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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Fullarton's Imperial Gazetteer
Statistical Account
Estate Plan
039 [Situation] ½ mile East of Dunnichen village.
A large & wide scattered village on the eastern border of the Parish. It was formerly a farm, but in year 1788 G Dempster Esqr. the proprietor, had it laid out into regular streets & a boundary was also marked, it being his intention to make it a Borough Town.
The ground is Feud at the rate of £2.0.0 per acre & the greater part of the inhabitants have from one to Six acres, which they cultivate during their leisure hours, the rest of their time being taken up weaving, in connection with the Coarse Linen Trade, which is here carried on to a considerable extent. There is in the village a Public Hall & Library, Chapel of Ease, Free Church, Independent Chapel & Secceder Church; also a School in connection with the Free Church, & another one self supporting.
There is also a society of Feuars headed by a Provost & having their
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Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Dunnichen -- Plan 39.10 Trace 3.

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Alison James- Moderator, Caspell

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