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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CASTLE (Site of) [Castle Hill] Castle (Site of) Mr. James Gray
Mr. William Duff
Mr. James Fleming
063 On the Castle Hill, south margin of the loch of Clunie and near the parish Church, there are two irregular-shaped piles of stone and cement, which mark the Site of this Castle.
"On the western shore of the lake stands the old Castle Hill, a large green mound, partly artificial, on the top of which are the ruins of a very old building. It stood on the south end of the summit, commanding a distinct view of the neighbourhood, so that it could not be easily surprised. According to tradition it was the Summer Palace and Hunting Seat of Kenneth MacAlpine. If this tradition be correct, it is not unlikely that he formed the Island in the Loch, for the purpose of affording security, in case of the Castle being besieged."
Dunkeld, its Straths & Glens.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 45

Perthshire -- Parish of Clunie

In answer to remarks the examiner "It is impossible to shew
the slight existing remains of this castle on the trace. There is no doubt
there is existing sufficient marks to indicate the site of the building
but they consist merely of two detached portions of Masonry, each
about 8, or 10 links, and, to a casual observer, having more the appearance
of slight outcropping rock, than that of the remains of a building."

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Brenda Pollock

  Location information for this page.