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Shetland, Volume 05

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/31/5/1 Nesting Nesting Andrew Mure Esq Sherriff Substitute Shetland J. S. Smith Esq Sheriff Clerk Shetland Statistical a/c [account] of Scotland North Sea pilot Oliver & Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac Fullerton's Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland Orkney & Shetland Guide & Directory 043 A parish nearly in the middle of the eastern districts of Shetland. Its post town is Lerwick. It is bounded by Lunnasting, Grunna Voe, & Dury Voe on the East by the North Sea or German Ocean on the south by Tingwall & on the west by Weisdale & Delting. There is no detatched part of this parish locally Situated within the boundary of [this - deleted] any other parish nor is there any detached part of any other locally situated within the boundary of this one It contains about 13982 Statute acres.
OS1/31/5/1 [Page] 1 Nesting -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/1 Situation also contains 044
OS1/31/5/2 Delting Delting 043 Authorised & described in 6 in [inch] Name Book Sheet 30
OS1/31/5/2 Weisdale Weisdale 043 Authorised & described in 1/2000 Name Book Sheet 43/14
OS1/31/5/2 Aithsting Aithsting 043 Authorised & described in 6 in [inch] Name Book Sheet 42
OS1/31/5/2 [Page] 2 Delting [Note] Marginal Wesidale [Note] Marginal Aithsting [Note] Marginal
OS1/31/5/3 South Burn of Burrafirth South Burn of Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Arthur Johnson. 043.01 This name applies to a large stream the continuation of Burn of Attascord from the point where it is joined by Burn of Truggles Water, and flowing in a northerly direction until it is joined by Burn of Lunklett afterwards taking the name of Burn of Burrafirth.
OS1/31/5/3 Burgins Burgins Mr. Thomas Gifford, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Arthur Johnson. 043.01 this name applies to a series of little flat shapes situated a short distance Southwards of "Burrafirth Voe" they are clad all over with heathy pastures and are the property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick
OS1/31/5/3 Burn of Burrafirth Burn of Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Arthur Johnson 043.01 This name applies to, or is given to the united waters of the Burn of Lunklet, & South Burn of Burrafirth. it is known by this name from the point where it falls into Burrafirth Voe for a distance of about a fourth of a mile
OS1/31/5/3 [Page] 3 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting
OS1/31/5/4 Punds of Burrafirth Punds of Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford Busta, Mr. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson Kirkhouse Voe Delting. 043.01 This name applies to a little district in which there are three or four farm houses one storey in height, thatched, & in indifferent repair property of Mr Grierson Lerwick, and on the north side of East Burra Firth
OS1/31/5/4 East Burrafirth East Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford Busta, Mr. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson Kirkhouse Voe Delting. 043.01 Three or four small farm houses each one storey in height, thatched and in middling repair property of Mr Grierson Lerwick and immediately west of the above.
OS1/31/5/4 North Mid Field North Mid Field Mr. Thomas Gifford Busta, Mr. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson Kirkhouse Voe Delting. Re-submitted 043.01 Apllies to a hill about 1/2 a mile North west of Maa Water, on Boundary between the Parishes of Aithsting and Wesidale.
OS1/31/5/4 [Page] 4 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting
OS1/31/5/5 Loch of Lunklet Loch of Lunklet Scattald Suryl of Wasdale Joseph Wains Meresman for Tingwall Thomas Taylor Meresman for Whiteness William Thomson Meresman for Weisdale 043.01 This name applies to a small fresh water loch situated a little to the west of the hill known as "Scallafield": it is also known as Scalla Field Loch but can be best authenticated as Loch of Lunklet. property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/5 Lunklet Lunklet Mr William Thomson Sandwaters Mr Henry Hunter Springfield Mr Robertson Setter &c &c Interlocutor on boundary 043.01 This name applies to a ruin situated at the point where the Burns of Marrafield-Water Burn of Lunklet & Burn of Lamba-water form a junction on the property of Mr Grierson, Lerwick
OS1/31/5/5 [Page] 5 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting [Entry Scored Out] loch of Lunklet [Note] Cancelled
OS1/31/5/6 Gruti Field Gruti Field Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. R. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse 043.01 This name applies to a heathy clad hill of medium Size situate in the north east corner of the parish of Aithsting and a little Southwards of Marlafield Waterm property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/6 Scalla Field Scalla Field Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. R. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse 043.01 This name applies to a hill of considerable height situate in the parish of Weisdale and is the property of the Trustees of the Late Mr Black, Weisdale.
OS1/31/5/6 Red Burn Red Burn Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. R. Robertson Wester Scord, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse 043.01 This stream has its source a short distance eastwards of the hill Known as Gruti Field and flows in a South westerly direction for a distance of about three fourths of a mile when it falls into Burn of Lunklet
OS1/31/5/6 Butter Stone Butter Stone Mr William Thomson Meresman for Weisdale Parish Mr Thomas Taylor Meresman for Whiteness parish Mr Joseph Irvine Meresman for Tingwall Parish 043.01 A Stone on the line of Boundary between the Parishes of Aithsting and Wesidale about ΒΌ a mile North of Lama Water.
OS1/31/5/6 [Page] 6 County of Shetland --Parish of Aithsting
OS1/31/5/7 Lochs of Burrafirth Lochs of Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. Robertson School Board Clerk, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting. 043.01 This name applies to two small fresh water lochs situated about half a mile north of East Burra Firth. they are also known by the name Longa & Whina Water. property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/7 Burn of South Brigadale Burn of South Brigadale Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. Robertson School Board Clerk, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting. 043.01 This name applies to a small stream having its source about half a mile north of the house known as "punds of Burrafirth" and flowing in a southerly direction into East Burra Firth. property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/7 East Hill of Burrafirth East Hill of Burrafirth Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta Mr. Robertson School Board Clerk, Mr. Arthur Johnson, Farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting. 043.01 This name applies to a long ridge of hill extending from the passor hollow known as Marchis Scord in a Southerly direction for a distance of upwards of a mile. property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/7 [Page] 7 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting
OS1/31/5/8 South Briga Dale South Brigadale South Briga Dale Mr Thomas Gifford Busta Mr R. Robertson, Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson Kirkhouse Voe, Delting. Re-submitted 043.01 This name applies to a tract of lowlying ground situated immediately to the north of the extreme East end of East Burra Firth property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick
OS1/31/5/8 Burn of Marrofield-water Burn of Marrofield-water Mr Thomas Gifford Busta Mr R. Robertson, Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson Kirkhouse Voe, Delting. 043.01 This name is given to a stream in from a fresh water loch called Marrofield wter and flowing in a south westerly direction for a distance of about a mile and a half when it is joined by the Burn called Burn of Lunklet and that known "Burn of Lamba Water."
OS1/31/5/8 Marrofield Water Marls Water Marroofield Water Marrowfield Water Loch of Marrafield Hugh Farrel Laxo W Thomson Sandwater Interlocutor on boundary Scattald Survey of Weisdale 043.01 This name applies to a medium sized mountain loch it is known by two names, that of Marls Water, and "Marrofield Water," the boundary between the parishes of Delting & Aithsting passes through this water proprietors Busta & Grierson.
OS1/31/5/8 [Page] 8 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting
OS1/31/5/9 Dubbs of Burrafirth Dubbs of Burrafirth Mr Thomas Gifford Factor Busta Mr R. Robertson, Schoolboard Clerk Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 This name applies to a long narrow tract of lowlying broken mossy ground Situated a little to the east of "East hill of Burrafirth." property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/9 Holli Burn Holli Burn Mr Thomas Gifford Factor Busta Mr R. Robertson, Schoolboard Clerk Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book SHeet 44/9
OS1/31/5/9 Marchis Scord Marchis Scord Mr Thomas Gifford Factor Busta Mr R. Robertson, Schoolboard Clerk Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 This name applies to a little Slack or hollow between the east hill of "Burrafirth" & "MId Field Hill" it is covered with heathy pasture and is the property of Mr. Grierson Lerwick
OS1/31/5/9 West Hill of Burrafirth West Hill of Burrafirth Mr Thomas Gifford Factor Busta Mr R. Robertson, Schoolboard Clerk Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 Authorised and Described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37
OS1/31/5/9 White Stone of Brattafield White Stone of Brattafield Mr Thomas Gifford Factor Busta Mr R. Robertson, Schoolboard Clerk Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, farmer, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 This name applies to a large boulder stone situated on the south west shoulder of the hill known as "Bretta Field, it forms a point on the boundary between the parishes of Delting & Aithsting property of Miss Gifford, Lerwick
OS1/31/5/9 [Page] 9 County of Shetland -- Parish of Delting & Aithsting West Hill of Burrafirth [Note] Written partly on Sheet 37 and partly on Sheet 43 Holli Burn [Note] (Marginal)
OS1/31/5/10 Burn of Lunklet Burn of Lunklet Mr Thomas Gifford Busta Mr Robertson, Wester Scord Mr Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.01 This name applies to a Stream flowing in a westerly direction out of The Loch of Lunklet unitl it joins the burn of Burrafirth bear the head of the voe of that name.
OS1/31/5/10 East Burra Firth E. [East] Burra Firth East Burra Firth Decribed and authorised in 1/2500 Name Book Aithsting Ph [Parish] 043.01 This name applies to a narrow voe or estuary situate on the east side of the large voe known as "Aiths Voe," property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/10 Bratta Field Bratta Field 043.01 Authorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37 Delting Ph. [Parish]
OS1/31/5/10 Marro Field Marro Field 043.01 Authorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37 Delting Ph. [Parish]
OS1/31/5/10 Marrofield Marrofield 043.01 Authorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37 Delting Ph. [Parish]
OS1/31/5/10 [Page] 10 County of Shetland --Parish of Aithsting East Burra Firth [Note] Marginal Bratta Field [Note] Marginal Marro Field [Note] Marginal Marrofield [Note] (Marginal)
OS1/31/5/11 Petta Water Petta Water Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a small fresh water Loch situated about 2 3/4 miles north of Sandwater Inn and about 300 yards N.W. [North West] of Hoo Kames the Parish Boundary runs through it and is the property of Miss Gifford and The Trustees of the late D. D. Black
OS1/31/5/11 Marrofield Scord Marrofield Scord Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name is applied to a small hollow or pass about 1/4 of a mile south of Marro Field and about 300 yards S.W. [South West] of Marrofield and is adjacent the three Parish point between Deltinng, Aithsting & Weisdale and is the property of Miss Gifford, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/11 West Kame West Kame Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a ridge of heather clad hills extending in a Northerly direction from Scallafield Scord to the extreme north end of Marro Field hill, property of Miss Gifford & The Trustees for the late D. D. Black
OS1/31/5/11 [Page] 11 Shetland -- Parish of Delting & Weisdale West Kame [Note] Written partly on Sheet 37 & partly on Sheet 43
OS1/31/5/12 Scallafield Scord Scallafield Scord Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a small hollow or pass between the hills of Scallo Field and West Kaim. It is covered with heathy pasture and is the property of the Trustees of the late D. D. Black. Wesidale.
OS1/31/5/12 Valley of Kergord Valley of Kergord Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a long heather clad Valley extending from Kergord to a little east of Marrofield, It is a fine level valley and is well watered by streams flowing out of West Kaim and is the property of the Trustees of the late D. D. Black. Wesidale.
OS1/31/5/12 Burn of Kergord Burn of Kergord Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a large burn which takes its rise a little south & east of Marrofield and flows in a Southward direction till it passes Kergord about 200 yards east then It changes its name at the south end of Kergord & is then called Weisdale Burn.
OS1/31/5/12 [Page] 12 Shetland -- Parish of Weisdale
OS1/31/5/13 Hoo Kame Hoo Kame Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a low but prominent hill situated on the north end of "East Kame," and about 1/4 mile East of the south end of "Petta Water, " on the west side of this hill is a rough lump of stone known as "Bottle Stone," & marks the Boundry Between Delting & Nesting. The hill is covered with heather and is the property of Mr. Bruce - Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/13 East Kame East Kame Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a low ridge of hill extending from about 1/4 of a mile north of "Hoo Kame" in a southerly direction till about 1/4 of a mile S.E. [South East] of "Sandwater" Inn. It is covered with heather and is the property of Mr. Bruce, Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/13 Kergord Kergord Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a small district situated in the N.W. [North West] end of Wesidale and about 1 3/4 miles south of Marrofield. their are two occupied houses on Slated, & the other thatched,, the property of Mr. Blair, Edinburgh & Mr James Jacobson, N. [North] House, Setter, Delting
OS1/31/5/13 [Page] 13 Shetland -- Parish of Weisdale & Nesting
OS1/31/5/14 Mid Kame Mid Kame Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a low lying ridge of hill extending from a small hollow west of Sandwater about 3/4 of a mile till it joins Hammerigrind Scord It is covered with heath and is the property of The Trustess of the Late D. D. Black
OS1/31/5/14 Petta Dale Petta Dale Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a large Valley or glen situated between "Mid Kame" & "East Kame," & extends from "Sandwater Inn" to "Petta Water." It is the property of Blacks Trustees.
OS1/31/5/14 Burn of Pettawater Burn of Pettawater Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord by Voe A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr. Gifford Factor Busta Brae 043.02 This name applies to a single stream which runs out of the South end of Petta Water and flows down Peta Dale till it joins the north end of Sandwater where it becomes double about 1/2 mile before entering Sand Water
OS1/31/5/14 [Page] 14 Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall Whiteness & Weisdale
OS1/31/5/15 Twart Burn Twart Burn Twart Burn Twart Burn Arthur Robertson, Area. Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a stream having its source about 60 chains South of the Barns, and falling into Burn of Grunnafirth.
OS1/31/5/15 Queeni Burn Queeni Burn Queeni Burn Queeni Burn Arthur Robertson, Area. Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a stream having its source north of The Barns and flowing into Burn of Grunnafirth
OS1/31/5/15 Minni Loch Minni Loch Minni Loch Minni Loch Arthur Robertson, Area. Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small Round Loch Situated about 30 chains South East of Deep Dale
OS1/31/5/15 Swarta Scroo Swarta Scroo Swarta Scroo Swarta Scroo Arthur Robertson, Area. Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small hill Situated between Minni Loch and Pannie Water
OS1/31/5/15 Deep Dale Deep Dale Deep Dale Deep Dale Arthur Robertson, Area. Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a Valley Situated between the Burn of the Dell and West Periedeu, it is all earthy pasture and is the Property of the Trustees of the Estate of Lunna.
OS1/31/5/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles
OS1/31/5/16 Burns Burns Burns Burns Andrew Jamieson, Tenant Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson 043.03 This name applies to a croft house Situate on the west side of the burn of Grunnifirth, house of one storey thatched in fair repair, and the property of the Trustees of the estate of Lunna.
OS1/31/5/16 Burn of Forse Burn of Forse Burn of Forse Burn of Forse Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small burn forming a junction with Sour Burn afterwards forming the Burn of Grunnafirth
OS1/31/5/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles [Entries Scored Out] Burn of Grunnafirth [Note] Described page 37 Stoney Burn [Note] (Described elsewhere)
OS1/31/5/17 West Peerieden West Peerieden West Peerieden West Peerieden Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small knows. Situated about 1/2 ways between Muckle Hill and Minni Loch.
