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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Stonehaven [continued from page 2] "&c. fairs, formerly at Megray, about two miles north, for cattle and horses, in June and September, are now held in Stonehaven." (New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] P. [Page] 263)
Stonehaven is the County Town for the Shire of "Kincardine. The older portion of the Town is in the Parish of Dunnottar and the "New Town" is in the Parish of Fetteresso. The population of the Town in both parishes is upwards of three thousand.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 3
Parish of Dunnottar

[signed] B. Render
Corp RE [Corporal Royal Engineers] 2/6/64

Stonehaven is a Corporation aggregate: it has no charter, nor the priviliges of a Royal Burgh - see reply to remarK No. 33 in Dunnottar Parish.

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