Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE KING'S GATE The King's Gate
The King's Gate
J. Stobbs
Mr Paxton
013 [Situation] About 5/8 mile N.W. by W. [North West by West] of Newton Grange.
An archway erected in 1822 and intended for King George 4th to pass thro' [through] on his visit to Newbattle Abbey.
MANSE [Newton Grange] Manse
J. Haig
Rev [Reverend] Mr Wright
Co. [County] Map
013 [Situation] About 1 mile W.S.W. [West South West] of Newton Grange.
A neat built manse with offices and ornamental ground attached the residence of Mr Wright the minister of the Parish
Mr Arnot
J. Haig
Earl of Dalhousie p. [per] Document to Mr Arnot
013 [Situation] About 7/8 mile S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Newton Grange.
A neat dwelling house with ornamental ground attachd [attached] the residence of Mr Arnot the property of the Earl of Dalhousie

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Cockpen

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