
Date Masters/mistresses names Actual # 2 wheel carriages 4 wheel carriages Private: one carriage Private: two carriages Private: three + carriages Duty 10%
Kilmuir E. [Easter] Parish
21 Aug 1794 Captain Kenneth McKenzie Cromarty 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0
1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0
Follerly Parish
23 Aug 1794 Colin MacKenzie Minr. [Minister] of Folerly 1 1 £3.10.0 £0.7.0
Total 1 1 £3.10.0 £0.7.0
Cŭllicŭdden Parish
28 Aug 1794 David Urquhart of Braelangat 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0
George Gun Munro of Pointsfield 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0
Alexander Anderson of Udoll 1 1 £3.10.0 £0.7.0
Total 3 1 2 £19.10.0 £1.19.0
Parishes Collected
Kilmuir Easter Parish 1 1 £8.0.0 £0.16.0
Fotterty Parish 1 1 £3.10.0 £0.7.0
Cullicudden Parish 3 1 2 £19.10.0 £1.19.0
Total 5 2 3 £31.0.0 £3.2.0

Transcribe other information

[Page] 43

A Survey of the Rates and Duties, on wheel Carriages, arrisen in the Shire of Cromarty
from 5th April 1794 to the 5th April 1795 by Daniel Ross Assistant Surveyor

2 Carriages @ £3.10.0 each is £7.0.0
3 Carriages @ £8.0.0 each is £24.0.0
10% on £31.0.0 is £3.2.0
£34.2.0 Total £34.0.0

I Daniel Ross Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby Certify That upon Carefull
Examination of the foregoing Rates and Dutys I find they amount in whole
to Thirty ffoŭr poŭnds Two Shillings Sterling, and that upon the Ninth
Day of September last I delivered to Mr. Walter Ross Collector of Supply for the Shire
of Cromarty and Collector of the aforesaid dutys an exact Duplicate of the above
account duly examined and Compared with the foregoing which Contained
my oath, That the acct. [account] Contained the Number of wheel Carriages returned
to me or were kept by the Different masters according to the best of my
knowledge or information
Daniel Ross
16 October 1794

Transcriber's notes

Follerly parish has been transcribed as written

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