsone ane -- 1
-- John Thomsone ane -- 1
-- William Harrower ane -- 1
-- Alexander Blaickwoad tuo -- 2
-- Robert Young ane -- 1
-- Alexander Young three -- 3
-- John Henderson three -- 3
-- Girsell Bennet tuo hearths and a killn -- 3
-- Christin Bennet ane -- 1
-- James Nicolsone one -- 1
-- James Hutson ane -- 1
-- Thomas Drysdell ane -- 1
-- John Gilmer and his mother tuo -- 2
-- John Gray off Balgoner -- 1
Summa of this 43d page -- 68
[Page] 45 |
E69/10/1/45 |
Murgen = Morgan?
Imbrie = Imray |
E69/10/1/46 |
[Page] 44
-- -- hearth
Tinnigosk Land
-- Robert Dalgleish four hearths and a kill -- 5
-- William Smyth an hearth & a killn -- 2
-- James Hutton ane -- 1
-- John Hutton ane -- 1
-- Patrick Sympsone -- 1
-- Christin Moss ane -- 1
-- Laurance Hunter ane -- 1
-- John Mercer an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- Christin Henderson an and a kilne -- 2
-- Isobell Dalgleish an hearth -- 1
Nether Kinneither
-- William Hally three hearths -- 3
-- John Guillane tuo -- 2
-- Robert Harie John & David Fotherghames four -- 4
-- William and Robert Gibsons each on -- 2
-- Andrew Anderson ane -- 1
-- John Allice ane -- 1
-- Robert [Mubcoke] ane -- 1
-- Andrew [Thosk?] an -- 1
-- James Fotheringhame -- 1
[TOTAL] -- 33
The Paroch of Saline Extends to
Tua Hundreth and thretie four -- 234
[Page] 46 |
E69/10/1/46 |
Kinneither = Kinneddar |
E69/10/1/47 |
[Page] 45
Torrie Burne Paroch -- hearths
My Lady Cardross
-- In the maner place tuelve hearths -- 12
-- In the maner place Eleven -- 11
-- William Coas ane -- 1
-- William Hutone ane -- 1
-- James Chalmers tuo -- 2
-- John Dow tuo -- 2
-- James and John Youngs tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Haiver ane -- 1
-- Robert Broune an -- 1
-- Alexander Erskin ane -- 1
-- [George] Erskin ane -- 1
-- James Wastuater ane -- 1
-- Patrick Currie ane -- 1
-- David and John Curries ane -- 1
-- William Coas yor [younger] ane -- 1
-- Robert Haring ane -- 1
-- John Henderson ane -- 1
E [Earl] off Kingcardins Lands of Torre
-- Andrew Coss tuo hearths -- 2
-- Alexander Anderson three -- 3
-- William Eduard three -- 3
-- George Fergie one -- 1
-- Robert Gibson ane -- 1
-- William Smyth five -- 4
-- Harie Gibson ane -- 1
-- Finla anderson ane -- 1
-- Alexander Campbell ane -- 1
-- William Huttone ane -- 1
-- James Hempside ane -- 1
-- David Hempside ane -- 1
-- Charles Lawson tuo -- 2
-- John Aiken ane -- 1
-- John Mercer ane -- 1
-- Andrew Donaldsone tuo -- 2
-- James Neilsone ane -- 1
-- Adam Rid ane -- 1
-- William wilson Elder three -- 3
-- James Ramsay four -- 4
-- John Curie an -- 1
[TOTAL] -- 78
[Page] 47 |
E69/10/1/47 |
Haiver = Haver
Coas = Coss |
E69/10/1/48 |
[Page] 40
E [Earl] KingCairdens Lands
-- Walter Carmichaell an hearth -- 1
-- John Gowrie three -- 3
-- Mr James Aird six -- 6
-- Andrew Adie ane -- 1
-- Laurance Mcclarin ane -- 1
-- John Goad ane -- 1
-- George Gib ane -- 1
-- John Smyth tuo -- 2
-- James Colven Four -- 4
-- John Broune ane -- 1
-- Issobell smyth ane -- 1
-- William Alexander ane -- 1
-- John Broun three -- 3
-- James Harrower ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Alexr [Alexander] tuo -- 2
-- William Neilsone tuo -- 2
-- Andreu Mitchell tuo -- 2
-- Donald Hunter ane -- 1
-- William Balmain tuo -- 2
-- David Russell ane -- 1
-- John Hempsid ane -- 1
-- Patrick lauson lawsone three -- 3
-- Robert kirk ane -- 1
-- John Kirk ane -- 1
-- James kirk ane -- 1
-- John Gib three -- 3
-- William Craich ane -- 1
-- James Lauson tuo -- 2
-- James Naiper ane -- 1
-- John Mcdonald one -- 1
-- John Gardner tuo -- 2
-- Robert Curie ane -- 1
-- John Craich ane -- 1
-- John Lyndsay three -- 3
-- John KcKenzie ane -- 1
-- Andrew speirs ane -- 1
-- Andrew Lesles four -- 4
-- Alexander Patone tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Lesles ane -- 1
