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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT A' BHORRAIN Allt a' Bhorrain
Allt a' Bhorrain
Allt a' Bhorrain
Rev. [Reverend] A. McNeill
Mr. Duncan Macintyre
Mr. Dugald Macintyre Innkeeper Ardavasar
063 A small stream having its source a short distance East of "Loch Fada" it runs Southwards & enters the "Sound of Sleat" Signification obscure Rev. [Reverend] Mr. McGregor states that "Borran" is a kind of rough grass in Skye, of which ropes are made.
ALLT MÒR Allt Mòr Rev. [Reverend] A. McNeill
Mr. Duncan Macintyre
Mr. Dugald Macintyre Innkeeper Ardavasar]
063 Signifies "the large stream" and has its source in Loch Fada - flowing southwards and entering the Sound of Sleat at the Aird of Sleat - Copied from p.104 1 2500 scale name lists.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 189
County of Inverness -- Isle of Skye

Allt a' Bhorrain, note: "& 1/2500 plan 63/10"

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