OS1/31/5/17 East Peerieden East Peerieden East Peerieden East Peerieden Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 Applies to a small Knowe Situataed 10 chains south East of West Peerieden
OS1/31/5/17 Pannie Water Pannie Water Pannie Water Pannie Water Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small Loch Situated between Swarta Scroo and Burns
OS1/31/5/17 Muckle Hill Muckle Hill Muckle Hill Muckle Hill Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a full sized Hill Situated about 30 chains South West of East Peerieden. It is covered with Heathy Pasture and is the property of the Trustees on the Estate of Lunna
OS1/31/5/17 Loch of Hookame Loch of the Kames Loch of the Kames Loch of the Kames Loch of Hookame Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns Hugh Torrel Laxo Mereman 043.03 Applies to a small Loch Situated 25 chains south west of Hughies Knowe
OS1/31/5/17 [Page] 17 Shetland Isles -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/18 Hughie's Knowe Hughie's Knowe Hughie's Knowe Hughie's Knowe Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small knowe Situated about 45 chains north W. [West] of Deep Dale
OS1/31/5/18 Stany Burn Stany Burn Stany Burn Stany Burn Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 Applies to a small Burn Having its source about 60 chains North W. [West] of Moo Field [] and falling into Burn of Torse 6 chains above its juction with Stour Burn
OS1/31/5/18 Hill of Flamister Hill of Flamister Hill of Flamister Hill of Flamister Hill of Flamister Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns Valuation Roll 043.03 This name applies to a hill Situated 20 chains South West of Mirkistane Field
OS1/31/5/18 Moo Field Moo Field Moo Field Moo Field Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr. Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a Hill Situated about 1/2 ways between Stany Burn and Hill of Flamister covered with Heathy Pasture and is the Property of the Trustees on the Estate of Lunna
OS1/31/5/18 [Page] 18 Shetland Isles -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/18 Stany Burn Word indecipherable in fold. -- referred to PO
OS1/31/5/19 Mirkistane Field Mirkistane Field Mirkistane Field Mirkistane Field Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a hill Situated about 10 chains north of the Source of Twart Burn
OS1/31/5/19 Burn of Flamister Burn of Flamister Burn of Flamister Burn of Flamister Burn of Flamister Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns Valuation Roll 043.03 Applies to a stream Having its source at about 10 chains from the west side of the Hill of Flamister and Running in a South westerly direction
OS1/31/5/19 Knowe of Finistry Knowe of Finistry Knowe of Finistry Knowe of Finistry Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns 043.03 This name applies to a small Knowe situated 10 chains North of South Black Water and about 40 chains South West of Hill of Flamister on the Property of the Trustees of the Estate of Lunna
OS1/31/5/19 [Page] 19 Shetland Isles -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/20 Sma Shun of Flamister Smashun of Flamister Smashun of Flamister Smashun of Flamister Flamaster Sma Shun of Flamister Arthur Robertson, Area Mr. Anderson Teacher Vidlin Andrew Jamieson The Barns Valuation Roll Re-submitted 043.03 This name is applied to a small fresh water Loch Situated 25 chains South West of Mirkistane Field and 20 chains East of the Hill of Flamister on the Property of the Trustees of the Estate of Lunna
OS1/31/5/20 Burn of the Dale Burn of the Dale 043.03 Authoriied and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37
OS1/31/5/20 Stany Hill Stany Hill 043.03 Authoriied and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37
OS1/31/5/20 East Burn East Burn 043.03 Authoriied and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 37
OS1/31/5/20 [Page] 20 Shetland Isles -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/21 Burn of Atlascord Burn of Atlascord William Thomson, Sandwater Arthur Johnston Kirkhouse, Voe Delting Peter Mitchell, Twatt, Aithsting 043.06 This name applies to a stream having its Source in the hill known as "West Hill of Weisdale," and flowing in a north westerly direction until it is joined by the Burn of "Truggles Water" from which point it is known as "South Burn of Burrafirth."
OS1/31/5/21 North Nesting North Nesting Name obtained by Captain Macpherson R. E. [Royal Engineers] at the final Examination of the Plans 043.03 Applies to a large District forming the northern portion of the Parish of Nesting extending northwards from the Burn of Forse. It is divided from South Nesting district by a line commencing at the Black Skerry on the west side of South Nesting Bay about 1/2 S. [South] West from Bretabister, thence in N. [North] Westerly direction to Watch-house Hill and from there in an Westerly direction to the junction of the Burn of Forse & Twart Burn, along the Burn of Forse to its junction with Stour Burn and Stany Burn and from thence to the Parish Boundary at Hoo Kame.
OS1/31/5/21 North Nesting North Nesting Name obtained by Captain Macpherson R. E. [Royal Engineers] at the final Examination of the Plans 043.03 Applies to a large District forming the northern portion of the Parish of Nesting extending northwards from the Burn of Forse. It is divided from South Nesting district by a line commencing at the Black Skerry on the west side of South Nesting Bay about 1/2 S. [South] West from Bretabister, thence in N. [North] Westerly direction to Watch-house Hill and from there in an Westerly direction to the junction of the Burn of Forse & Twart Burn, along the Burn of Forse to its junction with Stour Burn and Stany Burn and from thence to the Parish Boundary at Hoo Kame.
OS1/31/5/21 [Page] 21 County of Shetland -- Parish of Wesidale & Aithsting
OS1/31/5/22 Burn of Quoys Burn of Quoys Mr. R. Robertspn Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr A Johnson Farmer Voe Mr William Thomson Inn Keeper Sandwater Val [Valuation] Roll 043.06 This name applies to a small burn which takes its rise about one mile North East of Flamister and flows in a southward direction till it joins th burn which flows out of Sandwater in an Easterly direction
OS1/31/5/22 Flamister Flamister Flamaster Mr. R. Robertspn Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr A Johnson Farmer Voe Mr William Thomson Inn Keeper Sandwater Val [Valuation] Roll Mr. Arthur Anderson Occupier 043.06 This name applies to a small farm one storey thatched and in middling repair situated about one mile and a half N [North] Easterly of Sandwater Inn and is the property of Mr. Bruce Lerwick
OS1/31/5/22 [Page] 22 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting [Entry Scored Out] Burn of Catfirth [Note] Cancelled See p.
OS1/31/5/23 Burn of Truggles-water Burn of South Maa Water Burn of Truggles-water Burn of Truggles Mr. Thomas Gifford Factor, Brae Mr. R. Robertson, Clerk, Wester Scord Mr. Arthur Johnson farmer, Voe, Delting Mr.William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Arthur Anderson Flamaster Re-submitted 043.04 This name applies to a stream issuing from the loch known as Truggles Water and flowing in a westerly direction until it falls into "South Burn of Burrafirth."
OS1/31/5/23 East Hill of Houlland East Hill of Houlland Mr. Thomas Gifford Factor, Brae Mr. R. Robertson, Clerk, Wester Scord Mr. Arthur Johnson farmer, Voe, Delting Mr.William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Arthur Anderson Flamaster Re-submitted 043.04 This name applies to a medium sized hill situated about two miles south of "Burra Firth" it is covered with heathy pasture & is the property of Mr. Grierson, Lerwcik.
OS1/31/5/23 Whaa Field Whaa Field Whaa Field Whaa Field Mr. Henry Hunter Springfield Mr. Robertson Setter Mr. Ingles farmer Flemington 043.05 A prominent hill situated at the south end of "Mid Kame" & about 1/2 a mile N. [North] of "Lamba Scord." It is the property of various proprietors.
OS1/31/5/23 South Nesting South Nesting Name obtained by Cap. [Captain] Macpherson R. E. [Royal Engineers] at the final Examination of Plans 043.05 Applies to a large district forming the Southern portion of Nesting Parish and extending southwards from Burn of Forse. For division line between North and South Nesting districts. See description of North Nesting Page 21
OS1/31/5/23 [Page] 23 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting & Weisdale
OS1/31/5/24 Lamba Water Lamba Water Mr. Thomas Gifford, Busta Mr. Robertson, Wester Scord Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.04 This name applies to a large fresh water loch situate to the south of "Scallafield Hill." property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Black, Wesidale.
OS1/31/5/24 Maa Water Maa Water Mr. Thomas Gifford, Busta Mr. Robertson, Wester Scord Arthur Johnson, Kirkhouse, Voe, Delting 043.04 This name applies to a fresh water loch of considerable extent . the others adjoining being mere mountain pools or moss holes. property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Black, Wesidale.
OS1/31/5/24 Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Truggles Water Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Arthur Anderson Flamaster Interlocutor on Boundary Scattald Survey of Weisdale Joseph Waine Merseman for Tingwall#Thomas Taylor Meresman for Whitenesss Thomas Taylor Meresman for Whiteness William Thomson Merseman for Weisdale 043.04 This name applies to a medium sized moutain loch through which the boundary line between the parishes of Aithsting & Weisdale passes. Property of Mr. Grierson & the Trustees of the late Mr. Black, Weisdale.
OS1/31/5/24 [Page] 24 County of Shetland -- Parishes of Aithsting & Weisdale [Entry Scored Out] South Maa Water or Truggles Water Truggles Water [Note] See Burn of S [South] Maa Water
OS1/31/5/25 Sandwater Inn Sandwater Inn Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord Voe Mr. William Thomson Innkeeper Sandwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe 043.05 This name applies to a Public House Situated about 100 yards west of the public Road at about 10 1/4 miles from Lerwick and about 5 1/4 miles from Voe It has accommodation in two storeys slated and in very good repair. the property of William Thomson Occupier
OS1/31/5/25 Sand Water Sand Water Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord Voe Mr. William Thomson Innkeeper Sandwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe 043.05 This name applies to a larger fresh Water loch Situated about 200 yards south of Sandwater Inn and immediately West of the Public Road and is the property of the Late W. W. Black
OS1/31/5/25 Loch of the Andris Loch of Andris Loch of the Andris Mr. Robert Robertson Farmer Wester Scord Voe Mr. William Thomson Innkeeper Sandwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Mr Arthur Anderson Flamaster Two tenants at Catfirth. 043.06 This name applies to a small fresh Water Loch situated about 3/4 of a mile North East of Sandwater Inn and about 3/4 of a mile West of Flamister It is on the property of Mr. Bruce Lerwick
OS1/31/5/25 [Page] 25 Shetland -- Ph [Parish] of Tingwall Whiteness & Weisdale Sandwater Inn [note] Query 15 See M.P. Pencil note illegible
OS1/31/5/26 Burn of Crookadale Burn of Crookadale Mr. R. Robertson Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr William Thomson Innkeeper Sanwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe 043.06 This name applies to a small Burn which takes its rise a little north of Loch of Andris and flows in a southward direction till it joins a large burn which runs out of Sandwater
OS1/31/5/26 Black Loch Black Loch Mr. R. Robertson Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr William Thomson Innkeeper Sanwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe 043.06 This name applies to a small fresh water loch situated about 300 yards South of Loch of Andris and immediately east of Burn pf Crookadales
OS1/31/5/26 Dud of Flamister Dud of Flamester Flamaster Mr. R. Robertson Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr William Thomson Innkeeper Sanwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe Valuation Roll 043.06 This name applies to a small hollow situated about 1/4 miles north west of Flamister It is covered with hearhter and broken moss & is the property of Mr. Bruce Lerwick
OS1/31/5/26 South Black Water South Black Water Mr. R. Robertson Farmer Wester Scord By Voe Mr William Thomson Innkeeper Sanwater Mr. A. Johnson Farmer Voe 043.06 Applies to a Fresh Water Loch situated about 3/4 of a mile East by North of Flamister and 1 1/2 miles south of the Farmhouse of Burns
OS1/31/5/26 [Page] 26 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/27 Burn of Lambawater Burn of Lambawater Burn of Lambawater Burn of Lambawater Mr. Robert Hunter, Kergord. Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Hay Hay Mason Laxo 043.01 A Stream issuing out of "Lamba Water," & flowing N.W. [North West] for 3/4 mile where it joins Burns of "Lunklett"
OS1/31/5/27 Stour Burn Stour Burn Stour Burn Stour Burn Mr. Arthur Anderson Flamister Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Hay Hay mason Laxo 043.03 A small stream issuing about 3/4 mile east of "Loch of HooKame" & flowing southward for about 1/2 a mile falling into "Burn of Forse"
OS1/31/5/27 Durra Dale Durra Dale Durra Dale Durra Dale Durra Dale Mr. Dempster Laurenson Quoys of Catfirth Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Hay Hay mason Laxo 043.03 A hollow about one mile in length, through which flows "Burn of Forse," on the N. [North] side of "Moo Field."
OS1/31/5/27 Burn of Scallafield Burn of Scallafield Mr. Dempster Laurenson Quoys of Catfirth Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Hay Hay mason Laxo 043.02 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Bool 43/10
OS1/31/5/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Aithsting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser C / a[Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/28 Crooka Dale Crooka Dale Crooka Dale Crooka Dale Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Arthur Anderson Flamaster Mr. Robert Hunter Kergord 043.06 A small glen about one mile in length situated about 1/2 a mile N.E. [North East] of "Sandwater," & about the same distance W. [West] of Dud of Flamaster." It is the property of Mr. Bruce of Symbister.
OS1/31/5/28 Lamba Scord Lamba Scord Lamba Scord Lamba Scord Mr. William Thomson Sandwater Mr. Robert Hunter Kergord Mr. Ingles farmer Flemington 043.06 A hollow between two hills, Situated at the south end of "Mid Kame." & about 1/2 a mile W. [West] of "Sandwater Inn." It is the property of the Kins of the late D. D. Black Esqr. of Kergord.
OS1/31/5/28 [Page] 28 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland. [Signed] William Fraser C / a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/28A Hag Mark Stone Hag Mark Stone Hag Mark Stone Hag Mark Stone Mr. Joseph Irvine, Meresman for Tingwall Mr. Thomas Taylor Merseman for Whiteness Mr. William Thomson Meresman for Wesidale 043.02 A stone on the line of Boundary between Aithsting and Weisdale Parishes and about 1/8th of a mile south from the junction of Delting, Aithsting and Weisdale Parishes.
OS1/31/5/28A Bottle Stone Bottle Stone Bottle Stone Bottle Stone Mr William Thomson Meresman for Wesidale Mr. Peter Mitchell Meresman for Aithsting Mr. Thomas Gifford Meresman for Delting 043.02 A Stone on the line of Boundary between Delting and Nesting Parishes and a short distance East from the junction of Nesting, Wesidale and Delting Parishes
OS1/31/5/28A Quilsa Shun Quilsa Shun Mr William Thomson Meresman for Wesidale Mr. Peter Mitchell Meresman for Aithsting Mr. Thomas Gifford Meresman for Delting 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book Aithsting Parish
OS1/31/5/28A The Moorans The Moorans Mr William Thomson Meresman for Wesidale Mr. Peter Mitchell Meresman for Aithsting Mr. Thomas Gifford Meresman for Delting 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book Aithsting Parish
OS1/31/5/28A Roonican Roonican Mr William Thomson Meresman for Wesidale Mr. Peter Mitchell Meresman for Aithsting Mr. Thomas Gifford Meresman for Delting 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book Aithsting Parish
OS1/31/5/28A [Page] 28a Shetland -- Aithsting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Whitelaw Lochs Whitelaw Lochs 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Aithsting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Glen Burn Glen Burn 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Aithsting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Dudd Hill Dudd Hill 043.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Aithsting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Burnt Knowe Burnt Knowe 043.06 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Hill of Catfirth Hill of Catfirth 043.06 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B Valley of Houlland Valley of Houlland 043.06 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/28B [Page] 28B Shetland --Aithsting & Nesting Phs [Parishes]
OS1/31/5/29 The Dale The Dale Mr Tait, Betabister, Nesting, Shetland Mr. A. Robertson, Area Grunnafirth, Nesting, Shetland Mr. Auclusrie, Teacher, Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a portion of land covered with rough pasture situated in the parish of Nesting 20 chains S [South] of "bretabister & 40 chains S.E. [South East] from "Kirk Wart" in the property of Mr. Bruce of Whalsay Island Shetland
OS1/31/5/29 Burn of the Dale Burn of the Dale Mr Tait, Betabister, Nesting, Shetland Mr. A. Robertson, Area Grunnafirth, Nesting, Shetland Mr. Auclusrie, Teacher, Vidlin 044.01 This name is applies to a mountain stream situated in the above parish about 30 chains S. [South] of "Kirk Ward": it's source is in Blackwater from whence it flows in an easterly direction, and falls into the Sea immediately N. [North] of the parish Church of Nesting, its whole length is about 130 chains.