-- Richard Philp three -- 3
-- Robert Gib ane -- 1
-- James Harrower tuo -- 2
-- James Speirs three -- 3
-- James Gib ane -- 1
-- Alexander Drysdell ane -- 1
-- Robert speirs tuo -- 2
-- William Black three -- 3
[TOTAL] -- 84
[Page] 48 |
E69/10/1/49 |
[Page] 47
-- -- hearths
-- John Barrowman tuo hearths -- 2
-- John Peirson three -- 3
-- Andrew Steuart three -- 3
-- Donald McFarland ane -- 1
-- James Hacket ane -- 1
-- Johne Black ane -- 1
-- Robert Black ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Neilsone ane -- 1
-- Thomas Taylior ane -- 1
-- Robert Bow ane -- 1
-- Margaret Mairshall ane -- 1
-- John Brice Five -- 5
-- Marion Speirs ane -- 1
-- John Colville ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Sands tuo -- 2
-- John Philp tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Angus ane -- 1
Over and neither Ingifire
-- Andrew uardlaw ane -- 1
-- John Wardlaw ane -- 1
-- John Norie ane -- 1
-- William Porter ane -- 1
-- Jerome Sanders tuo -- 2
-- William melvill tuo -- 2
-- David Drysdell ane -- 1
-- Catharin Nicoll ane -- 1
-- John Donaldsone ane -- 1
-- Margaret Melvill ane -- 1
-- David Wardlaw ane -- 1
-- John Angus Elder three -- 3
-- James Norie ane -- 1
-- John Chalmers -- 1
-- William Henderson ane -- 1
-- Thomas Chalmers ane -- 1
-- William Henderson Elder ane -- 1
-- James Primross ane -- 1
-- John Balfouer ane -- 1
Torrie Milne and Pitfoullie
-- David Philp three -- 3
-- James Weir ane -- 1
-- James Wardlaw ane -- 1
-- Alexander Smyttone ane -- 1
-- William Nivine ane -- 1
-- John Angus ane -- 1
-- John Aiken ane -- 1
-- Robert Colvill ane -- 1
-- James Alexr [Alexander] ane -- 1
-- Robert Christie ane -- 1
Summa this 47 pag -- 63
[Page] 49 |
E69/10/1/49 |
Ingifire = Inzievar |
E69/10/1/50 |
[Page] 48
My Lord Colvills Lands in Crombie
-- Robert Baxter tuo hearths and tuo kilnes four -- 4
-- John Donaldsone and malcom uright each on tuo -- 2
-- James Currie an -- 1
-- Thomas Wilson ane -- 1
-- David Currie ane -- 1
-- John Currie ane -- 1
-- Robert Conninghame ane -- 1
-- James Broune ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Wright ane -- 1
-- Andrew Hunter an -- 1
-- James Currie ane -- 1
-- John Dalgleish ane -- 1
-- William Strachan ane -- 1
-- William Tempelman ane -- 1
-- Robert Erskin ane -- 1
-- Patrick Meick ane -- 1
-- Robert Tempellman ane -- 1
-- Robert Bryce ane -- 1
-- Robert Cunninghame ane -- 1
-- William Cuming ane -- 1
-- Thomas Wilson ane -- 1
-- John Currie ane -- 1
-- William Belfradge an -- 1
-- John Hutten ane -- 1
-- John Blalock ane -- 1
-- William Wilson James Gillies & Robert Clou four -- 4
-- Thomas Speirs ane -- 1
-- James Hutone tuo -- 2
-- Robert Sibbald four -- 4
-- Robert Edmond ane -- 1
-- The house off Craigflouer five -- 5
-- It [Item] uthr [uther] tuo after search to -- 2
-- David Rule an -- 1
-- Christian Brand ane -- 1
-- John Wilson ane -- 1
-- Magdalon Kippon ane -- 1
-- George Richie ane -- 1
-- James Hempside three -- 3
-- Andrew Donaldson ane -- 1
-- Agnes Bruce three -- 3
-- Andrew Weir ane -- 1
-- Adam Reid & Janet Webster each one -- 2
-- James Broun and John Gib each one -- 2
-- William Balmain and William Wilsone each one -- 2
-- John Broun & John Quik tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] the sd [said] John Broun another -- 1
-- Andrew Uright & Jonit Mcronald -- 2
[TOTAL] -- 72
[Page] 50 |
E69/10/1/51 |
[Page] 49
-- Alexander Drysdell an hearth -- 0
-- Robert Spears tuo -- 2
-- John Taylior ane -- 1
-- George Clanders tuo -- 2
-- John Lyndsay ane -- 1
-- Robert Baxter three -- 3
-- Thomas Lesles ane -- 1
-- Alexander Drysdell ane -- 1
-- David Philp ane -- 1
Sallt Pans in Torrie
-- Saltars of Torrie fourtein -- 14
-- Itm [Item] the overseers house three hearths -- 3
-- James Taylior David Nicoll James Eliot -- 3
