
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Children under 14 Servants names Number of servants Bachelor servants One servant Two servants Three or more servants Duty 10% per 31 George III
1791 Kearn
2 Sep 1791 Robert Grant of Druminner 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Charles Gordon of Wardhouse 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
William Weyms of Craighall 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr Donaldson minister 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Colonel Hay Leithhall 3 3 £1.10.0 £0.3.0
6 3 3 £1.17.6 £0.3.9
1 Jul 1791 Alexander Morrison of Bogny 2 2 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Mrs. Panton Cross Monelly 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr Thain Drumblain 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
4 2 2 £0.15.0 £0.1.6
Miss Bisset of Lesendrum 2 2 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Mr William Bell of Cocklerachie 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr George Abell minr. [minister] 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
4 2 2 £0.15.0 £0.1.6
Joseph Ronald 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
George Innes Mt [Merchant] 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr. Walter Nicol 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
George Burnet Mert [Merchant] 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
George Ferrier 1 1 £0.5.0 £0.0.6
Mrs. Cruickshank 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr. Innes minister 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
George Addison 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Miss Fordyce 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Miss Mellace 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mr William Forsyth Mt [Merchant] 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Andrew Paterson Mt [Merchant] 1 1 30.2.6 £0.0.3
William Prott weaver 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
Mrs. Gordon 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
William Gruar Mt [Merchant] 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
15 1 14 £2.0.0 £0.4.0
2 Jul 1791 Robert Findlay minister 1 1 £0.5.0 £0.0.6
Mrs Gordon of Knockespock 1 1 £0.2.6
2 1 1 £0.7.6 £0.0.9
8 Jul 1791 Sir Edward Bannerman 1 1 £0.5.0 £0.0.6
JohnGordon of Craigmyle 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
William Brebner of Lairny 1 1 £0.2.6 £0.0.3
3 1 2 £0.5.0 £0.1.0

Transcribe other information

Page 8th

Transcriber's notes

Kincardine, the total tax due should be £0.10.0 not £0.5.0 as recorded. The ten percent for George is correct.

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