OS1/31/5/29 Watch-house Burn Watchhouse Burn Watch-house Burn Mr Tait, Betabister, Nesting, Shetland Mr. A. Robertson, Area Grunnafirth, Nesting, Shetland Mr. Auclusrie, Teacher, Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a small Burn situated E. [East] from "Malelihouse" about 10 chains from whence it flows Easterly and joins the "Burn of the "Dale. The whole are in the property of Mr. Bruce Whalsay Island Shetland
OS1/31/5/29 [Page] 29 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting All the islands on Sheet 44 are in the Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/30 Whilmini Scord Whilimini Scort Whilmini Scord Mr. A. Robertson Arie Gunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr Anderson Mr Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a small Green burn or track situated in this parish of 10 chains S. [South] of Kirk Ward and 12 chains N. [North] of Watchhouse Burn in the property of Mr. Bruce of Whalsay Island, Shetland
OS1/31/5/30 Lambs Knowe Lambs Knowe Mr. A. Robertson Arie Gunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr Anderson Mr Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a knowe or small hill to the N.W. [North West] of Bretabister about 10 chains is the property of the above & is covd. [covered] with rough & heathy pasture
OS1/31/5/30 Taa Wall Thawell Knowe Taa Wall Mr. A. Robertson Arie Gunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr Anderson Mr Hunter William Tait Bretabister G. Morrison 044.01 This name is applied to a small hill covd. [covered] with heathy pasture 30 chains S.W. [South West] from "Bretabister it is also the property of the above
OS1/31/5/30 Buillin Knowe Building Known Buillon Knowe Mr. A. Robertson Arie Gunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr Anderson Mr Hunter William Tait Bretabister G. Morrison 044.01 This name is applied to a hill similar to the above 40 chains S. [South] by West from Bretabister proprietor Mr. Bruce Whalsay
OS1/31/5/30 [Page 30] Shetland Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/31 Watch-house Watch House Watch-house Mr. A Robertson Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunnafirth Mr. Anderson Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a conspicuous Knowe or hill situated in the above parish 90 chains S.E. [South East] from Grunnafirth 75 chains W [West] from Bretabister & about 120 chains S.W. [South West] from Bellister, it is covered with heathy pasture & is the property of Mr. Bruce, Whalsay ISland.
OS1/31/5/31 Black Water Black water Mr. A Robertson Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunnafirth Mr. Anderson Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a fresh water loch situated 20 chains S.W. [South West] from Watchhouse in the above parish, it is in the property of the before named.
OS1/31/5/31 Mossy Hill Mossy Hill Mr. A Robertson Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunnafirth Mr. Anderson Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a hill situated in the above parish 22 chains N.E. [North East] from Watchhouse it is covered with heathy pasture and is the property of the above.
OS1/31/5/31 Simon's Ward Simon's Wart Mr. A Robertson Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunnafirth Mr. Anderson Vidlin 044.01 This name is applied to a small hill similar to the above situated 17 chains S.E. [South East] from "Watchhouse"
OS1/31/5/31 [Page 31] Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/32 Kirk Ward Kirk Ward Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a small hill Know, 'conspicuous from a distance' covd. [covered] with heathy pasture, situated in this parish of Nesting 42 chains N. [North] from Watchhouse, in the property of Mr. Bruce, Whalsay Island, Shetland
OS1/31/5/32 Ward of Bellister Ward of Bellister Bellister Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson Johnston's Map Val [Valuation]Roll 044.01 This name is applied to a knowe or small hill covered with heathy pastures situated in the above parish 6 chains N.W. [North West] from "Kirk Wart
OS1/31/5/32 Burnt Knowe Burnt Knowe Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a hill similar to the above situated 25 chains S.E. [South East] from "Kirk Wart."
OS1/31/5/32 Green Knowe Burnt Knowe Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a small hill similar to the above 15 chains S. E. [South East] from Burnt Knowe & immediately to the S. [South] of "Loch of the Waters'": the whole of the above are in the property of Mr. Bruce, Whalsay Island, Shetland
OS1/31/5/32 [Page 32] Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/33 Hamar Knowe Hamar Knowe Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Tait Bretabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied a small hil situated to the S.W. [South West]of Bretabister about 35 chains & 8 chains E [East] from "Building Knowe"; it is covered with rough pasture and is the property of Mr. Bruce, Whalsay Island, Shetland.
OS1/31/5/33 Oxana Burn Oxana Burn Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Tait Bretabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a small burn situated in the above parish between "Taa Well & Buillin Knows" & 15 chains S. [South] of Burn of the Dale.
OS1/31/5/33 Burn of Scudillswick Burn of Scudillswick Mr. A. Robertson, Aria Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Tait Bretabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a small mountain stream situated in the above parish about 40 chains South of Watchhouse & 65 chains S.E. [South East] from Bretabister The whole are in the property of Mr. Bruce Whalsay Island
OS1/31/5/33 [Page] 33 Shetland -- Ph [Parish] of Nesting
OS1/31/5/34 Black Burn Black Burn Mr. A. Robertson Arie Grunafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Tait, Bretabister, Nesting Shetland 044.01 This name is applied to a small burn about 20 chains S.W. [South West] from Blackwater & 30 chains west from Taa Well in the property of Mr. Bruce Whalsay Island Shetland
OS1/31/5/34 Black Skerry Black Skerry Mr. A. Robertson Arie Grunafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Tait, Bretabister, Nesting Shetland 044.01 This name is applied to a high water rock situated in the above parish 6 chains S.E. [South East] from Hamar Knowe and 150 links to nearest point of H.W.M. [High Water Mark] 8 ch [chains] S. [South] of Gruna Taing & 27 chains N. [North] of Burn of 'Scuddleswick'
OS1/31/5/34 Grunna Taing Grunating Gruna Taing Grunna Taing Mr. A. Robertson Arie Grunafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Tait, Bretabister, Nesting Shetland (adopted) 044.01 This name is applied to a point of land covered with Rough pasture & rocks about 30 chains South of Bretabister. The property of the above.
OS1/31/5/34 [Page] 34 Shetland -- Ph [Parish] of Nesting
OS1/31/5/35 Lochs of the Water Lochs of the Waters Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to two small lochs situated in the parish of Nesting 35 chains N.E. [North East] from "Kirk Ward" in the property of Mr. Bruce of Whalsay Island Shetland
OS1/31/5/35 Burn of the Waters Burn of the Waters Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a small stream which has its source in the "Loch of the Waters" and is situated N.E. [North East] from "The Dale"; it falls into the "Burn of the Dale" 9 chains N.E. [North East] from Growstone House Proprietor the same as above.
OS1/31/5/35 Grostane Growtone Grostane Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Hunter Mr. Anderson 044.01 This name is applied to a crofters residence situated in the parish of Nesting 18 chains N.E. [North East] from Bretabister & 10 chains S.E. [South East] from "The Dale" it is one storey thatched built of stone & in middling repair; proprietor the same as above.
OS1/31/5/35 [Page] 35 Shetland -- Nesting Ph. [Parish]
OS1/31/5/36 East Hill of Bellister East Hill of Bellister Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a large hill covered with heathy pasture situated to the S.E. [South East] of Bellister about 57 chains it is in the above parish and is the property of Mr. Bruce Whalsay Island
OS1/31/5/36 Burn of Laxfirth Burn of Laxfirth Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a mountain stream, which is situated in the above parish, about 15 chains N.E. [North East] from E. [East] Grunnafirth Hill and has its source in Loch of Bellister from whence it flows in a N. [North] & Easterly direction through the property of Mr. Bruce Whalsay Island Shetland
OS1/31/5/36 The Runnies The Rennies The Runnies Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Johnston's Map Re-submitted 044.01 This name applies to two conspicious flat rocks situated in the sides of two knolls which is situated about 20 & 30 chains N.E. [North East] of "Fern"
OS1/31/5/36 [Page] 36 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/37 Grunnafirth Grunnafirth Grunifirth Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunafirth Mr. Anderson Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a district of crofts situated in the parish of Nesting 30 chains South of "Doura Voe" Proprietor Mr Bell, Lunna Hoiuse, Shetland
OS1/31/5/37 Burn of Grunnafirth Burn of Grunnafirth Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunafirth Mr. Anderson Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a burn or mountain stream situated in the above parish to the south of Grunnafirth district.
OS1/31/5/37 Area Area Mr. A Robertson Arie Grunnafirth Nesting Mr. G. Huson The Fern Grunafirth Mr. Anderson Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a croft situated in the parish of Nesting & district called Grunnafirth 25 chains S.W. [South West] from The Fern; The property of the above.
OS1/31/5/37 [Page] 37 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/38 Lower House Lower-house Lower House Mr. Robertson Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter (adopted) 044.01 This name is applied to a crofter or cottar house situated in the above parish and district called "Grunnafirth" 12 chains N.W. [North West] from the "Fern" & between "Grunnafirth Burn" and "Mill Burn"
OS1/31/5/38 Fern Fern Mr. Robertson Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a house similar in details to the above, situated in the above parish & district 6 chains E. [East] of Grunnafirth Burn - 15 chains E. [East] of S [South] South Dyke; The property of Mr. Bell Lunna Shetland
OS1/31/5/38 Southdyke Southdyke Mr. Robertson Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a house similar to those described above, in the same parish & District, 15 chains W. [West] of "The Fern" & 12 chains S.W. [South West] from "Lower House"
OS1/31/5/38 [Page] 38 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting Lower House [note] two words JTH South-dyke [noite] one word JTH
OS1/31/5/39 The Runn Hill The Runn Hill Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a Hill covd. [covered] with heathy pasture situated in the above parish 70 chains S. [South] of Grunnafirth Proprietor Mr. Bruce, Whalsay Island.
OS1/31/5/39 Bow Field Bow Field Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a large Hill covered with heathy pasture 20 chains S. [South] of the above & 20 chains S.W. [South West] from "Blackwater." The property of the above named.
OS1/31/5/39 Hill of Area Hill of Area Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Re-submitted 044.01 This anem is applied to a hill covd. [covered] with heathy pasture situated in the parish of Nesting 40 chains S.E. [South East] from "Grunnafirth" 50 chains N.E. [North East] from "The Runn Hill" & 12 chains S.W. [South West] from Loch of Bellister propritor The same as above
OS1/31/5/39 Loch of Skellister Loch of Skellister 044.01 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book 44/9 Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/39 [Page] 39 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/40 Wilder Burn Wilder Burn Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a small mountain stream situated in the above parish immediately to the S. [South] of "Grunafirth" & 20 chains N.E. [North East] from The Runnn Hill it joins "Burn of Force" about 4 chains S.E. [South East] from Area
OS1/31/5/40 Resting Knowe Resting Knowe Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name as applied to a knowe or small hill situated 12 chains E. [East] from "The Runn Hill" & 15 chains N. [North] from Loch of Bellister covd [covered] with heathy pasture.
OS1/31/5/40 Loch of Bellister Loch of Bellister Loch of Bellister Mr. A. Robertson Area Grunnafirth Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Johnstons Map 044.01 This name is applied to a fresh water loch 28 chains by 2, it is situated in the above parish 28 chains S.W. [South West] from "East Hill of Grunnafirth;" The whole of the above are in the property of Mr. Bruce, 'Whalsay Island'
OS1/31/5/40 [Page] 40 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/41 Knowe of Whassil Knowe of Whassil Name obtained by Capt [Captain] Macpherson R. E. [Royal Engineers] at the final Examination of Plans 044.01 Applies to a small hill on the West of Wilder Burn about 3/4 a mile West from Loch of Bellister.
OS1/31/5/41 [Page] 41 Shetland -- Nesting Ph [Parish] [Entry Scored Out] School [note] Cancelled
OS1/31/5/42 Ling Skerry Ling Skerry Mr. Tait Brettabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter 044.01 This name is applied to a high water rock situated in the above parish 16 chains S. [South] from Bretabister.
OS1/31/5/42 South Geo of Bretabister South Geo of Bretabister Bretabister Mr. Tait Brettabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Johnstons Map 044.01 This name is applied to a small bay in the above parish 5 chains S.W. [South West] from "Bretabister"
OS1/31/5/42 Bretabister Bretabister Mr. Tait Brettibister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Gordon Morrison Bretabister Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to to two Crofts situated close together in the above parish about 27 chains S.W. [South West] from Nesting parish Church 75 chains E. [East] from Watch house & 120 chains S. [South] of Bellister They are the property of Mr. Hay Lerwick SHetland
OS1/31/5/42 North Geo of Bretabister North Geo of Bretabister Mr. Tait Brettabister Nesting Shetland Mr. Anderson Mr. Hunter Gordon Morrison Bretabister Johnston's Map 044.01 This name is applied to a small bay of the sea situated in the above parish 10 chains E. [East] from Bretabister & 18 chains S. [South] of Ph. [Parish] Church
OS1/31/5/42 [Page] 42 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/43 Church Church Mr. John Anderson Mr. Hugh Sandison Neep Mr. A. Anderson 044.02 This is the Established Church in the parish of Nesting and situated on the N.W. [North West] shore of the Wick of Housabister. It is a plain edifice of stone slated & in good repair Contains sittings for 350 persons Rev. [Reverand] Andrew Levil Minister. Date of erection 1794 and repaired in 1870
OS1/31/5/43 [Page] 43 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/44 Brough Brough Brough Brough Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Levie Ph [Parish] Minister Gidian Morrison Bretabister Mr. William Tait Bretabister 044.01 A building of an Oval construction well known to be the remain of an ancient Brough or Pictish Fort; It has not as yet been explored, & is therefore in good preservation, being about 1 chain in diameter at the base, & terminating into a point about 25 links high. It is Situated on the east Coast of Nesting & on the S. [South] side of the Parish Church.
OS1/31/5/44 [Page] 44 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilain assistant]
OS1/31/5/45 Housabister Housabister Valuation Roll Hugh Sandison, Noup R. Pearson, Rognete A. Anderson Johnston's Map 044.02 This name applies to a cluster of houses situate 20 chains west of Kirkabuster, all of one storey in height and thatched, and the property of the Tutors and Curators of William Bruce Esqr.
OS1/31/5/45 Wick of Housabister Wick of Housabister Valuation Roll Hugh Sandison R. Pearson 044.02 This name applies to a bay situate adjacent to the district called Housabister
OS1/31/5/45 [Page] 45 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland Isles [Entry Scored Out] Church [note] See p. J.T.H.
OS1/31/5/45 Cancelled see p Church
OS1/31/5/46 Long Skerry Long Skerry Hugh Sandison, R. Pearson, A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a rock situate at the west side of Wick of Kirkabister
OS1/31/5/46 Round Stack Round Stack Hugh Sandison, R. Pearson, A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a rock situate close to Long Skerry.
OS1/31/5/46 Darls Bank Darls Bank H. Sandison, R. Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a point of land forming the eastern boundary of Wick of Housabister
OS1/31/5/46 [Page] 46 Parish of Nesting &c. -- Shetland Isles [Entries Scored Out] Grave Yard [note] Cancelled Wick Skerry [note] Cancelled By order John T. Hoban C.a. [Civilian assistant] 13.5.78
OS1/31/5/47 Kirkabister Kirkabister Hugh Sandison, Noup Ross Hewison Housabuster A Anderson Booth of Kirkabuster Valuation Roll 044.02 This name applies to a cluster of dwellings situate about 20 chains S W. [South West] of the manse houses all one storey thatched in fair repair and the property of the Tutors and Curators of William A. Bruce Esq.
OS1/31/5/47 Wick of Kirkabister Wick of Kirkabister Hugh Sandison Ross Hewison A. Anderson Johnstons Map 044.02 This name applies to a small bay adjacent to Kirkabister.
OS1/31/5/47 Booth of Kirkabister Booth of Kirkabister Hugh Sandison Ross Hewison A. Anderson Valuation Roll 044.02 This name applies to a small house situated a short distance S.E. [South East] of Kirkabister, the property of the Tuitors and Curators of William A Bruce Esqr. house one storey in height.