-- Robert Nicoll James miller George Mershall -- 3
-- John Tyloch John Rotson [Robertson] James Nicol thre -- 3
-- Jaemes Mershall John Rae Andrew Nicol -- 3
-- Andrew Nicoll Yor [Younger] david Nicol Elder james [pedrock] -- 3
-- George Mershall James Nicoll William Rotsone [Robertsone] thre -- 3
-- Robert Scotland John Rae tuo -- 2
-- George and James Penmans tuo -- 2
-- William Whyt & Thomas Campbell tuo -- 2
-- David Crockit & John Hynd tuo -- 2
-- James Persone Elder and James Crocket tuo -- 2
-- James Paterson Yor [Younger] and John Campbel tuo -- 2
-- John Mckenzie and John Hunter tuo -- 2
-- James Pop and Thomas Bealzie tuo -- 2
-- John Paterson and David Bonar -- 2
-- Andrew Rank and David Makie tuo -- 2
-- Alexander Balzie and James Ramsey yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- John Hynd yor [younger] and David Bonar yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- Summa this 49 page -- 75
The paroch of Toreburn exends
to the number of Three Hundredth and
Seventie Tua -- 372
[Page] 51 |
E69/10/1/51 |
The number '1' has been omitted in the first line. |
E69/10/1/52 |
[Page] 50
Carnock Paroch
Barronrie off carnock
-- John & Robert Creichs four hearths -- 4
-- Francis Duncane ane -- 1
-- George Wood ane -- 1
-- Andrew Wright ane -- 1
-- William Buchannan ane -- 1
-- George Andersone ane -- 1
-- James Gibsone ane -- 1
-- Hendry Gairdner three -- 3
-- James Bowie ane -- 1
-- David Boswall ane -- 1
-- David Bouie Yor [Younger] ane -- 1
-- William Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Patrick Hodge ane -- 1
-- Jean Mrtoun [Mastertoun] ane -- 1
-- John Kirk ane -- 1
-- Robert Neilsone ane -- 1
-- James Bryce six -- 6
-- John Bowie ane -- 1
-- Janet Gray ane -- 1
-- William Bade ane -- 1
-- Alexander Liteljohn ane -- 1
-- George Wilsone ane -- 1
-- John Moreis tuo -- 2
-- James Kirk four -- 4
-- David Kirk ane -- 1
-- Janet Keltie ane -- 1
-- William Anderson ane -- 1
-- Thomas Douglas tuo -- 2
-- James Gibbone ane -- 1
-- John Lyndsay ane -- 1
-- James Templman ane -- 1
-- Summa this 50th page -- 46
[Page] 52 |
E69/10/1/52 |
Baid = Baad |
E69/10/1/53 |
[Page] 51
-- -- hearths
-- Margaret Broun an hearth -- 1
-- Robert Gray ane -- 1
-- Andrew meldrum tuo -- 2
-- Richard Tempelman ane -- 1
-- James May ane -- 1
-- Edward Donaldsone ane -- 1
-- John Patone ane -- 1
-- Andreu Creche ane -- 1
-- Robert Templman ane -- 1
-- James Bouie ane -- 1
-- Richard Broune tuo -- 2
-- John Meldrum ane ane -- 1
-- James Meikeljohn ane -- 1
-- John Andersone ane -- 1
-- John Beryhill ane -- 1
-- Georg Beryhil ane -- 1
-- John Lyndsay ane -- 1
-- Janet Mairshell ane -- 1
-- Patrick Lyndsay ane -- 1
-- John Tode tuo -- 2
-- John Allaster ane -- 1
-- Jahmes Smyth ane -- 1
-- Thomas Imbrie tuo -- 2
-- John Scotland ane -- 1
-- James Wilsone ane -- 1
WardLaw off Luscar
-- Luscar himself four hearths and a kilne -- 5
-- James Meikle an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- John Broune ane -- 1
-- Robert Hutsone ane -- 1
-- James Readie tuo -- 1
-- John Thimson tuo hearths and a kilne -- 3
-- James Stobie ane -- 1
-- James Rowane ane -- 1
-- Malcom Ferguson ane -- 1
Stobie off Luscar
-- John Stobie of Luscar Four -- 4
-- James Berriehill ane -- 1
-- Archbald Arnot ane -- 1
-- Robert Templar in Luscar four hearths -- 4
Summa 51 page -- 56
Carnock paroch extends to Ane Hundredth and Tua -- 102
[Page] 53 |
E69/10/1/53 |
Imbrie = Imray |
E69/10/1/54 |
[Page] 52
Fossuall Paroch -- hearths
Barronrie off Tillibolle
-- Robert Young one -- 1
-- William Steidman on hearth -- 1
-- Robert Kirk ane -- 1
-- John Hoggin ane -- 1
-- John Houg tuo -- -- 2
-- William Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Adam Wilsone ane -- 1
-- John Wilsone ane -- 1
-- Andrew Bavaradge ane -- 1
-- John Dempster ane -- 1
-- John Baveradge an -- 1
