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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CASTLE OF FINHAVEN (Remains of) Castle of Finhaven (In Ruins)
Castle of Finhaven (In Ruins)
Castle of Finhaven (In Ruins)
Castle of Finhaven (In Ruins)
Finhaven Castle
Robert Hector Esqr. Factor
Estate Map
The Rev. [Reverend] H. Stewart
Mr. Stewart Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
New Stat. [Statistical] Account
033 The ruins of an old Castle which was once the residence of the Earl of Lindsay and Crawford. The only portions now standing at its original height are 2 sides of a high square tower much shattered. Its age is not known, and no dates are to be seen on its walls.
"On the north side of the Hill of Finaven, stands the ruins of the Castle of Finhaven, once the residence of the Earl of Lindsay and Crawford. There is now remaining of it little more than two sides of a high square tower, much rent & shattered. The period of its erection is quite uncertain"
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
East Mains
East Mains
East Mains
James Guthrie Occr. [Occupier]
Robert Hector Esqr. Factor
Estate Map
Val. [Valuation] Roll (1860)
033 A fine farm house and offices The property of James Carnegie Gardyne Esqr. of Noranside

Continued entries/extra info

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Alison James- Moderator, Alice Bremner

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