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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAIG OF BARLAE Craig of Barlae Thomas Rewan Largerie via Carsphairn
James Wilson Barlea via Carsphairn
009 A Small rocky eminence on the farm of 'Barlea' (hence the name) And on its Summit is a ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] party Barle of Carsphairn.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 36
List of Names collected by John Mahony Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st Exr. [Examiner]
Plan 9C Trace No 2
Parish Carsphairn

Craig of Barlae - A Hill

[Signed] John Mahony Pte. R.S. & M. [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
8th Oct. [October] 1849
W Driscoll Gosset Lt RE [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
July 31 1850

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