
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
POW OF ERROL Pow of Errol
Pow of Errol
Pow of Errol
Andrew Tyrie Railway Statn [Station]
Mr William Bruce
J. M. Drummond Esq.
099 [Situation] Passing through the central portion of the parish and runs into the Tay at the S.E [South East] end of it

This is the continuation of Pitroddie Burn thro' [through] the estate of Megginch passing by New farm to Port Allen where it falls into the Firth of Tay
New Farm
Mr Kinmont Banker
Andrew Tyrie. Railway Station
099 [Situation] In the eastern portion of the parish.

A farmhouse & Offices the property of Mr. Allen of Errol Park, the land is let to Mr. Robert Clark and the farm house is occupied by his Cottars

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Errol -- Sheet 99 No. 7 -- Trace 2

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