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[Continued from page 99]

from the interior carry on their crests remains
of slight walls and at several places close to the E. [East] side there
are ruins of small circular hut-like enclosures.
At the extreme S. [South] end on the W. [West] slope of a lateral
hollow which here opens on to the central one
there is an oblong enclosure
measuring some 76' [feet] by 45' [feet] having a smaller
parallel enclosure abutting on its N. [North] wall.
The walls of these enclosures are also entirely
ruined. This construction can hardly be
termed a fort nor can the small interior
enclosure be so termed either but it has
probably been formed as a refuge for all
the flocks & herds of the district during
periods of danger and invasion. To defend
such an enceinte an army
would be required! The wall also is not
visible all around from any central position
nor are the sides within sight of each other.
Defensive it is to some extent but that
consideration has not been the primary one
in the selection of the site. A very
similar construction is the Giants' Dyke
at [Baistobui ?].
Being close to Orchardknowes I turned in to
lunch there - a change from the daily pic-nic.
Thereafter I bicycled to the N. [North] of Urr Parish to

[Continued on page 101]

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Kate51- Moderator, ck