-- Thomas Baveradge ane -- 1
-- Adam Wilsone tuo -- 2
-- Adam Keltie ane -- 1
-- Janet Bannettie ane -- 1
-- James Horne ane -- 1
-- James Dempster -- 1
-- John Futt ane -- 1
-- George Brand ane -- 1
-- James McNeill ane -- 1
-- John Smeittone ane -- 1
-- Robert livistoune ane -- 1
-- John Reid ane -- 1
-- John Whytt ane -- 1
-- John McKellop ane -- 1
-- John Livistone ane -- 1
-- Laurance Hutson ane -- 1
-- Andrew Patone -- 1
-- James Paton ane -- 1
-- John Keltie tuo -- 2
-- John Adamson ane -- 1
-- William Fultone ane -- 1
-- Robert Dowie an -- 1
-- Edmond Mercer ane -- 1
-- William Kid ane -- 1
-- John Wilson ane -- 1
-- John Gray tuo -- 2
-- Laurance orbistone ane -- 1
-- Robert kid ane -- 1
-- John Neithrie ane -- 1
-- The house off Tilliboull seven -- 7
-- John Young cottar hous ane -- 1
-- Robert Kirks cottar wiffe ane -- 1
-- John Hoggins father ane -- 1
-- John Wilson ane -- 1
-- William Wilson ane -- 1
-- Adam Wilson tuo kilnes -- 2
-- Suma [Summa] this 52 page -- 58
[Page] 54 |
E69/10/1/54 |
Fossuall = Fossaway
Neithrie - cf. Nethery |
E69/10/1/55 |
[Page] 53
-- -- hearths
-- Thomas Baradges mother on hearth -- 1
-- John Bavaradges mother one -- 1
-- John Nidrie Elder ane -- 1
-- Janet Andersone ane -- 1
-- Robert Mairshall ane moe -- 1
-- John Kirk ane -- 1
-- Thomas Hogg ane -- 1
-- Adam Wilson an kilne Robert Mershall an -- 2
-- Thomas Anderson an John Smyttone ane -- 2
-- Jahins miller ane -- 1
-- John Paton ane -- 1
-- William Livistone -- 1
-- John Whytt ane -- 1
-- James Robertsone an -- 1
-- Violet Gib Tua -- 2
-- Andrew Cunninghame -- 1
-- James Paton ane -- 1
-- Jahne Keltie a kilne -- 1
-- It [Item] in the cruik to him an vthr [vther] kil & tuo hearths -- 3
-- Robert Dowie tuo -- 2
-- Mathew Bavaradge one -- 1
-- Janet wilson ane -- 1
-- James sinclare ane -- 1
-- John Kid yor [younger] ane -- 1
-- Catherin Cuthill ane -- 1
-- John kid Elder ane -- 1
-- Robert Reids relict on more -- 1
-- It [Item] an oven and uthr [uther] tuo hearths in the place off Tullibole -- 3
[TOTAL] -- -- 36
This Prt [part]
This is but a pairt of the paroch of
Fosuall the rest being collected be the
collector of pearthshire -- 94
[Page] 55 |
E69/10/1/55 |
moe = more |
E69/10/1/56 |
[Page] 54
Kinross Paroch
Toun off Kinross
-- Sr [Sir] William Bruce Tuintie -- 20
-- Robert Paterson tuo hearths -- 2
-- William Imbrie three -- 3
-- James Burne one -- 1
-- John Hutsone -- 1
-- James Sympsone ane -- 1
-- James Steidman alias provost ane -- 1
-- Thomas Burlie on -- 1
-- John Forrester one -- 1
-- John Steidman Taylior ane -- 1
-- James Steidman Balzie six -- 6
-- Simeon Milln ane -- 1
-- Robert Reid five -- 5
-- Alexander miller tuo -- 2
-- Jame Blackuood three -- 3
-- James Steidman Tounhead four -- 4
-- David Moncreiffe ane -- 1
-- John Steidman Litster three -- 3
-- Rober Birrell Five -- 5
-- William Birrall tuo -- 2
-- William Reid ane -- 1
-- James Reid ane -- 1
-- Robert Moresione six -- 6
-- James Morisione tuo -- 2
-- John Steidman Clerk tuo -- 2
-- Mungo Uallace tuo -- 2
-- William Steidman Taylior tuo -- 2
-- Robert Duncan three -- 3
-- James Walker ane -- 1
-- William Duncan Four -- 4
-- William Morreisone ane -- 1
-- Robert Marishall one -- 1
-- John Dougall yor [younger] tuo -- 2
-- William Dempster Four -- 4
-- James Honnieman one -- 1
-- Daniell Sympson ane -- 1
-- John Ballyntine one -- 1
-- the minrs [minister's] mans seven -- 7
-- John Honniman Elder one -- 1
-- William Whytt Fisher ane -- 1
-- Patrick Tode ane -- 1
-- James Burt one -- 1
-- John Hendersone ane -- 1
-- John Whyt ane -- 1
-- Summa this 54 page -- 112
[Page] 56 |
E69/10/1/56 |
Imbrie = Imray
Moresione, Morisione - cf. Morrison
Honnieman = Honeyman
litster 'dyer' |
E69/10/1/57 |
[Page] 55
-- -- hearths
-- James [Mostdroue] on hearth -- 1
-- John Whyt Fisher three -- 3
