
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
AIRIDH AN DA MHILE Aridh ada Mhile
Aridh ada Mhile
Airidh an da Mhile
Airidh an da Mhile
Airidh an da Mhile
Donald McCauly
Murdoch McDonald
Allan Ross
John McRae
John McKay
027 A small heathy hill on [the?] Summit of which are a number of huts
It is likely this Hill, [received?] this name from being 2 No miles from Stornoway [Airigh?] an da Mhile signifies the Two Miles Shealing
FEADAN LOCH LOCHAN Feadan Loch Lochan John McKenzie
Donald McCauly
Allan Ross
John McKay
John McRae
027 A small mountain stream which has its source in Loch Speireag is about a mile long and emptys itself in[to?] the Amhuinn Ghride at the junction of small streams where the Parish Boundary of Stornoway [and?] Lochs leaves Amhuinn Ghrid

Transcriber's notes

RH margin in gutter.

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Donald Macdonald

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