Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CARN LEITIR AN LOCHAIN Càrn Leitir an Lochain Rev. [Reverend] J. McLean
Mr A. McPherson
Mr H. McDonald
068 This Name Signifies "the Cairn Facing or Sloping towards the Loch" and is applied to a small rocky eminence situated immediately south east of Loch Tarff. The property of Lord Lovat.
RAICH BURN Raich Burn Mr A. McPherson
Mr H. McDonald
068 A small stream having its source a short distance South West of Càrn Leitir an Lochain and flowing in a northerly direction until it joins Loch Tarff
CARN CLACH NA FEARNA Càrn Clach na Feàrna Rev. [Reverend] J. McLean
Mr A. McPherson
Mr H. McDonald
068 A small rocky eminence situated between Glen Curachan and Càrn Leitir an Lochain. Lord Lovat proprietor. Name Signifies "The Stone Cairn of the Alder".

Continued entries/extra info

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County of Inverness -- Parish of Boleskine & Abertarff

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