
Date Masters/mistresses names Actual # 2 wheel carriages 4 wheel carriages Duty
1786 Alexander Baillie Esq of Little Tarrel 1 1 £7.0.0

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[Page] 89

Survey of the [Wheel Carriage Tax] arisen in the Town
of Tain for the year ending 5th April 1787 by Hugh [McFarquhar] Surveyor

I Hugh McFarguhar Surveyor of aforesaid Do hereby Certify that the above
Carriage with four wheels is the only one used or kept within the said
Burgh and that On the fifteenth of November [inst.] I delivered an exact
Duplicate of the Above Acct. [Account] to Mr Alexander Manson Treasurer & [present]
Collector of said Duties for the Burgh Aforesaid

Hugh [McFarquhar] Surveyor

Transcriber's notes

Difficult to read names - Surveyor and Master ?

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Chr1smac -Moderator, rkevinbrown

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