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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Peaked Craig
Picket Craig
Mr Hunter Carlops
Mr Menzies Carlops
Pennicuik's Hist. [History] of Tweeddale
005 [Situation] 22 chains South of Carlopshill

This Craig rises abruptly out of the Dean - to a height of about 70 feet - and terminated in a rocky point, which has obtained for it, its present name
JENNY BARRY'S COVE Jenny Barry's Cove
Jenny Barry's Cove
Jenny Barry's Cove
Jenny Barry's Cove
Mr Hunter
Mr Menzies
Mr Stewart
Mr Napier
Pennicuik's Hist [History] of Tweeddale
005 [Situation] 22 chains South of Carlopshill

This is a natural recess in the face of the rock, reaching about 6 feet inwards, about 3 feet high and the same in breadth, and there is always about 1 feet depth of clear water in it.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 19
Parish of Linton -- Sheet 5 -- Plan 2 -- Trace 2

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Moira L- Moderator, P Wills

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