
Date Masters/mistresses names Actual # 2 wheel carriages 4 wheel carriages Private: one carriage Private: two carriages Private: three + carriages Duty 10% per 31 10% per 36
22 Jul 1797 Toun of Cromarty
Colonel Lewis McKenzie 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0 £0.16.0
Captain John McKenzie 1 1 £3.10.0 £0.7.0 £0.7.0
2 1 1 £11.10.0 £1.3.0 £1.3.0
24 Jul 1797 Cullicuden Parish
David Urquhart of Bralangwall 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0 £0.16.0
G. G. Munro Pointsfield 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0 £0.16.0
2 2 £16.0.0 £1.12.0 £1.12.0
Parishes Collected
Cromarty Toun 2 1 1 £11.10.0 £1.3.0 £1.3.0
Cullicuden Parish 2 2 £16.0.0 £1.12.0 £1.12.0
4 1 3 £27.10.0 £2.15.0 £2.15.0

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[Page] 35

Survey of the Duties on Wheel Carriages in the County of Cromarty
till 5th April 1797 by W. Murray Surveyor

3 four wheeled Carriages £24.0.0
1 two wheeled Carriage £3.10.0
Total £27.10.0
10 percent on 31 George 3d. is £2.15.0
10 percent on 36 George IIId. is £2.15.0
Total £33.0.0

1791 Novmr. [November]

I W. Murray Surveyor Do Certify, That upon carefull
Examination of the foregoing Rates and Duties I find the Same amounts
to thirty three Pounds Sterling, And I do further Certify that
the above Amount Contains the Number of Carriages That has been
returned to Me, or that I could discover to be kept and used within the
County of Cromarty to the Best of my Knowledge or information -
W Murray Surveyor
Walter Ross Collector

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