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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Supposed Site of RESIDENCE of several of the Pictish and Scottish Kings Site of Residence of several of the Pictish and Scottish Kings
Site of Residence of several of the Pictish and Scottish Kings
Site of Residence of several of the Pictish and Scottish Kings
General Belshes Invermay
Mr. Rutherford Forteviot Railway Inn
Robert McGregor. Beedle Forteviot
109 [Situation]: A few chains west of the village of Forteviot. The site of this Castle or residence and the eminence called Haly Hill on which it stood have been entirely swept away by the inundation of the Water of May. General Belshes of Invermay, a gentleman now above 70 years of age pointed out the probable site and he states that some vestiges of the building were in a state of preservation when he was a little boy and which he distinctly remembers and from observations of the locality he has made ever since he speaks positively as to the site he has pointed out. Robert McGregor and others in the village point out the same spot as the site. Mr. Rutherford of the railway Inn differs a little from the above and points out the site rather a little more N W. [North West] where he found a large cut stone in the present channel of the river when building his house some years ago.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 43
Sheet 109 No. 6 Trace 3 -- Parish of Forteviot

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