-- Andrew Hutsone one -- 1
-- John Honniman one -- 1
-- William Patersone ane -- 1
-- William Whyt Cordinare one -- 1
-- Robert Watson one -- 1
-- John Dougall one -- 1
-- Eupham Miller ane -- 1
-- Euphan Steidmane tuo -- 2
-- Jean Dempster ane -- 1
-- Christin Miller three -- 3
-- James Gart tuo -- 2
-- Jean Donaldson one -- 1
-- James Euing one -- 1
-- James Anderson tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Robertsone one -- 1
-- Balzie Gairdner seven -- 7
-- James Kennuay three -- 3
-- John Dempster four -- 4
-- Thomas Small ane -- 1
-- Janet mercer five -- 5
-- William Duncan yor [younger] one -- 1
-- Bobert [Robert] Steidman Ballingall four -- 4
-- Robert Ranken tuo -- 2
-- Alexander Imbrie tuo -- 2
-- Issobell Duncan tuo -- 2
-- James Barrone on -- 1
-- Robert Steidman at the cross tuo -- 2
-- John Thomson Lorimer tuo -- 2
-- Robert Ramage tuo -- 2
-- Robert Steidman cordiner tuo -- 2
-- William Imbrie three -- 3
-- William Hay one -- 1
-- John Young one -- 1
-- Robert Donaldsone one -- 1
-- [Johine] Thomson yor [younger] one -- 1
-- William Fairnie one -- 1
-- William Burall tuo -- 2
-- John morisone tuo -- 2
-- David morison on -- 1
-- William Finla ane -- 1
-- James Finla an -- 1
-- John Horne an -- 1
-- William Huttone an -- 1
-- John Faier tuo -- 2
-- Summa 55 pag -- 83
[Page] 57 |
E69/10/1/57 |
Imbrie = Imray
Faier = Fair |
E69/10/1/58 |
[Page] 56
-- -- hearths
-- James Whyt on hearth -- 1
-- John Watson on -- 1
-- Margaret Burt one -- 1
-- John Douie on -- 1
-- John Golld one -- 1
-- James Arnot three -- 3
-- Robert Dempster tuo -- 2
-- John Dempster Elder one -- 1
-- John Stirk tuo -- 2
-- James Dempster three -- 3
-- Anna Cunninghame tuo -- 2
-- James Mercer tuo -- 2
-- James Gardner tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Smyth one -- 1
-- Alexander Readie in Cuthill an hearth -- 1
-- Malcome Balmaine thr [there] tuo -- 2
-- Charles Reid ther tuo -- 2
-- James Livingstone ane -- 1
-- William Thomson ane -- 1
-- David Thomson ther ane -- 1
-- James Horne thr [there] ane -- 1
-- It [Item] an kilne -- 1
-- John Blackwode ane -- 1
-- William Coustone Ane -- 1
-- James Blaickuode ane -- 1
-- James Bossuall ane -- 1
-- Thomas Lauthian ane -- 1
-- James Bennett ane -- 1
-- David Blackuode ane -- 1
-- John Patone ane -- 1
-- John Lauthian Ane -- 1
-- Robert Hoom ane -- 1
-- John Bavaradge in Uode ane -- 1
-- James Duffe ane -- 1
-- Tuo kills in Caldrane -- 2
-- Thomas Sympsone one -- 1
-- Thomas Broune ane -- 1
-- John Ales one -- 1
-- William Rutherfurd ane -- 1
-- John Henderson ane -- 1
-- Elspit Steidman tuo -- 2
-- Henrie Arnott ane -- 1
-- John Miller ane -- 1
-- Suma [Summa] page 56 -- 56
[Page] 58 |
E69/10/1/58 |
Lauthian = Lothian |
E69/10/1/59 |
[Page] 57
-- -- hearths
-- John Rutherfurd and John Murie his cottar tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] an killn -- 1
-- James Hendersone ane -- 1
-- [Knocover] an hearth and a kiln -- 2
-- James Horne ane -- 1
-- Andrew Horne an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- James Rankin three -- 3
-- David arnot ane -- 1
-- Patrick Tode ane -- 1
-- James Patone ane -- 1
-- James Greive ane -- 1
-- Thomas Greive ane -- 1
-- David Kessone -- 1
Uester Ballado
-- Hendrie Wilson and his cottar tuo -- 2
-- John Greive ane -- 1
-- Hary Young tuo hearths and a kilne -- 3
-- John Mairshall ane -- 1
-- William anderson ane -- 1
-- George Sheap ane -- 1
-- John Houne ane -- 1
-- Margaret Robertsone ane -- 1
-- William Duncane ane -- 1
-- George Duncane ane -- 1
-- It [Item] james Nicoll and hary young tuo -- 2
-- James Stocks an hearth and a kilne -- 2
Cockairnie Toune
-- John Thomson tuo -- 2
-- James Gray one -- 1
-- James Grieve ane -- 1
-- David Duncan ane -- 1
-- James Robieson in Adies ground -- 1
-- Janet Donaldson ther one -- 1
