Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALDERSTONE Alderstone William Brash, Alderstone M [Mid Calder ?]
Mr Buchannan, Alderstone M [Mid Calder ?]
010 A very commodious dwelling House three Storeys high bearing date 1695 It is in good repair very pleasantly Situated in a Small park and centrally between the villages of Mid Calder West Calder Bellsquarry and LIvingstone It is the mansion House of Alderstone Estate which comprises the Farms of Adambrae Crofthead and Rosebank It is the property of and occupied by Mr William Bruce of Alderstone
NEWPARK Newpark Thomas Bauchope Jr [Junior ?] Bellsquarry
Mr Kelly, Mid Cald [Calder]
James Wallace, Joiner Mid Calder
010 A Small Genteel dwelling House in very good repair and pleasantly Situated in a neat laid out pleasure ground An excellent garden adjoins and about 40 acres of Land pertains to the property which is fued from the Estate of Alderstone and belongs to Major Horseberry The property is now unoccupied and for Sale and it was formerly called Sandygate

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 54
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl [Corporal] William Rogers RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
Plan 10A Trace 2
[Object for Alderstone] A House
[Object for Newpark] A House
[Parish] M [Mid] Calder
[Signed] William Rogers 2nd Corpl [Corporal] R [Royal Sappers & Miners]

Transcriber's notes

Some words are partly lost in the tight binding of the right margin.
It is suspected that the correct name of the owner of Newpark may actually be "Horsburgh".

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.


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