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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Kelton Mains
Kelton Mains
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Valuation roll 1819
039 [Situation] About 1 1/8 miles N. [North] by E. [East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A modern stonebuilt house two stories high and was formerly the mansion to the Kelton Estate. It is now a farm house having [suitable] offices & a farm of 147 acres of land attached exclusive of plantations several of which are upon the lands.
The Lane or Canal
Carlingwark Lane
Carlingwark Lane
Carlingwark Lane
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Ainslies map 1820
John R. Rae
James McAdam
Robert Murray.
039 [Situation] At the north side of the Parish of Kelton extending in a S.E. [South East] direction from the River Dee at threave Island to Carlingwark Loch.
An artifical cut extending from the N.W. [North West] side of Carlinwark Loch to the River Dee & near the N. [North] end of [threave] Island. It was cut about the year 1777 for the convenience [of] boats conveying marl from the Loch of Carlingwark to the upper districts of the country

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 18 -- Parish of Kelton

Form 136
Page 50 - Kelton Mains
Page 50 - Carlingwark Lane

[Note after Kelton Mains] Mains The farm attached to a mansion house
Jamiesons Scottish Dicty [Dictionary]

[Note about Carlingwark Lane] The Lane or Canal. "Car-lin i.e. The fort-
lake to which is added the
Scots-Saxon wark"
Note - This has not been used
as a navigable canal for
many years past.
[W S] [Loop] Corpl [Corporal]
RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Note] See also Name List Plan 39D

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