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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
INCH MALLOCH Inch Mullough
Inch Malloch
Peter Kevin, Inch Mullough by Kirkcowan
Mr Alexander Hunter formerly Parish Schoolmaster, Old Land by Kirkcowan
019 A Small & a very indifferent Cottage (thatched) & in bad repair with a small Cowhouse & a few acres of land attached the property of Coll. [Colonel] Stopford Blair.
GASS Gass Farm
Andrew Hannay, Gass Farm by Kirkcowan
Mr Alexander Hunter, Old Land by Kirkcowan
019 An indifferent & thatched Cottage with Outoffices & a large farm of land attached the farm is chiefly mountain ground & is the property of Coll. [Colonel] Stopford Blair

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 49
Plan 19 A
List of Names collected by Corpl [Corporal] Robert Barlow RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
No. of Trace 3
Inch Mullough -- Cottage
Gass Farm -- Cottage
[Parish] Kirkcowan
[Signed] Robert Barlow
Corpl [Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
6th Augt [August] 1845.

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