-- James horne an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- John keltie an -- 1
-- Archibald Flockart ane -- 1
-- James Flockart ane -- 1
-- William Flockart ane -- 1
-- It [item] an kilne -- 1
-- James Wasly ane -- 1
-- David Shawe ane -- 1
-- James Malcom ane hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- David Donaldsone one -- 1
-- Summa this 57 page -- 54
[Page] 59 |
E69/10/1/59 |
Annaphreghe - cf. Annacroich |
E69/10/1/60 |
[Page] 58
-- Henrie Bennett at Gairnie bridge tuo -- 2
-- William Hutone on -- 1
-- David Arnot & his cottars tuo -- 2
-- John Johnston & his tuo cottars thre -- 3
-- It [Item] an kiln betuixt them -- 1
-- John arnott ane -- 1
-- It [Item] John Arnot in Carsegour ane -- 1
-- Robert Smeittone ane -- 1
-- Henrie Imbrie ane -- 1
Wester tilliochie
-- James Bavaradge an hearth and a kiln -- 2
-- Mr William Spence three -- 3
-- David Kirk one -- 1
-- John Johnstoune one -- 1
-- Martin Meldrum in annaphiruch tuo -- 2
-- David Meldrum his fathr [father] an -- 1
-- Alexander Flockart ane -- 1
-- Mr Harie Christie possesor four hearths -- 4
-- Robert Greive thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Alexander Clerk ane -- 1
-- Thomas Martine -- 1
-- James Drummond & Robert burnet -- 2
West ballado
-- James Bannantine on and a kilne -- 1
-- Janet Young one -- 1
-- Thomas Dowie one -- 1
-- John Lauthian ane -- 1
-- Elspit Young his mother one -- 1
-- It [Item] the said John His cottar one -- 1
-- James Stock off lethro tuo -- 2
-- James Meldrum in Ballilove on -- 1
-- Donald kennedie ane -- 1
-- John Dempstr [Dempster] por [proprietor] of Uest tilliochie ane -- 1
-- David Mairshall his cottar ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Burt porer [possessor] off easter Ballado -- 2
-- William Lathangie ane -- 1
-- John Withraw ther ane -- 1
-- John Bavaradge in E [East] tilliochie on -- 1
-- James Bavaradg ther ane -- 1
Est [East] Ballado
-- John Dowie tuo hearths and a kiln -- 3
-- Andrie Dowie one -- 1
-- Summa this page 58 -- 55
[Page] 60 |
E69/10/1/60 |
Imbrie = Imray
annaphreugh - cf. Annacroich |
E69/10/1/61 |
[Page] 59
-- -- hearths
-- Adam Osuald an hearth -- 1
-- Janet Mercer -- 1
-- John Lamb ane -- 1
-- James Malcom an hearth and kilne -- 2
-- Janet Elder ane -- 1
-- James Hoome -- 1
[TOTAL] -- -- 7
The hearthes in the paroch of Kinros
Extends to the number of Three hundreth and
sixtie seven -- 367
[Page] 61 |
E69/10/1/62 |
Orwall Paroch
Barronry off Burgh
-- James Balfour at milthort an hearth -- 1
-- Mr John Day thr [there] an -- 1
-- John Mores ther tuo -- 2
-- James Mores thr [there] ane -- 1
-- John Anderson thr [there] tuo --2
-- William Hendersone ane -- 1
-- Robert Black thr [there] foure -- 4
-- Michall Sympsone ther ane -- 1
-- Andrew Black ther ane -- 1
-- John Robertsone -- 1
-- Robert Henderson ane -- 1
-- Hellen Mount ane -- 1
-- Robert Balfour ther four -- 4
-- Margaret Lathangie ane -- 1
-- Thomas Robertson tuo -- 2
-- Hendrie Sympsone ane -- 1
-- David lyell ane -- 1
-- Georg henderson an -- 1
-- Michaell Glass ane -- 1
-- John Sympson ane -- 1
-- John Dron ther four -- 4
-- David Sympson tuo -- 2
-- Robert Hill ane -- 1
-- Robert Stirk ther tuo -- 2
-- Robert Thomson ane -- 1
-- Robert Lathangie tuo -- 2
-- Michaell Bunthorne tuo -- 2
-- John Sympson ane -- 1
-- Robert Whyt Four -- 4
-- John Black ane -- 1
-- Bessie Black ane -- 1
-- John Sympsone tuo -- 2
-- Andrew Fisher tuo -- 2
-- James Reide three -- 3
-- Thomas Balvard ane -- 1
-- Mitchell Elder three -- 3
-- Thomas gray tuo -- 2
-- Robert Din ane -- 1
-- [Robert] Balfouer tuo -- 2
-- John Magow ane -- 1
-- Robert Thomsone ane -- 1
-- John Elder ther ane -- 1
-- Summa this 60 page -- 69
[Page] 62 |
E69/10/1/62 |
The top left corner is torn and the original page number (which would be 60) partly lost.
