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and Glenelg, each wattered by its own little Stream. The former is the site of the village of Glenelg, and takes down the roads from the interior of the mainland to the grand ferry into Skye. It is quite destitute of trees, except toward the foot, but is clothed to the very summit of its hill-screens with green pastures; and the entry to it at the upper and, with the hills of Skye in the distance, discloses a brilliantly impressive view. The inhabitants of Glenelg proper reside principally in hamlets at the side of the streams, their arable land extending along the banks and on the declivity of the hills. Some of them also dwell on Loch-Howin-side. In this district the soil is good; part of a deep black loam and part of a sandy gravel, yielding crops of potatoes and oats. The hills afford good pasture for cattle. In Knoydart the inhabitants dwell in villages bordering on the sea and along the sides of Loch-Howin and Loch Nevis. Here the soil is in general light yielding early crops of barley oats and potatoes. The hills, though high are mostly green to the top and afford excellent pasture for all kinds of cattle.

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