OS1/31/5/47 [Page] 47 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles
OS1/31/5/48 Manse Manse Revd [Reverend] William Levi Hugh Sandison Noup R Pearson Baywell 044.02 This name applies to the manse of the Established minister if Nesting etc. it is situated about 25 chains NW [North West] of the Hill of Neap house of two storeys and slated in good repair and possessing all necessary outhouses &c. also glebe land adjacent
OS1/31/5/48 Hill of Neap Hill of Neep Hill of Neap Hugh Sandison Noup R Pearson A. Anderson Booth of Kirkabuster Johnston's Map 044.02 This name applies to a prominent hill situate 25 chains SW [South West] of Hog Island, on the property of the Tutors and Curators of William A. Bruce Esqr.
OS1/31/5/48 Wick of Fluig Wick of Fluig Hugh Sandison R Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a bay situate on the west side of Hill of Neap
OS1/31/5/48 Ura Stack Burastack Oura Stack Ura Stack Hugh Sandison R Pearson A. Anderson Re-submitted 044.02 This name applies to an island situate on the west side of Wick of Fluig
OS1/31/5/48 [Page] 48 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles
OS1/31/5/49 Winna Neap Winna Neap Winna Neap. Hugh Sandison, Noup R. Pearson, Rpgwell A. Anderson Boothuster. 044.02 This name applies to point of land situate immediately N. [North] of Wick of Neap.
OS1/31/5/49 Stone 044.02
OS1/31/5/49 [Page] 49 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles [Entry Scored Out] Stone
OS1/31/5/50 Loch of Kirkabister Loch of Kirkabister Kirkabister Hugh Sandison. Noup R. Pearson Rogwell A, Anderson Booth of Kirkabuster Johnstons Map 044.02 This name applies to a sheet of water 10 chains north of Kirkabister.
OS1/31/5/50 Viles Burn Viles Burn High Sandison R. Pearson, Rogwell A Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a stream rising about 20 chains N [North] of Howsabister and flowing into the Loch of Havaness.
OS1/31/5/50 Valla Ness Vaillin Nep Valla Ness Valla Ness Hugh Sandison R. Pearson. A. Anderson Valuation Roll Re-submitted 044.02 This name applies to a point of land situate 10 chains N.E [North East] of Knowe of Ragwell
OS1/31/5/50 Wick of Vallaness Wick of Vaillainess Wick of Vallaness Wick of Vallaness Hugh Sandison R. Pearson A. Anderson Re-submitted 044.02 This name applies to a Small bay situated a short distance north of Valla Ness
OS1/31/5/50 [Page] 50 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland Isles
OS1/31/5/51 Glebe 044.02
OS1/31/5/51 [Page] 51 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting [Entry Scored Out] Glebe [note] Cancelled
OS1/31/5/52 Teistie Geo Teistie Geo Mr Anderson Mr Hunter Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to a small inlet enclosed with bold looking rocks situate 12 chains east of North Banks Hill
OS1/31/5/52 Doves' Cove Doves' Cove Mr Anderson Mr Hunter Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to a small Cove 3 chains South of Valla Ness & [] As name from Doves Building in it
OS1/31/5/52 Ramna Geos Ramna Geos Mr Anderson Mr Hunter Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to two small bays or inlets. 3 chains South of Hoy Sound & N.E. of the Hill of Neep
OS1/31/5/52 [Page] 52 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/52 Doves Geo [] word
OS1/31/5/53 The Stack The Stack Hugh Sandison Noup R. Pearson Rogwell A Anderson. Booth of Kirkabuster 044.02 This name applies to a rock, detached from the N.E [North East] point of Hog Island
OS1/31/5/53 Stany Hog Stany Hog H Sandison R. Pearson A Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a rocky island situate east of Hog Island.
OS1/31/5/53 Egils House Eagles house Eglis House. H Sandison R. Pearson A Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a small object having much the appearance of a stone cist, but for what purpose it was used, or named could not be ascertained. it is situate on the highest point of Hog Island, and commands a view all round
OS1/31/5/53 Loch of Stavaness Loch of Stavaness 044.02 Authorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 38.
OS1/31/5/53 [Page] 53 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland Isles.
OS1/31/5/54 Rugwell Rugwell R Pearson, Tenant H Sandson, Noup A Anderson Booth of Kirkabuster 044.02 This name applies to a small croft house situate about 10 chains west of Knowe of Rogwell. the property of the Tutors and Curators of William A. Bruce Esq of Symbister.
OS1/31/5/54 Knowe of Rugwell Knowe of Rugwell R. Pearson H Sandison A Anderson 044.02 Applies to a small Eminence situate on about 10 chains east of Rogwell on the property of the Tutors and Curators of William A Bruce Esqr.
OS1/31/5/54 Neap Neep Neap R. Pearson H Sandison A Anderson Johnston's Map 044.02 Applies to a small cluster of tenements Situate a short distance [North East] of the Manse. houses one storey in height thatched and the property of the Tutors & Curators of William A. Bruce Esqr.
OS1/31/5/54 [Page] 54 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland Isles.
OS1/31/5/55 Mio Ness Moun Ness Mio Ness H. Sandison. Noup R. Pearson Rogwell A Anderson Booth of Kirkibuster Re-submitted 044.02 This name applies to a point of land situate on the SE [South East] side of Wick of Neap.
OS1/31/5/55 Outrastone Bay Outrastone Bay H. Sandison. Noup R. Pearson. Rogwell A Anderson, Booth of Kirkabuster 044.02 This name applies to a small bay situate on the S.E [South East] side of Mio Ness
OS1/31/5/55 Hog Sound Hog Sound H. Sandison R. Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a small channel separating Hog Island from the mainland
OS1/31/5/55 Hog Island Hig Island H. Sandison R. Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 This name applies to a precipitous island situate a short distance N.E. [North East] of Hill of Neap. it is surrounded by several rocks. and contains two natural rock arches, also a circular shaped opening connected with the North Sea. termed The Curran, about 70 feet deep.
OS1/31/5/55 [Page] 55 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland Isles
OS1/31/5/56 Stack of the Skerson Stack of the Skersons H. Sandison. Noup R. Pearson, Rogwell Arthur Anderson Booth of Kirkabuster. 044.02 This name applies to a highwater rock situate about 25 chains east of the Loch of Stavaness
OS1/31/5/56 Wick of Neap Wick of Neep H. Sandison R. Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 Applies to a bay situate immediately east of Neap.
OS1/31/5/56 Wick of Skerry Wick Skerry H. Sandison R. Pearson A. Anderson 044.02 Applies to a high water rock Situate a little to the North of Mio Ness
OS1/31/5/56 [Page] 56 Parish of Nesting &c -- Shetland Isles. [Entries Scored Out] Ross's Stack [Note] Cancelled By order John T. Hoban 18.5.78. Voe Skerry [Note] Cancelled By order John T. Hoban Ca [Civilian assistant] 18.5.78
OS1/31/5/57 Stane Field Hill of Stonefield Stane Field Mr John Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr Hunter Bellislet Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to a low hill 23 Chains South of Loch Stavaness & 20 Chains west of the Wick of Valla Ness proprietor Mr Bruce
OS1/31/5/57 Keen of the Skersons Keen of the Skersons Mr John Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr Hunter Bellislet Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to bold looking rocks on the Coast Situate 5 Chains S.W. [South West] of the Stack of the Skersons & 10 Chains North of Tiestie Geo.
OS1/31/5/57 Seli Geo Seli Geo. Mr John Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr Hunter Bellislet Mr Robertson 044.02 Applies to a long narrow Channel 3 chains South of Tiestie Geo.
OS1/31/5/57 [Page] 57 Shetland -- Ph [Parish] of Nesting [Entry Scored Out] Geo of the Keen [Note] Cancelled By order John T. Hoban Ca [Civilian assistant] 18.5.78.
OS1/31/5/58 Felshun Felshun Mr Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr James Hunter Garths Billister Mr Robertson Kirkabister 044.02 This name applies to a hill Situate about 60 chains S.E [South East] of Bellister & 40 chains west of Loch Stavaness Covered with rough and heathy pasture property of Mr Bruce Simbister
OS1/31/5/58 Neapna Scord Neepnascore Neepna Scord. Mr Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr James Hunter Garths Billister Mr Robertson Kirkabister 044.02 Applies to a hollow on the South of Felshun & north of the East Hill of Bellister
OS1/31/5/58 Northbanks Hill North Banks Hill Northbanks Hill Mr Anderson Teacher Vidlin Mr James Hunter Garths Billister Mr Robertson Kirkabister 044.02 Applies to a low hill on the east side of Loch Stavasness & a long the said Loch & west of the Keen of the Skersons property of William Bruce Simbister
OS1/31/5/58 [Page] 58 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/59 Ham Ness Ham Ness Mr. James Linklater Garth Mr. Thomas Hunter, Vassa Mr. W. Tait Bretabister 044.04 This name is applied to a point of land covd [covered] with rough pastures situated in the above parish 40 ch. [chains] N.E. [North East] from Brough 30 ch. [chains] W. [West] from Ling Ness & 15 ch. [chains] S.E. [South East] from Corn Holm Proprietor Mr. Bruce, Simbister Ho [House] Whalsay Shetland
OS1/31/5/59 Cunning Holm Cunning Holm Mr. James Linklater Garth Mr. Thomas Hunter, Vassa Mr. W. Tait Bretabister 044.04 This name is applied to an island covd. [covered] with rough pasture situated 15 Ch. [Chains] N.E. [North East from Corn Holm 22 ch. [chains] N. [North] from Ham Ness & 50 chains N.E. from Brough it is the property of the above.
OS1/31/5/59 Spentlie Holm Spentlie Holm Mr. James Linklater Garth Mr. Thomas Hunter, Vassa Mr. W. Tait Bretabister 044.04 This name is applied to a small island part covd [covered] with R.p, [Rough pasture] & part rocks, Situated in the above parish 8 Ch [Chains] W. [West] from Corn Holm proprietor same as above.
OS1/31/5/59 [Page] 59
OS1/31/5/60 Corn Holm Corn Holm Mr. Tait, Bretabister Mr. James Linklater Garth & Mr. Hunter Vassa 044.04 This name is applied to an island covd. [covered] with arable & rough pasture situated in the above parish 18 Ch. N.W. [Chains North West] from 'Ham Ness' 18 Chs. SW [Chains South West] from 'Cunning Holm' & about 34 Chs. N.E. [Chains North East] 'Brough.' the NW [North West] side of this osdland is the site of a Brough proprietors Mr Bruce Simbister Ho [House] Whalsay Shetland.
OS1/31/5/60 [Page] 60 Shetland -- Nesting Parish [Entry Scored Out] Brough [note] Cancelled
OS1/31/5/61 Fru Stack Maiden Stack Fru Stack Fru Stack Fru Stack Frou Stack Frow Stack Mr James Linklater Garth Mr William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger G. Gear, Gletness 3 Tenants at Eswick Johnston's Map Admiralty Chart 044.05 A conpicious Stack about 120 feet in height, about 140 links long, by about 70 links broads with a Small piece of Rough pasture on the tops, and standing about 250 links east of the east coast of "Moul of Esqick" It is in the Ph [Parish] of Nesting
OS1/31/5/61 Muckle Loch Muckle Loch Mr James Linklater Garth Mr William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a fresh water loch situated on 'Moul of Eswick' 36 ch [chain] S.E. [South East] from 'Eswick' & 11 ch [chain] N. [North] from 'Little Loch' property of Mr. Bruce Simbberter Ho [House] Whalsay Shetland
OS1/31/5/61 Little Loch Little Loch Mr James Linklater Garth Mr William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a loch similar to, & 11 Chains S. [South] from the above, the property of the same
OS1/31/5/61 [Page] 61 Shetland -- Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/62 Moul of Eswick Moul of Eswick Mull of Eswick Mr James Linklater Garth Mr. William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger Johnston's Map 044.05 This name is applied to a point of land covd. [covered] with rough pasture situated in the above parish, 60 chains S.E. [South East] from 'Ling Ness.' & about 80 Chains S.E. & E. [South East & East] from "Brough" Proprietor Mr. Bruce Whalsay Shetland.
OS1/31/5/62 Es Wick Eswick Voe Es Wick. Mr James Linklater Garth Mr. William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger Alexander Leask Eswick Andrew Hunter Eswick George Geor Eswick 044.05 This name is applied to an arm of the Sea, situated between 'Moul of Eswick' and 'Ling Ness.' & about 75 chains. E. [East] from 'Brough'
OS1/31/5/62 Eswick Eswick Mr James Linklater Garth Mr. William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger Alexander Leask Eswick Andrew Hunter Eswick George Geor Eswick Johnston's Map Valuation Roll. 044.05 This name os applied to a Collection of 6 Crofters House 15 Chains. W. [West] of Eswick 50 Chains S [South] of Linganess & about 40 ch [chain] W. [West] from 'Moul of Eswick'
OS1/31/5/62 Hevda Skerry Hevda Skerry Mr James Linklater Garth Mr. William Hunter Vassa Mr Pottinger Alexander Leask Eswick Andrew Hunter Eswick George Geor Eswick Johnston's Map Valuation Roll. 044.05 This name is applied to a high water rock, situated 8 Ch. E. [Chains East] from Moul of Eswick. & 38 Ch. N. [Chains North] from Maden Stack.
OS1/31/5/62 [Page] 62 Shetland -- Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/63 Ling Ness Ling Ness Lingness Mr James Linklater, Garth. Mr William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger Johnston's Map 044.05 This name is applied to a point of land covd. [covered] with rough pasture situated in the above parish. 70 Chains N.E. [North East] from Brough, & 60 ch [chains] NW. [North West] from 'Moul of Eswick' Proprietor Mr. Bruce Whalsay, island Shetland.
OS1/31/5/63 Loch of Lingness Loch of Lingness Mr James Linklater, Garth. Mr William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a fresh water loch, situated on 'Ling ness' 10 ch [chains] S [South] of 'N. [North] Holm' & 15 ch. [chains] E. [East] from South Holm in the property of the above
OS1/31/5/63 North Holm North Holm Mr James Linklater, Garth. Mr William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a high water island, Situated immediately to the N [North] of 'Ling Ness' 10 Ch. [Chains] N. [North] of Loch of Lingness & 20 Ch [chains] N.E. [North East] from South Holm, it is covd. [covered] with rough pasture and is the property of the above.
OS1/31/5/63 [Page] 63 Shetland -- Ph [Parish] of Nesting
OS1/31/5/64 South Holm South Holm Mr. James Linklater, Garth Mr. William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a small high water island covd. [covered] with rough pasture, situated on the W. [West] side of Ling ness 20 ch W. [chains West] from North Holm & 15 chains W [West] from Loch of Lingness. Proprietor Mr Bruce, Whalsay, Shetland
OS1/31/5/64 Fiska Skerry Fiska Skerry Mr. James Linklater, Garth Mr. William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger 044.05 This name is applied to a high Water rock situated 55 ch N [chains North] from Ling Ness & 59 ch N.W. [chains North West] from Climnie
OS1/31/5/64 Climnie Climnin Climnie Mr. James Linklater, Garth Mr. William Hunter, Vassa Mr Pottinger William Gear Gletness Alexander Leask Eswick Andrew Hunter Eswick George Gear Eswick 044.05 This name is applied to two H.W. [High Water] Rocks situated 41 ch N.E. [chains North East] from point of 'Ling Ness' & 54 ch N.W. [chains North West] from 'Voder.'
OS1/31/5/64 [Page] 64 Shetland -- Nesting [Entry Scored Out] Voder [Note] Cancel
OS1/31/5/65 Brough Site of Brough Site of Brough Site of Brough Site of Brough Widow Robertson, Lingness. Mr Leslie Umphray, Skellister. Mr Magnus Leask, AswicK. Mr William Tait Bretabister 044.04 The site of an ancient Brough or Pictish Fort. Situated neas the H.W.M. [High Water Mark] on the N.W. [North West] side of "Corn Holm" & about 1/2 a mile N.E. [North East] of "Brough." With the exception of a few Scattered Stones all the masonry of this building have been removed for other use: There is a Small vegetable garden or"planticrub" of a Circular Construction Standing at present on the site of the Brough It is in the Ph [Parish] of Nesting & on the property of Mr Bruce of Symbister.
