
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Servants names Number of servants Bachelor servants One servant Two servants Three or more servants Duty
Parishes Collected £ Sh D
West Kirk 955 63-20-4 536 227 105 £206.0.0
Cannongate 277 16-5 147 74 35 £60.17.6
South Leith 298 31-4 192 56 15 £55.5.0
North Leith 28 2 24 2 £4.10.0
1558 110-31-4 899 359 155 £326.12.6
Charles Gordon Esquire of Braid 1 1 £0.2.6
Lady Elphingstone 2 2 £0.10.0
Mr Russell at Roseburn 2 2 £0.10.0
Total 1563 110-31-4 900 363 153 £327.15.0
Proof of the Foregoing
110 Batchelor Servants at £0.5.0 Each is £27.10.0
31 Batchelor Servants at £0.10.0 £15.10.0
4 Batchelor Servants at £1.0.0 £4.0.0
900 married Servants at £0.2.6 Each is £112.10.0
363 Married Servants at £0.5.0 £90.15.0
155 Married Servants at £0.10.0 Each is £77.10.0
1563 Total £327.15.0

Transcribe other information

[Page] 89

Edinb. [Edinburgh] 1st Januray 1789
I John Taitt Surveyor aforesaid, do certify that
upon carefull Examination of the foregoing Several Rates and Duties I
find they amount in whole to Three hundred and twenty seven pounds
fifteen Shillings Str [Sterling] and I have this day delivered to George
Cranston Esqr. Collector of said duties an exact duplicate of the
above account duly examined and compared with the foregoing which
certified that notices were left with the Several Inhabitants or at
their dwelling houses of the dates annexed to their respective names
and that the Rates charged in said account were just and true to the
best of my Skill and Knowledge, and to the best of my belief
no person lyable to be charged was ommitted
John Taitt Surveyor

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Bizzy- Moderator, DANIALSAN, Bill Neil