
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LOCH A' MHACHAIR Loch a' Mhachair Mr McEachan
Mr Neil McIntyre
AA Carmichael Esq
050 This name is given to a large irregularly shaped loch, forming the northern boundary of the district of Stilligarry , and about half a mile to the West of Grogar house, The name means "Loch of the Machar"
Loch Ailigearraidh
Mr McEachan Mr Neil McIntyre AA Carmichael Esq 050 This name is applied to a small fresh-water loch, situated a short distance to the east of Locha Mhachair and about a quarter of a mile to the north of the district of Stilligarry meaning obscure
Dùn Aligarry Dùn Aligarry Mr McEachan Mr Neil McIntyre
D Macdonald Manager Ormaclett
050 This name applies to the circular remains of a dùn in Fort, supposed to have been Danish, which is situated near to and at the West side of Loch Aligarry, It is a circular wall overgrown with grass, about 1½ feet high, and about 35 feet in diametre meaning obscure

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[Page] 113
Parish of South Uist County of Inverness
Italic Capitals
Old English
[Initials] 31 Aug. [August] 77

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