OS1/31/5/65 Ward of Brough Ward of Brough Widow Robertson, Lingness. Mr Leslie Umphray, Skellister. Mr Magnus Leask, AswicK. Mr William Tait Bretabister 044.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book of Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/65 [Page] 65 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/66 Dringa Neap Dringa Neap Dringa Neap Dringa Neap Revd [Reverend] Mr Pirie Ph [Parish] Minister Mr Gidian Morrison & Mr William Tait Bretabister 044.02 A promontory Situated on the east coast of Nesting & 3/8 mile S.E. [South East] of "Manse," also & about 150 yards S. [South] of "Ramna Geo" It is the property of the Ph [Parish] Minister.
OS1/31/5/66 The Keen The Keen The Keen The Keen Mr William Tait Bretabister Mr Gidian Morrison Bretabister Mr Pirie Ph [Parish] Minister 044.02 A prominent point 18 chains South West of "Dringa Neep"
OS1/31/5/66 Chapel Site of Chapel Site of Chapel Site of Chapel Revd [Reverend] Mr Pirie Ph [Parish] Minister Mr Gidian Morrison Bretabister Mr William Tait Bretabister 044.02 The Site of an ancient Romish Chapel Situated in the centre if the parish Grave Yard, on the east Side of Kirkabister.
OS1/31/5/66 [Page] 66 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland. [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/67 Linga Skerries Linga Skerries Linga Skerries Linga Skerries Widow Robertson, Linganess, Mr G. Gear EswicK. Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.05 two small high water rocks situated about 1/8 mile apart on the N. [North] side of "Ling Ness." & in the Ph [Parish] of Nesting.
OS1/31/5/67 Croo Geo Croo Geo. Croo Geo. Croo Geo. Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Alexander Leask EswicK Mr Hunter EswicK 044.05 A small creek situated in the N.E. [North East] coast of "Moul of EswicK," and on the N. [North] side of "Cletts iof Ramna Geo"
OS1/31/5/67 Cletts of Ramnageo Cletts of Ramnageo Cletts of Ramnageo Cletts of Ramnageo Alexander Leask EswicK G. Gear EswicK Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.05 A rocky point on the east coast of "Moul of EswicK," and between "Ramna Geo," & "Croo Geo". It is the property of Mr Bruce.
OS1/31/5/67 [Page] 67 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/68 Ramna Geo Ramna Geo Ramna Geo Ramna Geo Mr Alexander Leask EswicK Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.05 A creek in the east coast of Moul of EswicK and the south side of "Cletts of Ramna Geo,"
OS1/31/5/68 The Flaach The Flaach The Flaach The Flaach Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr Alexander Leask EswicK 044.05 A high conspicuous precipice about 1/8 mile in length: situated on the east coast of "Moul of EswicK" and west of "Fru stack"
OS1/31/5/68 South Bay of Eswick South Bay of Eswick South Es. Wick South Es. Wick South Es. Wick Mr Alexander Leask EswicK Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.05 An open bay situated on the south west corner of "Moul of EswicK,"& on the south side of "EswicK."
OS1/31/5/68 [Page] 68 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser
OS1/31/5/69 The Noup The Noup The Noup The Noup Mr Alexander Leask EswicK Mr George Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.04 An oblong prominent hillock Situated : on the w. [west] side of "south Bay of Es.wicK," & about 1/2 a mile S.W. [South West] of "EswicK." It is the property of Mr Bruce.
OS1/31/5/69 Ward of Eswick Ward of EswicK Ward of EswicK Ward of EswicK Mr George Gear EswicK Mr Alexander Leask EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.04 A round prominent hill, Situated on the south end of "Moul of EswicK," & 1/4 mile, S.E. [South East] of "EswicK;" property of Mr Bruce of Symbister.
OS1/31/5/69 Stour Houll Stour Houll Stour Houll Stour Houll Mr George Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr Alexander Leask EswicK 044.05 A prominent round hill Situated on the "Moul of EswicK," and on the N.E. [North East] side of "MucKle Loch" It is the property of Mr Bruce
OS1/31/5/69 [Page] 69 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/70 Dock of Lingness DocK of Lingness DocK of Lingness DocK of Lingness Mr Alexander LeasK EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr George Gear EswicK 044.05 An oblong & landlocked [] about 3/8 mile in length aand 1/2 mile N.W. [North West] of "EswicK", on the E. [East] side of "Hame Ness,"
OS1/31/5/70 Lingness Lingness Lingness Lingness Widow Robertson Occupier Mr George Gear EswicK Mr Andrew hunter EswicK 044.05 A thatched dwellinghouse with offices & land attached Situated close to the H.W.[High water] [] on the N.W. [North West] coast of "Ling Ness" and on the N.W. [North West] corner of "Loch of Lingness", It is the property of Bruce of Symbister.
OS1/31/5/70 Stockan Stockan Stockan Stockan Mr George Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr Alexander Leask EswicK 044.05 An oblong prominent headland Situated about midway between "EswicK, & "DocK of Lingness" It is the property of Mr Bruce
OS1/31/5/70 [Page] 70 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland. [Signed] William Fraser
OS1/31/5/70 Words lost in fold refer to PO
OS1/31/5/71 Little Pund Little Pund Little Pund Little Pund Mr Alexander LeasK EswicK Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK 044.05 A small precipitous point situated on the southwestcoast of "Moul of EswicK" and in thje east coast of South Es. WicK
OS1/31/5/71 The Pund The Pund The Pund The Pund Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr Alexander LeasK EswicK 044.05 A high conspicuous point of land on the south west coast of "Moul if EswicK," and on the w. [west] side of Pund Geo
OS1/31/5/71 Pund Geo Pund Geo Pund Geo Pund Geo Mr Andrew Hunter EswicK Mr G. Gear EswicK Mr Alexander LeasK EswicK 044.05 A creek in the coast on the southwest side "Moul of EswicK," and at the N. [North] east corner of "south Es. WicK.
OS1/31/5/71 Clingrack ClinkracK Alexander LeasK, EswicK Andrew Hunter EswicK George Gear EswicK William Gear Gletness 044.05 A very high cliff on the South Side of Moul of EswicK & on the East side of Pund Geo.
OS1/31/5/71 [Page] 71 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland. [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/72 Muckla Billan Muckla Billan William Gear. Gletness W. Tait, Bretabister George Gear, EswicK. Andrew Hunter EswicK. 044.03 A rocK in the sea, having two portions visible at high Water Situated about 3 Miles North East from Moul of EswicK and 2 1/2 S.E. [South East] from Mio Ness.
OS1/31/5/72 Litla Billan Litla Billan William Gear William Tait George Gear A. Hunter 044.06 A small high Water rock in the Sea, and situated between MucKla Billan and Moul of EswicK.
OS1/31/5/72 South Nesting Bay South Nesting Bay 044.04 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Sheet Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/72 [Page] 72 Ph [Parish] of Nesting -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/73 South Mid Field South Mid Field South Mid Field South Mid Field Mr Adam Jamieson Tresta Mr Henderson Registrar Weisdale John Mitchell 048.01 Is given to a low hill situated due west of Weisdale It is about 3/4 mile, and about 1 mile N.E. [North East] of the district of Tresta. on the summit of this hill the parish Boundary takes a slight curve towards the N.W. [North West] The property of Mr Johnston Tresta & Hay & Co. [Company] Lerwick
OS1/31/5/73 Smirlee Field Smerlee Field Smerlee Field Smerlee Field Mr Adam Jamieson. Mr Henderson. John Mitchill 048.01 This name is given to a small hill situated 1/2 mile due south of S. [South] Midfield and about 1 mile East of Tresta The parish boundary cuts the summit of this hill and runs there from towards South Midfield in northerly direction.
OS1/31/5/73 Twatt Burn Twatt Burn Twatt Burn Twatt Burn Mr Adam Jamieson. Mr Henderson. John Mitchell 048.01 This name is given to a small stream rising on the N.E. [North East] shoulder of Sth [South] Midfield and flows in a northerly direction for about 3/4 of a mile, then it joins the Burn of Alias Scord. On the property of Mr G. Hay & Co [Company] Lerwick
OS1/31/5/73 [Page] 73 County of Shetland -- Parishes of Aithsting & Weisdale Twatt Burn [Note] To be written on margin of sheet 43
OS1/31/5/74 Slaggan Slaggan Slaggan Slaggan Mr Andrew Jarmson Tresta Mr Henderson Registrar Weisdale John Mitchell Sandsound 048.01 This name is given to a small stream, rising near the NW [North West] base of Smartie Field, and flows in a Southerly direction, till it falls int the sea, about the centre of the district of the same name on the property of Mr Johnston Tresta
OS1/31/5/74 Stouri Gill Stouri Gill Stouri Gill Stouri Gill Mr Andrew Jarmson Mr Henderson John Mitchell 048.01 This name is given to a stream rising partly on the South East of Dudd Hill and flows in a Southerly direction till it falls into the sea on the West End of the district of Tresta On the property of Mr Johnston
OS1/31/5/74 Burn of Sefmoor Burn of Sefmoor Burn of Sefmoor Burn of Sefmoor Mr Andrew Jarmson Mr Henderson John Mitchell 048.01 This name is given to a stream rising partly on the East of Dudd Hill and on the Wast slope of South Nudfield it flows chiefly in a N [North] West direction on the property of various Proprietors
OS1/31/5/74 [Page] 74 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting [Signed] A.M. Slaggan [Note] (Marginal) Sefmoor [Note] one wd [word]
OS1/31/5/74A Burn Tactigill Burn Tactigill 048.01 Authorised & described in 1/2500 Name BooK. Nesting Ph [Parish] 48/5
OS1/31/5/74A Weisdale Hill Weisdale Hill 048.01 Authorised & described in 1/2500 Name BooK. Nesting Ph [Parish] 48/2
OS1/31/5/74A Atla Scord Atla Scord 048.01 Authorised & described in 1/2500 Name BooK. Nesting Ph [Parish] 48/2
OS1/31/5/74A Tresta Tresta 048.01 Authorised & described in 1/2500 Name BooK. Nesting Ph [Parish] 48/5
OS1/31/5/74A [Page] 75 Aithsting & Weisdale Parishes -- Shetland Burn Tactigill [Note] (Marginal) Weisdale Hill [Note] (Marginal) Atla Sound [Note] (Marginal) Tresta [Note] (Marginal)
OS1/31/5/74B Loch of Girlsta Loch of Girlsta 048.03 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book, Nesting Ph [Parish] 43/16
OS1/31/5/74B Loura Voe Loura Voe 048.03 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book, Nesting Ph [Parish] 43/16
OS1/31/5/74B Sneugie of Long Hill Sneugie of Long Hill 048.03 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book, Nesting Ph [Parish] 43/16
OS1/31/5/74B Girlsta Girlsta 048.03 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book, Nesting Ph [Parish] 43/16
OS1/31/5/74B Mill of Girlsta Mill of Girlsta 048.03 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book, Nesting Ph [Parish] 43/16
OS1/31/5/74B [Page] 76 Tingwall Parish -- Shetland Loura Voe [Note] (Marginal) Sneugie of Long Hill [Note] (Marginal) Girlsta [Note] (Marginal) Mill of Girlsta [Note] (Marginal)
OS1/31/5/75 Mitten Mitten Mitten Mitten Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 048.03 A point of land, Situated on the N.E. [North East] point of Wadbister Ness. Property of Henry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/75 Lambgarth Head Lambgarth Head Lambgarth Head Lambgarth Head Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 048.03 A small headland on the east side of Wadbister Ness. & 15 Chains S.E. [South East] of Mitten. Property of Henry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/75 Northpund Northpund Northpund Northpund Mr Peter Anderson Girlsta Mr William Murray Girlsta Mr James Smith Girlsta Mr James Pottinger Railsbrough 048.03 A thatched dwellinghouse with offices & land attached situated at the N.W. [North West] Corner of the district of "Brunt amarsland It is the propery of Mr Cheyne.
OS1/31/5/75 Skeo Taing Skeo Taing Skeo Taing Skeo Taing Mr Henry Sandison Treester Mr James Pottinger Railsbrough Mr James Smith Girlsta 048.03 A prominent point & pier situated at the Northeastern extremity of Bruntamarsland. It is the property of Mr. Cheyne.
OS1/31/5/75 [Page] 75 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland [Signed] W.F.
OS1/31/5/76 Keolka Keolka Keolka Keolka Keolka Henry Mouat Miller Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Pilot Glatness Valuation Roll 048.03 A house one storey high thatched &c onn the east side of Girlsta, and adjacent to the North of Wadbister Voe Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/76 Wadbister Voe Wadbister Voe Wadbister Voe Wadbister Voe Wadbister-voe Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Admiralty Chart Johnston's Map Ainslie's Map 048.03 A Bay about 1 mile long by about 1/2 broad, situated adjacent to Cat Firth, on the S.W. [South West] and running inland in a southwesterly direction.
OS1/31/5/76 Brough Brough (Site of) Brough (Site of) Brough (Site of) Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 048.03 Site of an old Fory, Situated onn the extreme point of Wadbister Ness, a number of loose stones in a circular shape and partly covered with rough grass can be seen here.
OS1/31/5/76 [Page] 76 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. [Entry Crossed Out] Brough of Wadbister
OS1/31/5/77 Brunt Hamarsland Brunthamarsland Brunthamarsland Brunthamarsland Brunthamarsland Burnthammersland Brunshammersland Brunt Hamarsland Henry Mouat John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Pilot Glatness Valuation Roll Admiralty chart Johnston's Map (adopted) 048.03 Is Applies to a district Containing a few houses, which are inn pretty good repair, a few patches of arable land adjoining, Situated on the west side of Cat Firth and 1 1/2 miles to the N.E. [North East] of Girlsta. Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/77 The Hurd The Hurd The Hurd The Hurd Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 048.03 a rocky shore on the east Side of Brunt Hamarsland. Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/77 Ritta Taing Ritta Taing Ritta Taing Ritta Taing Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 048.03 a point of land on the North side of 'Wadbister Voe,' and near is mouth, Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/77 [Page] 77 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/78 Long Hill Long Hill Long Hill Long Hill Henry Mouat Miller. Girlsta William Hunter Merchant Vassa John Sutherland Glatness 048.03 applies to a small & long hill covered with heathy pasture. Situated between the 'Loch of Girlsta,' and head of Cat Firth. Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/78 Slaggan Slaggan Slaggan Slaggan Henry Mouat William Hunter John Sutherland 048.03 A hollow, situayted a short distance to the S.W. [South West] of Brunt Hamarsland and at the south end of the 'Long [] Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/78 Cat Firth Cat Firth Cat Firth Cat Firth Henry Mouat William Hunter John Sutherland Admiralty Chart Johnstons Map Ainlie's Map 1789. 048.03 A Bay about 1 1/2 miles long, by about 3/4 of a mile broad. There is good anchorage for vessels near the N.W. [North West] head of this Voe. It is Situated about 8 miles to the North of Lerwick, It is bounded to the North and east by the Parish of Nesting & on the west by Tingwall Parish.
OS1/31/5/78 [Page] 78 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/78 Word lost inn fold - referred to PO
OS1/31/5/79 Freester Freester Freester Freester William Hunter Vassa Henry Mouat Girlsta James Linklater Garth 048.03 Applies to a small district containing a few farmhouses all one storey high and in fair repair Situated at the head of G=Catfirth Voe & on the west side of Voe Vassa Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/79 Little Holm Little Holm Little Holm Little Holm William Hunter Henry Mouat James Linklater Johnstons Map 048.03 An island about 1/2 of a mile long by 1/4 in breadth Situated in Cat Firth near its N.W. [North West] extremity It is connected to the shore by a narrow beach of shingle Property of the late Mr Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/79 The Snuckle The Snuckle The Snuckle The Snuckle Mr H. Irvine Vatstor, Mr W. Sybosom Wadbister Mr W. Murray Girlsta 048.03 A prominent hill situated about 3/8 mile west of "Loch of Vatster." property of Mr Cheyne.
