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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Earn Scar
Earn Scar
Charles Duncan
David Milne, Longdrum
David Mill. Westerton
023 A large overhanging Crag in the defile of "Craig of Balloch"
SAINT ANDREW'S WELL St. Andrew's Well Charles Duncan
David Milne, Longdrum
David Mill. Westerton
023 A well known name applied to a fine spring of pure water near "Longdrum". It is built with stone. On the top of a slab is a carved figure, much defaced, supposed to be a cross.
LITTLE DOUCHRAY Little Douchray Charles Duncan
David Milne, Longdrum
David Mill. Westerton
023 A slight though prominent depression in the side of "Long Drum"

Charles Duncan
David Milne, Longdrum
David Mill. Westerton
County Map
Val: [Valuation] Roll 1859.
023 A good farmsteading the property of Mr. Lyons,

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 19
Co. [County] Forfar

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Invicta2

  Location information for this page.