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Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 21A

O.S. [Ordnance Survey] Monifieth

Mr. Kidd the farmer at Grange
of Barry farm house, whom I
saw today, is of opinion that
the object beside his house which
I have shaded on trace and written
"Mound" to, is not artificial. He
thinks it is a small natural hill
which being close to the house, the former
proprietors, for ornamentation, might
have evened the sides and flattened
the top, so that now on the west
& south sides it is apparently
artificial - on the east side
& heath on the north it has the
appearance of being natural -
He agrees with Mr. Proctor in his views
on the matter - see late remarks -

[Major] Cooke R.E. [Royal Engineers]

John Keely
2nd Corpl R.E. [2nd Corporal Royal Engineers]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Nora Edwards, Alison James- Moderator, Catherine Rice

  Location information for this page.

  There are no linked mapsheets.