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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MEALL NAN SPARDAN Meall nan Spardan Rev. [Reverend] John McCrae. E.C. [Established Church] Glenelg
Hugh McDonald. Kinlocharkaig
William Ingles
108 An eminence situate on the W. [West] side of Coir' an Eich about a mile S. [South] of An Cumhann
Sig. [Signifies] - "The hill of the Little eminence"
COIR' A' BHOGANAICH Coir' a' Bhoganaich Same Authorities
Rev. [Reverend] John McCrae. E.C. [Established Church] Glenelg
Hugh McDonald. Kinlocharkaig
William Ingles
A small corry extending in a S.W. [South West] direction from Glen Dessary, about ½ mile E. [East] of Coir' an Eich
Sig. [Signifies] - "The simpleton's corry."
ALLT COIR' A' BHOGANAICH Allt Coir' a' Bhoganaich Same Authorities
Rev. [Reverend] John McCrae. E.C. [Established Church] Glenelg
Hugh McDonald. Kinlocharkaig
William Ingles
108 A stream, rising in Coir' a' Bhoganaich, and flowing into the River Dessary.
Sig. [Signifies[ - "The stream of the simpleton's corry."

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 38 Sheet 108 Parish of Kilmonivaig Co [County] Inverness

[signed] Charles Cooke Sapper. R.E. [Royal Engineers]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

ron hill

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