milthort = Milnathort |
E69/10/1/63 |
[Page] 61
-- -- hea [hearths]
-- Michaell Elder an hearth -- 1
-- Thomas Young ane -- 1
-- Robert Skinner tuo -- 2
-- Thomas Condie thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Androw Greig ther tuo -- 2
-- Margaret wallace ane -- 1
-- George Low yr [younger] -- 1
-- Robert Broun thr [there] on -- 1
-- Robert Balfour in Burly tuo -- 2
-- David Black ane -- 1
-- The manour place off Burley tuentie hearths -- 20
Feuars off middeltoun & thr [their] cottars
-- John Waterstoun an hearth and an kilne -- 2
-- Patrick Waterstone his father one -- 1
-- Margaret Whyt ane -- 1
-- John Henderson an hearth and an kilne -- 2
-- John Sympson ane -- 1
-- Catherin Whyt ane -- 1
-- Robert Sympsone ane -- 1
-- Michaell Glass an hearth -- 1
-- John Glass ane -- 1
-- Mr Robert Henderson an hearth and a kiln -- 2
-- William Burt ane an -- 1
-- Robert Henderson ane -- 1
-- John Henderson Elder & yor [younger] 3 hearths and a kiln -- 4
-- Christin Donaldson ane an -- 1
-- Agnes arnot ane -- 1
-- Margaret Henderson ane -- 1
-- Charles Donaldson ane -- 1
-- Hendrie Laurie an hearth -- 1
-- It [Item] John Mairshall tuo -- 2
-- Agnes Steidman -- 1
-- James Laurie an -- 1
-- John Laurie tuo -- 2
-- James Forge ane -- 1
-- John Miller tuo -- 2
-- David Oliphant on -- 1
-- Janet Balmain ane -- 1
-- Agnes coupar ane -- 1
-- James miller an hearth and a kilne -- 1
-- James Leick his cottar ane -- 1
-- Suma [Summa] this 61 page -- 72
[Page] 63 |
E69/10/1/63 |
At 'William Burtane an' it is possible, since Burt is a common Fife name, that the name here is William Burt, and that the number has mistakenly been written twice (cf. the entry for Christin Donaldson below). |
E69/10/1/64 |
[Page 62]
-- Robert Arnot tuo hearths and a kilne -- 3
-- John Young ane -- 1
-- David Reid -- 1
-- John Thomson an and a kilne -- 2
-- George Bogie in airlirie an -- 1
-- William Stirk thr [there] ane -- 1
-- Richard hardie thr [there] ane -- 1
-- David Rotson [Robertson] an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- John miller ane -- 1
-- David miller ane -- 1
-- Patrick Robertsone three -- 3
Litel [Easone]
-- Walter young an hearth -- 1
-- John Broun Cottar ane -- 1
-- John Robertsone ane -- 1
-- James moir ane -- 1
-- It [Item] betuixt ther tennents an kilne -- 1
-- John Miller & his cottar James Miller tuo -- 2
-- John [Arland] & John Miller his cottar tuo -- 2
-- Mathew Thomson & his cottar Hendy Dun tuo -- 2
-- James Robertson tuo hearths & a kilne -- 3
-- John Elder an hearth -- 1
-- Robert Thomson an and a kiln -- 2
-- Robert Crombie ane -- 1
-- James Whytt ane -- 1
-- William Sympsone -- 1
-- David Thomsone -- 1
-- James Rutherfurd -- 1
-- James Reid ane -- 1
-- Robert Elder cottar ane -- 1
-- David Thomson mert [merchant] ane -- 1
-- George Sympsone -- 1
-- David Thomson Fewar ther an -- 1
-- John hendersone ane -- 1
-- John Young one -- 1
-- Thomas Cranckie one -- 1
-- David Thomsone -- 1
-- Alexander Sympson tuo -- 2
-- George Smyth tuo -- 2
-- William Shaw tuo hearths & a kiln -- 3
-- William Shaw Elder one -- 1
-- Alexander Elder one -- 1
-- WIlliam Campbell one -- 1
-- Summa 62 page -- 58
[Page] 64 |
E69/10/1/64 |
airlirie = Arlary |
E69/10/1/65 |
[Page] 63
-- -- he [hearths]
-- Thomas Young on hearth -- 1
-- John Gib an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- Robert Thomson on -- 1
-- James Patone in Dalqueich one -- 1
-- Robert Coventrie an hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- David coventrie his fathr [father] an -- 1
-- Ualter Moreis ane -- 1
-- John Coventrie ane -- 1
-- John Burt por [portioner] of Middeltoun an hearth -- 1
-- John Mellars one -- 1
-- Christian Sympsone -- 1
-- William Morreis one -- 1
-- It [Item] his mother ane -- 1
-- John Morreis ane -- 1
-- George Sympson on and a kilne -- 2
-- Issobell Paton ane -- 1
-- Mathew condie ane -- 1
-- David Hay in neithertoun an hearthe -- 1
-- Hendrie Lathangie in shannuell ane -- 1
-- George Glass his cottare ane -- 1