OS1/31/5/79 [Page] 79 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.F. Freester [Note] Written on Sheet 49
OS1/31/5/80 The Haa The Haa The Haa The Haa Mr James Pottinger, Railsbrough, Mr W. Murray, Girlsta, Mr Henry Sandieson, Freester. 048.03 A prominent slated farm house with Offices & land attached; situated in the district of Brunt-Hamarsland & about 1/8 of mile N. [North] of "south Pund."
OS1/31/5/80 Southpund Southpund Southpund Southpund Mr Peter Sandison, Girlsta Mr William Murray, Girlsta. Mr James Pottinger, Rialsbrough. 048.03 A thatched dwellinghouse with land attached: situated in the South end pf Brunthamarsland.
OS1/31/5/80 Hill of Brunt Hamarsland Hill of Brunt-hamarsland Hill of Brunt-hamarsland Hill of Brunt-hamarsland James Pottinger, Rialsbrough, Mr William Murray, Girlsta, Mr Henry Sandison, Freester. 048.03 A prominent hill situated betwixt "Girlsta," & "Brunt-Hamartsland."
OS1/31/5/80 [Page] 80 Parish of Tingwall, -- Shetland. [Signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/31/5/81 Kirka Ward Kirka Ward Kirka Ward Kirka Ward Mr Laurence Garrick Sandsound Aithsting Mr John Thomson Merchant Sandsound Aithsting John MItchell 048.04 This name is given to a prominent hill on the water shed which runs along the centre of Russ Ness. It is situated from the extreme S. [South] End of the same headland about 1 mile. Its chief features are heathy pasture.
OS1/31/5/81 Russa Ness Russa Ness Russa Ness Russa Ness Rusa Ness Rusa Ness Mr Laurence Garrick Mr John Thomson John Mitchell Johnstons Map Admitalty Chart 048.04 This name is given to a large headland in the South W. [West] of the Island of Sheatland, It is situated in the S.W [South West] of the parish of Weisdale and in the S.E [South East] of the parish of Aithsting. at its extreme S. [South] End the Bounary of these parishes terminate Its chief features are a dry and dark heath.
OS1/31/5/81 The Clumpers The Clumpers The Clumpers The Clumpers Mr Laurence Garrick Mr John Thomson John Mitchell 048.04 applies to a few irregular ridges situated on the water shed which cuts Russ Ness & about one quarter of a mile to the N [North] of its Extreme South End.
OS1/31/5/81 [Page] 81 County of Shetland -- Parish of Weisdale & Aithsting [Signed] A.M.
OS1/31/5/82 Brima Brima Brima Brima Mr Laurence Garriock Sandsound Aithsiting Mr John Thomson Merchant Sandsound Aithsting John Mitchell Sandsound 048.04 This name is given to a ruin situated about 1/2 mile due north of the Extreme S. [South] End of [Russ] Ness. It is generally supposed the neighbouring district to [have] been the home of a Danish [settler] The property of Mr Greig Reawick
OS1/31/5/82 Geo of Brima Geos of Brima Geos of Brima Geos of Brima Mr Laurence Garriock Mr John Thomson John Mitchell 048.04 This name is given to two small creeks situated due East of the above ruin, and about [1/2] mile to the N.W. [North West] of the Extreme S. [South] End os Russ Ness, and [in] the S.E. [South East] of Sandsound Voe
OS1/31/5/82 Kirka Taings Kirka Taings Kirka Taings Kirka Taings Mr Laurence Garriock Mr John Thomson John Mitchell 048.04 Applies to two small points of land adjacent to Sandsound Voe, and on the south side of Sandsouns. It is supposed a church stood here at one time but nothing can be seen of ot if such was the case. Property of A F Greig Esqr Riawick
OS1/31/5/82 [Page] 82 County of Shetland -- Parish of Aithsting [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/82 Words lost if fold [guesses] - referred to PO
OS1/31/5/82A Dale Burn Dale Burn 048.04 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/9
OS1/31/5/82A Sandsound Sandsound 048.04 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/9
OS1/31/5/82A Sandsound Voe Sandsound Voe 048.04 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 47/16
OS1/31/5/82A Weisdale Voe Weisdale Voe 048.04 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/6
OS1/31/5/82A [Page] 82a Aithsting Ph [Parish] -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/82B Wheedran Wheedran 048.05 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book 4/14
OS1/31/5/82B Burn of Faina Burn of Faina 048.05 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book 52/3
OS1/31/5/82B [Page] 82b Whiteness Parish -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/83 Kirkaby Kirkaby Kirkaby Kirkaby Mr Laurence Garriock Sandsound Aithsting Mr John Thomson Merchant Sandsound Aithsting John Mitchell Sandsound 048.04 This name is given to a ruin & what appears to have been a circular building it is situated about 30 Chains N.E. [North East] of the Extreme S [South] End of Russ Ness. It is supposed to have existed at the same time as Brima. and also to have been the residence of a Danish Settler. Known in the neighbourhood at Picts Buildings The property of A.F. Greig Esqr Reawick
OS1/31/5/83 Oxa Geo Oxa Geo Oxa Geo Oxa Geo Mr Laurence Garriock Mr John Thomson John Mitchell 048.04 This name is given to a very small creek situated a little less than a mile to the N.E. [North East] of the Extreme S. [South] End of Russ Ness and in the S.W. [South West] of Weisdale Voe.
OS1/31/5/83 Greena Greena Greena Greena Mr Laurence Garriock Mr John Thomson John Mitchell 048.04 This name is given to a small but fertile Island Situated about 1 mile to the N.E. [North East] of the Extreme S [South] End of Russ Ness. It forms the most northerly of a chain of Islands in the S.[South] East of Weisdale Voe. The property of A. F. Greig Esqr.
OS1/31/5/83 [Page] 83 County of Shetland -- Parish of Weisdale [Signed] AM
OS1/31/5/84 Hill of Hamarsland Hill of Hamarsland Laurence Garriock Mr J Thomson Henry Mouat 048.05 This name is given to a prominent hill situated due West of West end of Wadbister Voe about 1 mile and to the East of the N [North] End & Loch of Stroma about 1/2 mile Its chief feature is a dark and worthless heathy pasture the property of the Earl of Zetland
OS1/31/5/84 Scord of Hamarsland 048.05 For authorities and description see 1/2500 Name Book Block 7.
OS1/31/5/84 Sand Geos Sand Geos Sand Geos Sand Geos Mr William Sybosom Wadbister Mr H. Irvine Vatster Mr William Murray Girlsta 048.05 Two Creeks in the coast situated on the N. [North] side of "Otter Point," & on the east Side of "Wadbister Ness"
OS1/31/5/84 Otter Point Otter Point Otter Point Otter Point Mr H. Irvine Vatster Mr William Murray Girlsta Mr William Sybosom Wadbister 048.05 A low point of land on the east coast of Wadbister Ness, & on the south side of Sand Geos. It is the property of Mr Cheyne
OS1/31/5/84 [Page] 84 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall &c United [Signed] WF.
OS1/31/5/85 Loch of Hamarsland Loch of Hamarsland Loch of Hamarsland Loch of Hamarsland Loch Hamarsland Mr Henderson Registrar Weisdale Mr Mowat Miller Girlsta James Irvine Kirkagarth Val [Valuation] Roll 048.05 This name is given to a small loch situated a short distance to the West of the Nw. [Northwest] of Longa Water and about one mile to the west of Loch Vatster. In dry weather it becomes nearly dry and at times it is dam'd [dammed] to supply some mill with water
OS1/31/5/85 South Knowe of Bodwell South Knowe of Bodwell South Knowe of Bodwell South Knowe of Bodwell Thomas taylor Wormadale James Irvine Henry Mouat 048.05 Applies to a Knoll Situated about one mile to the s.w. [south west] of Girlsta Property of The Earl of Zetland & Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/85 North Knowe of Bodwell North Knowe of Bodwell North Knowe of Bodwell Thomas Taylor James Irvine Henry Mouat 048.05 Applies to a Knoll situated about one mile to the S.W. [South West] of Girlsta The boundary between the Parishes of Tingwall & Whiteness pass a little to the east of this Knoll and runs to a point on the top of the South Knowe of Bodwell Property of The Earl of Zetland
OS1/31/5/85 [Page] 85 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall & Whiteness [Signed] A.M
OS1/31/5/86 Housa Water Housa Water Housa Water Housa Water Mr Henderson Registrar Weisdale Thomas Taylor Wormadale James Irvine Kirkagarth 048.05 Apllies to a Small loch Situated near the summit of a hill [] and to the south West of [] End of Wabister Voe about [] miles and about one and three fourths to the North West of Laxrith Voe Property of The Earl of Zetland
OS1/31/5/86 Whirls Water Whirls Water Whirls Water Whirls Water Mr Henderson Mr Mowat Mr Irvine 048.05 applies to a small Loch Situated two miles to the South West of [] End of Wadbister Voe and about one half miles to the N. [North] West of Wall Church Through it the boundary bettween the Parishes of Tingwall Pass Property of The Earl of Zetland
OS1/31/5/86 Longa Water Longa Water Longa Water Longa Water Mr Henderson Mr Mowat James Irvine 048.05 applies to a large elongated loch situated a short distance East of Whirls Water and about one and a half miles to the South West of the district of Wadbister Property of Sir P. Tait
OS1/31/5/86 [Page] 86 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall & Whiteness
OS1/31/5/86 Words lost in fold -- referred to PO
OS1/31/5/87 Stova Stova Stova Stova Mr Mowat Miller irlsta Mr Henderson Heglibister Weisdale James Irvine Kirkagarth 048.06 Is applied to a prominent ridge situated about 1/2 mile to the South East of the district of Wadbister Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/87 Chapel Site of Chapel & Burial Ground Mr Mowat Mr Murray Girlsta William Sybosom Wadbister James Smith Girlsta 048.06 This is applied to what appears to have been some ancient building. it is situated on a small prominent headland to the.N. [North] of the district of Wadbister. There is nothing remaining to identify it as a place of worship. But the traditional belief is si strong. That the inhabitants have no hesitation in showing pieces of supposed carved stones which they say were used in the building. a short distance to its S.W. [South West] there is a site of a mound of charred stones. Supposed to have been the place where the dead were either burnt of buried
OS1/31/5/87 Spoiled Wife's House Spoiled Wife's House Spoiled Wife's House Spoiled Wife's House James Irvine Kirkagarth Thomas Taylor Wormadale Henry Mouat Girlsta Estate Mape 048.06 Applies to a small Ruin. Situated about 30 Chains to the North of Long Water. The boundary between Tingwall & Whiteness runs from the South Knowe of Bodwell to the centre of this ruin, & thence to Whirls Water
OS1/31/5/87 [Page] 87 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall [Signed] A.M Chapel [Note] This is without any doubts the site of an ancient Romish Chapel the track of the building can still be Seen & the boundary of a burial Ground coval with the chapel is still defined: The chapel stood in the middle of the "Burial Ground." Chapel [Note] This name should no doubt be altered on plan to Site of Chapel & Burial Ground: the first Examiner does not mention the Burial Ground at all, & the second only says that its boundary can be well defined: like most such objects in Shetland it is no doubt now Either under cultivation or rough pasture, with no trace remaining of a Burial Ground JTH Chapel [Note] This name should no doubt be altered on the plan to Site of Chapel & Burial Ground: the first Examiner does not mention the Burial Ground at at, & the second only says that its boundary can be well defined: like most objects in Shetland it is no doubt now Either under cultivation or rough pasture, with no trace remaining of a Burial ground JCM
OS1/31/5/88 Wadbister Ness Wadbister Ness Wadbister Ness Henry Mouat GHirlsta C.C. Beatton Teacher Gott James Irvine Kirkagarth Johnston's Map Admiralty Chart 048.06 Applies to a headland, Situated between Wadbister & Lax Firth and lying to the N.E. [North East] of the district of Wadbister. Property of C.G. Duncan Esqr.
OS1/31/5/88 Scord of Wadbister Scord of Wadbister Scord of Wadbister Scord of Wadbister Henry Mouat C. C. Beatton James Irvine 048.06 A hollow Situated adjacent and to the South od Wadbister NEss and Between Wadbister and Lax Firth. Property of C. G. Duncan Esqr.
OS1/31/5/88 Ayre of Breiwick Ayre of Breiwick Ayre of Breiwick Ayre of Breiwick Mr W. Sybosom Wadbister Mr W. Murray Girlsta Mr Peter anderson Girlsta 048.06 A Shingly beack where the inhabitants of Breiwick Ship peats. The bay is not known by the name of "Brei Wick,"
OS1/31/5/88 [Page] 88 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland [Signed] W.F. [Entry Scored Out] Brei Wick [Note]Cancelled J.C.
OS1/31/5/89 Voe-head Voe-head Voe-head Voe-head Mr Mowat Miller Girlsa Mr Henderson Registrar Heglibister Weisdale James Irvine 048.06 This name is given to a small croft situated at the West End of Wadbister Voe and about 1/2 mile to the South of Girlsta Mills The dwelling attached to it is thatched and in indifferent repair Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/89 Vatster Vatster Vatster Vatster Vatsetter Mr Mowat Mr Henderson James Irvine Valuation Roll 048.06 This name is given to a croft and crofter's dwelling situated about one half mile to the South West of Wadbisted and about 8 1/2 miles to the north of Lerwick The dwelling is Thatched and in fair repair. Near the South West corner of the croft there is a circular mound about three feet high. Where it is believed through tradition the dead were burnt Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/89 Tumulus Tumulus 048.06 Near the South West corner of the croft there is a circular mound about three feet high. Where it is believed through tradition the dead were burnt Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/89 Loch of Vatster Loch of Vatster Loch of Vatster Loch of Vatster Vatsetter MR Henderson Mr Mowat James Irvine Val [Valuation] Roll 048.06 Is given to a Large Loch Situated at the South of the above croft it is connected with the Black Loch by a small stream flowing out of its N [North] East corner Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr
OS1/31/5/89 [Page] 89 Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall [Signed] AM
OS1/31/5/90 Wadbister Wadbister Wadbister Wadbister Wadbister Wadbester Mr Mowat Miller Girlsta Mr Henderson Registrar Heglibister Joseph Irvine Kirkagarth Admiralty Chart Johnston's Map Ainslie's Map 1789. 048.06 This name is applied to a small district situated to the South West of Wadbister Voe and about 8 1/2 miles from Lerwick by the Public road. There are five or six crofts The dwellings attached to them are all thatched and ni different repair Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/90 Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Mr Mowat Mr Henderson Joseph Irvine 048.06 This name is given to a small loch situated at the Extreme South End of Wadbister Voe and a short distance tp the South of the district of Wadbister out of it there flows a a small river which falls into the West End of Wadbister Voe Property of Harry Cheyne Esqr.
OS1/31/5/90 Gilsa Burn Gilsa Burn Gilsa Burn Gilsa Burn Mr Mowat Mr Henderson Joseph Irvine 048.06 Applies to a large Stream [] a short distance to the north of Loch Hamersland and flows in a N [North] Easterly direction to the public road about 9 1/4 miles to the N [North] of Lerwick and falls into Wadbister Voe at its South West End.
