

[Page] 8
[Continued from page 7]

natural cup at its lower end. Adjacent to this, lower
on the slope of the rock is a second figure formed
of two concentric rings around a single cup
measuring over all 8 1/2". From its side run two
grooves, one directly into a natural cup 3" away,
the other turning up the slope for 11' and then entering the
same cup with which the first figure is con:
:nected and at the same end. In its course
this groove forms a curve within which is a
single small cup mark. The third figure
consists of two concentric rings (measuring 9")
(overall) and is connected with a natural
cup adjacent to it and at a lower level.
A little to the E. [East] of the last symbol are three
simple cup marks measuring 2 1/2" in diameter and
of slight depth. On the S. [South] division
of the stone occur nine markings with
concentric rings. That at the lower end
and near the cleavage consists of
[--] and shows very clearly the
indentations of the tool with which it has
been picked out and similar marks are
visible on the symbols adjacent. (Get further
information regarding latter marks from Mr. Watson).

[Continued on page 9]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Brenda Pollock