-- John [Lilie] in neithertoune an hearth and a a fundrie -- 2
-- Robert Henderson one -- 1
-- Andreu Hendersone -- 1
-- Andreu Bavarage one -- 1
-- William Elder ane -- 1
-- Catherin Thomsone ane -- 1
-- Robert Coupar ane -- 1
-- Alexander Elder ane and a kilne -- 2
-- William Gurlay ane -- 1
Blair of forth
-- Robert Stirk in miln off thort tuo -- 2
-- Michael Henderson & his father tuo -- 2
-- Thomas & James Crambies on each of thm [them] -- 2
-- John Laurie ane -- 1
-- Thomas Sympson ane -- 1
-- John Broune ane -- 1
-- George Robertsone -- 1
-- William Sympson of Maw three -- 3
-- John Henderson one -- 1
-- John Bavaradge one -- 1
-- John Miller one -- 1
-- Suma [Summa] 63 page -- 50
[Page] 65 |
E69/10/1/66 |
[Page 64]
[N]either Craigs
-- John Broun ane hearth and a kilne -- 2
-- Christian Anderson ane -- 1
-- John Miller ane -- 1
-- David Duncane ane -- 1
-- David Williamson ane hearth -- 1
-- James Michie ane -- 1
-- Robert Reikie ane -- 1
-- James Curer ane hearth and a kiln -- 2
-- Robert Storrer ane an -- 1
-- Robert Coventrie ane -- 1
-- David Coventrie ane -- 1
-- Andrew Garnock ane and a fundre [fundrie] -- 2
-- David Tode ane -- 1
-- John Currer & his cottar tuo -- 2
-- It [Item] the sd [said] John a killn -- 1
-- William Waterstone ane -- 1
-- Nicoll Grem -- 1
-- Thomas Waterstone ane -- 1
-- J Robertson & Robert Broun his cottar -- 2
-- Agnes Currer & Robert Miller ilk an ane -- 2
-- It [item] the said John Robertson an kilne -- 1
-- Robert Alies in Littell segie ane -- 1
-- Henrie Lathangie in [Finlau] on and a kil -- 2
-- Alexander Miller his cottar one -- 1
[TOTAL] -- 31
The paroch of Orwall extends to
the number of -- 280
-- payed -- Res [Rests] -- Poor
Dunfermline -- 1187 -- -- 25
Innerkithing -- 596 -- -- 45
Dalgatie -- 198 -- -- 4
Aberdour -- 236 -- --
Baith -- 238 -- --
Cleish -- 115 -- --
Saline -- 234 -- -- 15
Torieburn -- 372 -- -- 99
Carnock -- 102 -- -- 9
Fosway ane uthr [uther] pt [part] being collected by the collector
of Pearth -- 94 -- -- 17
kinross -- 367 -- -- 8
Orwall -- 280 -- -- 60
[TOTAL] -- 4019 -- -- 282
[Page] 66 |
E69/10/1/66 |
The top left hand corner is folded, hiding the original page number, which would be 64, and the beginning of the first word. probably 'Neither'. |
E69/10/1/67 |
[Page 65]
There is of deficients of the haill parochine collected be the said
George Duncan conform to subd [subscrived] Lists under the hand of John Millar
messr [messenger?] surveyer throf [thereof] -- 184
The house of Rosayth and Sir William Bruces
Listes is not given up and is nathr [nather] surveyed nor payed
Edinburgh : 23d Febry 1694 [23 Feb 1694]
In presence of The Earle of Linlithgow one of the
Lds [Lords] Comes [Commissioners] of the Thery [Thesaury] Compeared George Duncan in Pit-
-naine [Pitnaine] an SubCollector of the hearth-money within the pres-
-byterie [presbyterie] of Dumfermling, who being sworn & examined declared
That the forsd [foresaid] List of hearths, Extending to Four thousand
& Nyntein which are payed, and ane hundred & eighty four
which are unpayed, besyds the house of Rosyth & Sr [Sir] Willi-
-am [William] Bruce his houses, which are not given as surveyed
or payed. Is ane true & just List of all the hearths of the forsd [forsaid]
parochines to the best of his knowledge. Excepting two
hundred & eighty two hearths of poor. And that he
hes used his outmost endeavour Conform to the procla-
-mations [proclamations] of Councell to attaine to the knowledge of all the
hearths within the sds [saids] parochines. And that he hes not
wittingly not willingly concealed any, bot given up the
samen truely as said is. And this is the truth as he shall
answere to God.
-- Linlithgow -- George Duncan
282 |
E69/10/1/67 |
Page numbered 67 at bottom left in a modern hand.
The top left hand corner is torn, and the original page number, which would have been 65, has been lost. A modern hand has written and circled 65 below the deposition.
The figure 282 is repeated from the previous page, where it is not clear. |