OS1/31/5/90 [Page] 90 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall
OS1/31/5/90 Word lost in fold - referred to PO
OS1/31/5/90A Ward of Laxfirth Ward of Laxfirth 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/16
OS1/31/5/90A Laxfirth Laxfirth 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/16
OS1/31/5/90A Scurra Water Scurra Water 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/16
OS1/31/5/90A Lax Firth Lax Firth 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/16
OS1/31/5/90A Burn of North Hamarsland Burn of North Hamarsland 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 48/16
OS1/31/5/90A Burn of Longawater Burn of Longawater 048.06 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book Sheet 52/3
OS1/31/5/90A [Page] 97 Tingwall Parish -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/91 Hoo Stack How Stack How Stack How Stack Hoo Stack Howstack Hoo Stack Mr Henry Mouat Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Glatness Admiralty Chart. Ainslies Map 1789. William Gear, Gletnesss Andrew Hunter, Eswick William Gear Eswick A. Leak Eswick 049.02 Applied to an island 12 chains long by about 5 broad Situated about 3/4 of a mile to the south-east of the Moul of Eswick It has very bold cliffs on its south & east shore Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce Symbister Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/91 The Sneckan The Sneckan The Sneckan The Sneckan James Pottinger Railsbrough William Gear Gletness G. Gear Eswick 049.01 A small high water rock about one mile to the N.E. [North East] of How Stack. Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce Symbister Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/91 [Page] 91 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. [Entry Scored Out] Snecka Skerry Hoo Stack [Note] These authorities to be entered Done. W.A.
OS1/31/5/92 Brough Brough Brough Brough Mr Henry Mouat Miller Girlsta John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 This name is given to a very small islet where a Pictish Fort once stood, There is a great many of the stones which can still be seen on the islet which leaves no doubt but what a building of some sort once stood here The islaet is Connected to the mainland at low water It is situated near the shore of Catfirth Voe and opposite Railsbrough property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/92 [Page] 92 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. [Entry Scored Out] Rails Brough [Note] Cancelled
OS1/31/5/93 Eswick Holm Eswick Holm Eswick Holm Eswick Holm Henry Mouat Miller Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Glatness 049.01 Applies to a small island connected to the shore by a narrow neck of land at low water Situated about 60 chains to the east of Aswick Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister. Ph [Parish] of Nesting.
OS1/31/5/93 Aswick Skerries Aswick Skerries Aswick Skerries Aswick Skerries Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to two small high water Rocks situated about 1/2 of a mile to the North East of the Ness of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister. Ph [Parish] of Nesting.
OS1/31/5/93 As Wick As Wick As Wick As Wick As Wick William Gear, Getness George Gear. Eswick Hunter Williamson, AswicK Magnus Leask, AswicK 049.01 Applies to a small bay situated a short distance to the south-east of Aswick
OS1/31/5/93 [Page] 93 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. [Entry Scored Out] Brei Wick [Note] No [Note]:The Breiwick on Johnstone Map is that shown on West [] [] of []
OS1/31/5/93 Words in note indecipherable
OS1/31/5/94 Loch of Pile Loch of Pile Loch of Pile Loch of Pile Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a small loch situated adjacent to the sea shore and a short distance to the S.E. [South East] of Aswick Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/94 Dead Man's Geo Dead Man's Geo Dead Man's Geo Dead Man's Geo Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a creek Situated 1/4 of a mile to the south of Aswick
OS1/31/5/94 The Roonies The Roonies The Roonies The Roonies Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a ridge of a small hills situated about 1/2 of a mile to the south-west of As Wick Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce. Symbister.
OS1/31/5/94 Freester Knowe Freester Knowe 049.01 Authorised & described in 1/2500 Name Book 44/13 Nesting Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/94 [Page] 94 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. Freester Knowe [Note] (Marginal)
OS1/31/5/95 Taing of Railsbrough Taing of Railsbrough Taing of Railsbrough Taing of Railsbrough Ness of Railsbrough Railsbro' Ness Rawsbing Ness Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Johnston's Map Admiralty Chart Ainslie's Map. 1789. 049.01 A point of land situated 3/4 of a mile to the South-west of Gletness and at the south-east entrance to Cat Firth Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/95 Hill of the Taing Hill of the Taing Hill of the Taing Hill of the Taing Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A small hill 50 Chains to the west of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/95 Swae Field Swae Field Swae Field Swae Field Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A small hill adjacent and to the -west of Finnister Property of the Trustees of the late. Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/95 The Gamlers The Gamlers 049.01 Authorised and described in 1/2500 Name Book 44/13.
OS1/31/5/95 [Page] 95 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/96 Finnister Finnister Finnister Finnister Finister Henry mouat Miller Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Glatness Valuation Roll 049.01 A one storey high Croft house situated about 1/2 of a mile to the North-west of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/96 Saltayre Salt Ayre Salt Ayre Salt Ayre Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A one storey high Croft house in fair repair situated at the head of North Voe of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/96 Railsbrough Railsbrough Railsbrough Railsbrough Railsbrough Railsburgh Railsbro' Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Valuation Roll Johnston's Map Admiralty Chart 049.01 A one storey high farm house in good repair situated near the east shore of Cat Firth & 3/0 of a mile to the North -west of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/96 [Page] 96 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. Saltayre [Note] one word.
OS1/31/5/97 Gletness Glatness Glatness Glatness Glitness Glitness Gletness Gletness Gletness Gletness Henry Moat John Sutherland John Irvine Admiralty Chart. Ainslie's Map 1789. Fullerton's Gazetteer. Valuation Roll. Johnston's Map. 049.01 Applies to a cluster of houses Situated on a headland of Nesting Parish and about 3 miles to the east of Girlsta The houses and offices are all one storey high and thatched Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/97 Bight of Lingness Bight of Lingness Bight of Lingness Bight of Lingness Henry Moat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a bay situated adjacent and to the west of Glatness
OS1/31/5/97 Ling Ness Ling Ness Ling Ness Ling Ness Henry Moat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A point of land Situated 1/2 of a mile to the South-west of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/97 [Page] 97 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/98 Gult Holm Gult Holm Gult Holm Gult Holm Henry Mouat Miller Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Glatness 049.01 A small island situated near the north-west point of the south Isle of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/98 Longa Skerries Longa Skerries Longa Skerries Longa Skerries Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A cluster of small high water rocks situated adjacent and to the south of Hawks Ness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/98 South Holm South Holm South Holm South Holm Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 A small pasture island Situated anout 10 chains to the south-west of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/98 [Page] 98 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/99 Vassa Voe Voe Vassa Voe Vassa Voe Vassa Vassa Voe Vassa Voe Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine James Pottinger Railsbrough Hunter Williamson Aswick Magnus Leask Aswick Hibbert's Description 049.01 Applies to a narrow part of Cat Firth Adjacent to Vassa on the South and Freester on the east
OS1/31/5/99 Loch of Roonies Loch of Roonies Loch of Roonies Loch of Roonies Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a small fresh water Loch Situated adjacent and to the South of 'The Roonies' Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/99 Clock Loch Clock Loch Clock Loch Clock Loch Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a small loch Situated 1/4 of a mile to the N.E. [North East] of Finnister Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/99 [Page] 99 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/100 North Voe of Gletness North Voe of Gletness North Voe of Gletness North Voe of Gletness North Voe of Glitness Gletness. Gletness. Glitness. Gletness. Henry Mouat John Sutherland Pilot. Glatness John Irvine Glatness Admiralty Chart. Valuation Roll. Johnston's Map. Ainslie's Map. 1789. Fullerton's Gazetteer. 049.01 Applies to a bay about 45 chains by about 12 broad Situated 1/4 of a mile to the N-E [North-East]. of Glatness and adjacent and to the N.W [North West] of Glet Ness
OS1/31/5/100 Glet Ness Glet Ness Glet Ness Glet Ness Glitness. Glitness. Gletness. Gletness. Gletness. Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Admiralty Chart Ainslie's Map. 1789. Johnston's Map. Valuation Roll. Fullerton's Gazetteer. 049.01 Applies to a long and narrow neck of land jutting into the sea coast to the north-east of Gltness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/100 Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Johnston's Map. Admiralty Chart 049.01 Applies to a point of land Situated a short distance to the east of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/100 [Page] 100 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/101 Aiplin Aiplin Aiplin Aiplin Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a high eater Rock Situated adjacent and to the South-east of the North Isle of Glatness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/101 South Isle of Gletness South Isle of Gletness South Isle of Gletness Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 An island about 1/2 mile in leingth by about 15 Chains broad Situated 30 Chains to the south-east of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/101 Burrier Burries Burries Burries Burrier Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine Re-submitted 049.01 A steep and rocky point of the South Isle of Gletness, Its most easterly point The above islands are in the parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/101 [Page] 101 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C.
OS1/31/5/102 Stunger Stunger Stunger Stunger Henry Mouat Girlsta John Sutherland Pilot Glatness John Irvine Glatness 049.01 Applies to a small and prominent island covered with rough rocky pasture It is situated 10 chains to the N.W. [North West] of the North Isle of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/102 Tainga Skerry Tainga Skerry Tainga Skerry Tainga Skerry Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to a small island Situated between the west end of the North Isle of Gletness and the island Known as Stunger Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/102 North Isle of Gletness North Isle of Gletness North Isle of Gletness Henry Mouat John Sutherland John Irvine 049.01 Applies to an island about 18 Chains long by 10 broad Situated 1/2 of a mile to the east of Gletness Property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Bruce Symbister
OS1/31/5/102 [Page] 102 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland [Signed] W.C. [Note] These Islands are in the Parish of Nesting
OS1/31/5/103 Brough Site of Brough William Gear. Gletness Andrew Hunter, Eswick Alexander Leask Eswick George Gear Eswick 049.01 Applies to a high Water rock on the Sea, about 150 yards Sonth East of Gletness, on which formerly stood a Brough. There are only a few loose stones of it remaining.
OS1/31/5/103 Geo of Mirkhellier Geo of Mirkhellier William Gear. Gletness Andrew Hunter, Eswick Alexander Leask Eswick George Gear Eswick 049.01 Applies to a small rocKy Geo on the South side of Moul of EswicK about 1/2 a mile South East of the South Bay of EswicK
OS1/31/5/103 South Voe of Gletness South Voe of Gletness Mr James Pottinger, Railsbrough Mr Hunter Williamson, Aswick Mr M. Leask Aswick 049.01 Applies to a Bay situated between South Isle of Gletness and the Mainland and immediately south of Gletness.
OS1/31/5/103 [Page] 103 Parish of Nesting -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/104 Longa Skerry Longa Skerry Longa Skerry Longa Skerry Mr Peter Lawrenson Houbie Mr James Lawrenson Houbie Mr William Hunter Breiwick 049.04 A Skerry about five chains in length Situated at the Northeastern extremity of !Brim Ness." It is Surrounded at high water & is in the parish of Tingwall.
OS1/31/5/104 Breiwick Breiwick 049.04 Authorised and described on 1/2500 Name Book 48/16 Tingwall Ph [Parish]
OS1/31/5/104 Kebister Ness Kebister Ness 049.04 Authorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book for Sheet 53
OS1/31/5/104 South Skerry South Skerry William Gear, Gletness A. Hunter, Eswick George Gear, Eswick 049.04 A long flat reef of rocks about 130 Yards South East of Hoo Stack
OS1/31/5/104 [Page] 104 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland, [Signed] W.F. Breiwick [Note] Marginal
OS1/31/5/105 Hest Hamar Hest Hamar Hest Hamar Hest Hamar Mr Henderson Mr Mowat C.C. Beatton 049.04 This name is applied to a small headland on the west side of Hawks Ness Property of G. H. B . Hay Esqr.
OS1/31/5/105 Brough Brough Brough Peter Lawrenson Houbie James Lawrenson Houbie William Hunter Breiwick 049.04 This building is similar in construction to many other Broughs in shetland & is almost entire W.F.
OS1/31/5/105 [Page] 105 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall [Signed] AM [Entries Scored Out] Hawks Ness [Note] Cancelled See p. Why cancelled Picts House [Note] hold over Brough [Note] adopt Name
OS1/31/5/106 Bight of Brimness Bight of Brimness Bight of Brimness Bight of Brimness Mr Henderson Registrar Wesidale Mr Mowat Girlsta Mills C. C. Beatton Teacher Gott 049.04 Applies to a Small Creek situated immediately to the South of the N [North] East Point of Hawks Ness and about one and 1 1/4 mile to the North West of Kebister. Ness.
OS1/31/5/106 Brim Ness Brim Ness Brim Ness Brim Ness Mr Henderson Registrar Wesidale Mr Mowat C. C. Beatton 049.04 Applies to a Small and rugged headland situated on the East of Hawks Ness and less than half a mile to the South of its most N [North] Easterly point Property of G H. B . Hay Esqr.
OS1/31/5/106 Houbie Houbie Houbie Houbie Mr Henderson Mr Mowat C. C. Beatton Valuation Roll 049.04 Applies to a Croft and dwelling on the East and about the centre of Hawks Ness and about 3/4 of a mile N.E. [North East] of the district of Braewick There is no made foor path to this croft and the dwelling is thatched and in bad repair Property of G. H. B . Hay Esqr.
OS1/31/5/106 [Page] 106 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall
OS1/31/5/107 Foraness Voe Foraness Voe Foraness Voe Foraness Voe Mr Henderson Registrar Weisdale Mr Mowat Girlsta Mills William Murray Girlsta 049.04 Applies to a large Creek lying on the East of Hawks Ness and Situated a short distance to the N [North] East of the district of Braiwick and about one mile to the N.W [North West] of Rebister Ness.
OS1/31/5/107 Fora Ness Fora Ness Fora Ness Fora Ness Mr Henderson Mr Mowat William Murray Girlsta Johnston's Map. 049.04 This name is given to a large and sharp and projecting headland situated at the north East of the district of Braewick it is also situated at the north West of the mouth of Dales Voe Its coast is indented steep and rugged
OS1/31/5/107 Corbie Geo Corbie Geo Corbie Geo Corbie Geo Henry Mouat C.C. Beatton Teacher Gott William Murray Girlsta 049.04 Applies to a small Creek Situated on the N.E. [North East] point of Hawks Ness, and to the north of the Bight of Brimness
OS1/31/5/107 Dales Voe Dales Voe 049.04 Auithorised and described in 6 Inch Name Book Sheet 52
OS1/31/5/107 [Page] 107 County of Shetland -- Parish of Tingwall [Signed] A.M Dales Voe [Note] Marginal
OS1/31/5/108 Brethren Brethren Brethren Brethren Brethren Rocks Brethern Henry Mouat William Murray C.C. Beatton Admiralty Chart. Ainslie's Map 1789. 049.04 Applies to two high water rocks, Situated about 1 1/2 mile to the east of Fora Ness, and about 3/4 of a mile N.E. [North East] of Kebister Ness, Property of Lady Nicholson Ph [Parish] of Tingwall
OS1/31/5/108 Green Holm Green Holm Green Holm Green Holm Greenholm Green Holm Henry Mouat William Murray C.C. Beatton Admiralty Chart Johnstons Map Ainslie's Map 1789. 049.05 Applies to a flat pasture Island, Situated 2 miles to the east of Fora Ness, & about 1 1/2 miles to the east of Kebister Ness, Property of Lady Nicholson Ph [Parish] of Tingwall
OS1/31/5/108 Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Hawks Ness Mr James Pottinger Railsbrough Mr Peter Lawrenson Houbie Mr W. Hunter Breiwick 049.04 A large promontory Situated on the east side of Lax Firth & about one mile S.W. [South West] of South Isle of Gletness: It is about one mile in length and is the property of Mr Hay Lerwick.
OS1/31/5/108 [Page] 108 Parish of Tingwall -- Shetland
OS1/31/5/109 [Page] 109 List of Principal Proprietors in portions of the Parishes of Aithsting Nesting, Tingwall, Whiteness, and Wesidale in this BooK. The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Zetland, per G.H.B. Hay, Esq., Hayfield, LerwicK. A. J. Grierson, Esq., Quendale by LerwicK, Shetland. Tutors & Curators of William A. Bruce, Esq., of Symbister. per William Irvine Esqr., Lerwick Trustees on the Estate of Lunna, per Robert Bell, Esq., of Lunna [FalKirK, Stirlingshire [Note] all one property] Robert Bell , Esq., of Lunna, Falkirk Stirlinghire [Note] all one property] Harry Cheyne, Esq., W.S., [Writer to the Signet] Edinburgh per A. J. Hay, Esq., LerwicK. Trustees for the Late D. D. BlacK, Esq., Weisdale, by LerwicK. [Signed] J C Macpherson Captain. 14 Novr. [November] 1878.
OS1/31/5/110 [Page] 110 [Volume] 5 OS1/01/5 [Date Stamp] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. STORE 26 APR. [APRIL] 1897 SOUTHAMPTON NAME BOOK of Part of the Parishes of DELTING, NESTING, WEISDALE, AITHSTING, WHITENESS, & TINGWALL SHETLAND. Sheets 43. 44. 45. 48. 49.
OS1/31/5/111 [Page] 111 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Aiplin -- 49 -- 101 Aithsting -- 43 -- 2 Area -- 44 -- 37 As Wick -- 49 -- 93 Aswick Skerrie -- 49 -- 93 Atla Scord -- 48 -- 74a Ayre of Breiwick -- 48 -- 88 Bight of Brimness -- 49 -- 106 Bight of Lingness -- 49 -- 97 Black Burn -- 44 -- 34 Black Loch -- 40 -- 26 Black Loch -- 48 -- 90 Black Skerry -- 44 -- 34 Black Water -- 44 -- 31 Booth of Kirkabister -- 44 -- 47 Bottle Stone -- 43 -- 28a Bow Field -- 44 -- 39 Bratta Field -- 43 -- 10 Breiwick -- 49 -- 104 Bretabister -- 44 -- 42 Brethren -- 49 -- 108 Brima -- 48 -- 82 Brim Ness -- 49 -- 106 Brough -- 44 -- 44 Brough -- 44 -- 65 Brough -- 49 -- 92 Brough -- 49 -- 105 Brough (Site of) -- 48 -- 76 Brough (Site of) -- 49 -- 103 Brunt Hamarsland -- 48 -- 77 Buillin Knowe -- 44 -- 30 Burgins -- 43 -- 3 Burn of Atlascord -- 43 -- 21 Burn of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 3 Burn of Crookadale -- 43 -- 26 Burn of Faina -- 48 -- 82b Burn of Flamister -- 48 -- 19 Burn of Forse -- 48 -- 16 Burn of Grunnafirth -- 44 -- 37 Burn of Kergord -- 43 -- 12
OS1/31/5/112 [Page] 112 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Burn of Lambawater -- 43 -- 27 Burn of Laxfirth -- 44 -- 36 Burn of Longawater -- 48 -- 90a Burn of Lunklet -- 43 --10 Burn of Marrofield-water -- 43 -- 8 Burn of North Hamarsland -- 48 -- 90a Burn of Quoys -- 43 -- 22 Burn of Pettawater -- 43 -- 14 Burn of Scallafield -- 43 -- 27 Burn of Scudillswick -- 44 -- 33 Burn of Lefmoor -- 48 -- 74 Burn of South Brigadale -- 43 -- 7 Burn of Tactigill -- 48 -- 74a Burn of Truggles-water -- 43 -- 23 Burn of the Dale -- 44 -- 29 Burn of the Dale -- 43 -- 20 Burn of the Waters -- 44 -- 35 Burns -- 43 -- 16 Burnt Knowe -- 43 --28b Burnt Knowe -- 44 -- 32 Burrier -- 49 -- 101 Butter Stone -- 43 --6 Cat Firth -- 48 -- 78 Site of Chapel -- 44 -- 66 Site of Chapel -- 48 -- 87 Church -- 44 -- 43 Cletts of Rammageo -- 44 -- 67 Climnie -- 44 -- 64 Clingrack -- 44 -- 71 Clock Loch -- 49 -- 99 Corbie Geo -- 49 -- 107 Corn Holm -- 44 -- 60 Croo Geo -- 44 -- 67 Crooka Dale -- 43 -- 28 Cunning Holm -- 44 -- 59 Dale Burn -- 48 -- 82a Dales Voe -- 49 -- 107 Darls Bank -- 44 -- 46 Dead Man's Geo -- 49 -- 94 Deep Dale -- 43 -- 15 Delting -- 43 -- 2 Dock of Linganess -- 44 -- 70
OS1/31/5/113 [Page] 113 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Dove's Cove -- 44 -- 52 Dringa Neap -- 44 -- 66 Dubbs of Burrafirst -- 43 -- 9 Dudd Hill -- 43 -- 28b Dud of Flamister -- 43 -- 26 Durra Dale -- 43 -- 27 East Burn -- 43 -- 20 East Burra Firth -- 43 -- 10 East Burrafirth -- 43 -- 4 East Hill of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 7 East Hill of Bellister -- 44 -- 36 East Hill of Houlland -- 43 -- 23 East Kame -- 43 -- 13 East Peerieden -- 43 -- 17 Egils House -- 44 -- 53 Es Wick -- 44 -- 62 Eswick -- 44 -- 62 Eswick Holm -- 49 -- 93 Felshun -- 44 -- 58 Fern -- 44 -- 38 Finnister -- 49 -- 96 Fiska SKerry -- 44 -- 64 Flamister -- 43 -- 22 Fora Ness -- 49 -- 107 Foraness Voe -- 49 -- 107 Freester -- 48 -- 79 Freester Knowe -- 49 -- 94 Fru StacK -- 44 -- 69 Geo of Brima -- 48 -- 82 Geo of MirKhellier -- 49 -- 103 Gilsa Burn -- 48 -- 90 Girlsta -- 11 -- 74b Glebe -- 44 -- 51 Glet Ness -- 49 -- 100
OS1/31/5/114 [Page] 114 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Glen Burn -- 42 -- 23b. Gletness -- 49 -- 97 Greena -- 48 -- 83 Green Holm -- 49 -- 108 Green Knowe -- 44 -- 32 Grostane -- 44 -- 35 Grunna Taing -- 44 -- 34 Grunnafirth -- 44 -- 37 Gruti Field -- 43 -- 6 Gult Holm -- 49 -- 98 Hag Mark Stone -- 43 -- 28a Hamar Knowe -- 44 -- 33 Hawke Ness-- 49 -- 108 Hest Hamar -- 49 -- 105 Heoda. Skerry -- 44 -- 62 Hill of Area -- 44 -- 39 Hill of Brunt-Hamarsland -- 48 -- 80 Hill of Catfirth -- 43 -- 28b Hill of Flamister -- 43 -- 18 Hill of Hamarsland -- 48 -- 84 Hill of Neap -- 44 -- 48 Hill of the Taing -- 49 -- 95 Hog Island -- 44 -- 55 Hog Sound -- 44 -- 55 Holli Burn -- 43 -- 9 Hoo Kame -- 43 -- 13 Hoo Stack -- 49 -- 91 Houbie -- 49 -- 106 Housabister -- 44 -- 45 Housa Water -- 48 -- 86 Hughie's Knowe -- 43 -- 18 Kebister Ness -- 49 -- 104 Keen of the Skersons -- 44 -- 57 Keolka -- 48 -- 76 Kergord -- 43 -- 13 Kirkabister -- 44 -- 47 Kirkaby -- 48 -- 83
OS1/31/5/115 [Page] 115 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page KirKa Taings -- 48 -- 82 Kirka Ward -- 48 -- 81 Kirk Ward -- 44 -- 32 Knowe of Finistry -- 43 -- 19 Knowe of Rugwell -- 44 -- 54 Knowe of Whassil -- 44 -- 41 Lamba Scord -- 43 -- 28 Lamba Water -- 43 -- 24 Lambgarth Head -- 48 -- 75 Lamba Knowe -- 44 -- 30 Laxfirth -- 48 -- 90 Lax Firth -- 48 -- 90a Linga SKerries -- 44 -- 67 Ling Ness -- 44 -- 63 Ling Ness -- 49 -- 97 Lingness -- 44 -- 70 Ling SKerry -- 44 -- 42 List if Proprietors -- -- 109 Litla Billan -- 44 -- 72 Little Holm -- 48 -- 79 Little Loch -- 44 -- 61 Little Pund -- 44 -- 71 Loch of Bellister -- 44 -- 40 Loch of Girlsta -- 48 -- 74b Loch of Hamarsland -- 48 -- 85 Loch of HooKame -- 43 -- 17 Loch of KirKabister -- 44 -- 50 Loch of Lingness -- 44 -- 63 Loch of LinKlet -- 43 -- 5 Loch of Pile -- 49 -- 94 Loch of Roonies -- 49 -- 99 Loch of Stavaness -- 44 -- 53 Loch of Skellister -- 44 -- 38 Loch of the Andris -- 43 -- 25 Lochs of the Waters -- 44 -- 35 Lochs of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 7 Loch of Vatster -- 48 -- 89 Longa SKerries -- 49 -- 98 Longa SKerry -- 49 -- 104.
OS1/31/5/116 [Page] 116 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Longa Water -- 48 -- 86 Long Hill -- 48 -- 78 Long Skerry -- 44 -- 46 Loura Voe -- 48 -- 74b Lower House -- 44 -- 38 Lunklet -- 43 -- 5 Maa Water -- 43 -- 24 Manse -- 44 -- 48 Marchis Scord -- 43 -- 9 Marrofield -- 43 -- 10 Marro Field -- 43 -- 10 Marrofield Scord -- 43 -- 11 Marrofield Water -- 43 -- 8 Mid Field -- 43 -- 4 Mid Kame -- 43 -- 14 Mill of Girlsta -- 48 -- 74b Mio Ness -- 44 -- 55 MirKstane Field -- 43 -- 19 Mitten -- 48 -- 75 Moo Field -- 43 -- 18 Mossy Hill -- 44 -- 31 Moul of Eswick -- 44 -- 62 MucKla Billan -- 44 -- 72 MucKle Hill -- 43 -- 17 MucKle Loch -- 44 -- 61 Neap -- 44 -- 54 Neepna Scord -- 44 -- 58 Nesting -- 43 -- 1 NorthbanKs Hill -- 44 -- 58 North Geo of Bretabister -- 44 -- 42 North Holm -- 44 -- 63 North Isle of Gletness -- 49 -- 102 North Knowe of Bodwell -- 48 -- 85 North Nesting -- 43 -- 21 Northpund 48 -- 75 North Voe of Gletness -- 49 -- 100
OS1/31/5/117 [Page] 117 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Otter Point -- 48 -- 84 Outrastone Bay -- 44 -- 55 Oxa Geo -- 48 -- 83 Oxna Burn -- 44 -- 33 Pannie Water -- 43 -- 17 Petta Dale -- 43 -- 14 Petta Water -- 43 -- 11 Pund Geo -- 44 -- 71 Punds of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 4 Queeni Burn -- 43 -- 15 Quilsa Shun -- 43 -- 28a Railsbrough -- 49 -- 96 Ramna Geo -- 44 -- 68 Ramna Geos -- 44 -- 52 Red Burn -- 43 -- 6 Resting Knowe -- 44 -- 40 Ritta Taing -- 48 -- 77 Round Stack -- 44 -- 46 Roonican -- 43 -- 28a Rugwell -- 44 -- 54 Russa Ness -- 48 -- 81 Saltayre -- 49 -- 96 Sand Geos -- 48 -- 84 Sandsound -- 48 -- 82a Sandsound Voe -- 48 -- 82a Sand Water -- 43 -- 25 Sandwater Inn -- 43 -- 25 Scalla Field -- 43 -- 6 Scallafield Scord -- 43 -- 12 Scord of Hamarsland -- 48 -- 84 Scord of Wadbister -- 48 -- 88 Scurra Water -- 48 -- 90a Seli Geo -- 44 -- 57 Simon's Ward -- 44 -- 31 SKeo Taing -- 48 -- 75
OS1/31/5/118 [Page] 118 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Slaggan -- 48 -- 74 Slaggan -- 48 -- 78 Sma Shun of Flamister -- 43 -- 20 Smirlee Field -- 48 -- 73 Sneugie of Long Hill -- 48 -- 74b. South Bay of Eswick -- 44 -- 68 South Briga Dale -- 43 -- 8 South Burn of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 3 Southdyke -- 44 -- 38 South Geo of Bretabister -- 44 -- 42 South Holm -- 44 -- 64 South Holm -- 49 -- 98 South Isle of Gletness -- 49 -- 101 South Knowe of Bodwell -- 48 -- 85 South Mid Field -- 48 -- 73 South Nesting -- 43 -- 23 South Nesting bay -- 44 -- 72 Southpund -- 48 -- 80 South SKerry -- 49 -- 104 South Voe of Gletness -- 49 -- 103 Spentlie Holm -- 44 -- 59 Spoiled Wife's House -- 48 -- 87 Stack of SKerson -- 44 -- 56 Stane Field -- 44 -- 57 Stany Burn -- 43 -- 18 Stany Hill -- 43 -- 20 Stany Hog -- 44 -- 53 StocKan -- 44 -- 70 Stone -- 44 -- 49 Stour Burn -- 43 -- 27 Stour Houll -- 44 -- 69 Stouri Gill -- 48 -- 74 Stova -- 48 -- 87 Stunger -- 49 -- 102 Swae Field -- 49 -- 95 Swarta Scroo -- 43 -- 15 Taa Well -- 44 -- 30 Tainga SKerry -- 49 -- 102 Taing of Railsbrough -- 49 -- 95
OS1/31/5/119 [Page] 119 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Teistie Geo -- 44 -- 52 The Clumpers -- 48 -- 51 The Dale -- 44 -- 29 The Flaach -- 44 -- 68 The Fladdacap -- 45 -- 72 The Gamlers -- 49 -- 95 The Haa -- 48 -- 80 The Hurd -- 48 -- 77 The Keen -- 44 -- 66 The Moorans -- 43 -- 28a The Noup -- 44 -- 69 The Pund -- 44 -- 71 The Roonies -- 49 -- 94 The Runnies -- 44 -- 36 The Runn Hill -- 44 -- 39 The SuecKan -- 49 -- 91 The SuucKle -- 48 -- 79 The Stack -- 44 -- 53 Tresta -- 48 -- 74a Truggles Water -- 43 -- 24 Tumulus -- 48 -- 89 Twart Burn -- 43 -- 15 Twatt Burn -- 48 -- 73 Ura Stack -- 44 -- 48 Valla Ness -- 44 -- 50 Valley of Houlland -- 43 -- 28b Valley of Kergord -- 43 -- 12 Vassa Voe -- 49 -- 99 Vatster -- 48 -- 89 Viles Burn -- 44 -- 50 Voe-head -- 48 --89 Wadbister -- 48 -- 90 Wadbister Ness -- 48 -- 88 Wadbister Voe -- 48 -- 76 Ward of Eswick -- 44 -- 69 Ward of Bellister -- 44 -- 32 Ward of Brough -- 44 -- 65
OS1/31/5/120 [Page] 120 (NAME BOOK) INDEX. Name of Objects -- Sheet -- Page Ward of Laxfirth -- 48 -- 90a Watch-house Burn -- 44 -- 29 Watch-house -- 44 -- 31 Weisdale -- 43 -- 2 Weisdale Hill -- 48 -- 74a Weisdale Voe -- 48 -- 82a West Kame -- 43 -- 11 West Hill of Burrafirth -- 43 -- 9 West Peerieden -- 43 -- 17 Whaa Field -- 43 -- 23 Wheedran -- 48 -- 82b Whilmini Scord -- 44 -- 30 Whirls Water -- 48 -- 86 Whitelaw Lochs -- 43 -- 28b White Stone of Battafield -- 43 -- 9 WicK of Fling -- 44 -- 48 WicK of Housabister -- 44 -- 45 WicK of KirKabister -- 44 -- 47 WicK of Neap -- 44 -- 56 WicK of SKerry -- 44 -- 56 WicK of Vallaness -- 44 -- 50 Wilder Burn -- 44 -- 40 Winna Neap -- 44 -- 49